Talk:Rollbar (RPM)
From Transformers Wiki
Merge with Rollbar (ROTF)?
I really, really think Rollbar (RPM) is the same character as Rollbar (ROTF).
- The RPM toy is obviously intended to represent the 2007 Game's Autobot "Payload" drone.
- That drone is, of course, the Autobot color-scheme for Payload.
- Rollbar (ROTF) is 2009's Autobot recolor of Payload.
- The RPM toy (though based on Brawn) uses the colors of the the 2007 Payload drone drone, and the name of the 2009 Payload recolor. If they were not meant to be the same character... then they would not have re-used the name thusly.
The RPM toy's personality isn't incompatible with the ROTF toy's... the RPM bio is referencing the 'charge in' tactics of the game drone, and is in the drone colors. I maintain that is is only logical to say that these both represent one Rollbar. (Or at least-- Rollbar and "Rollbar (drone)", much like Swindle and his drones... the drone bios always painted them as == the 'parent' character.) -Derik 17:27, 14 December 2009 (EST)
- I'm not sure this is relevant a year-plus later, and it's hard to be sure because at least two of those links don't go where Derik pointed them anymore, but...what? Rollbar (ROTF) isn't a recolor of Payload, he's a new-mold delivery truck. The RPM is a light blue Hummer, not a silver armored car. I'm pretty sure none of this chain of logic follows. Or is logic. -LV 21:17, 10 February 2011 (EST)
How do we know the Rise Of The Dark Spark guy is this Rollbar and not the one that looks like the one from ROTDS?? (AutoTrooper2801 (talk) 13:17, 28 April 2022 (EDT))