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The Transformers: Best of UK: Dinobots

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The Transformers: Best of UK
BoUK Dinobots TPB.jpg
Hulk... I mean, me Grimlock SMASH!
Publisher IDW Publishing
Writer Simon Furman, Bob Budiansky
Art Barry Kitson, Will Simpson, Geoff Senior
Art assist by Tim Perkins, Andrew Leary
Pencillers Barry Kitson, Will Simpson, William Johnson
Inkers Marc Griffiths, Dave Hine, Tim Perkins, Kyle Baker
Colorists Gina Hart, Stuart Place, Jeff Anderson, John Burns, Tony Jozwiak, Nelson Yomtov
Letterers Richard Starkings, Annie Halfacree, Mike Scott, Rick Parker
Editors Chris Francis, Sheila Cranna, Ian Rimmer, Jim Owsley
Continuity Marvel Comics continuity
Price $19.99

Best of UK: Dinobots is the first of IDW Publishing's Best of UK series. It contains the same material as Titan Books' Dinobot Hunt collection, with the addition of "Repeat Performance!" from the US series to round out the pattern of two stories (or parts of stories) per issue. New covers were created for each issue (see credits below).


Issue #1

Release date: September 12, 2007

Covers (4)

  • Cover A: Swoop with lightning coming out of his eyes. Art by Nick Roche, colors by Rob Ruffolo.
  • Cover B: Scene from second story.
  • Retailer incentive retro cover-A: Scene from first story.
  • Retailer incentive sketch cover-B: Same as cover A, but uncolored.

#45 "The Icarus Theory" Part 1

#46 "The Icarus Theory" Part 2


Issue #2

Release date: October 10, 2007

Covers (4)

  • Cover A: Snarl brandishing sword. Art by Nick Roche, colors by Rob Ruffolo.
  • Cover B: Scene from first story.
  • Retailer incentive retro cover-A: Scene from second story.
  • Retailer incentive sketch cover-B: Same as cover A, but uncolored.

#47 "Dinobot Hunt!" Part 1

#48 "Dinobot Hunt!" Part 2


Issue #3

Release date: November 7, 2007

Covers (4)

  • Cover A: Slag brandishing sword by Nick Roche, colors by Rob Ruffolo
  • Cover B: Scene from second story
  • Retailer incentive retro cover-A: Panels from second story
  • Retailer incentive sketch cover-B: Same as cover A, but uncolored

#49 "Dinobot Hunt!" Part 3

#50 "Dinobot Hunt!" Part 4


Issue #4

Release date: December 12, 2007

Covers (4)

  • Cover A: Sludge holding Joy Meadows by Nick Roche, colors by Rob Ruffolo
  • Cover B: Scene from first story
  • Retailer incentive retro cover-A: Panels from first story
  • Retailer incentive sketch cover-B: Same as cover A, but uncolored

Transformers Annual 1986 "Victory!"

#74 "In the National Interest" Part 1


Issue #5

Release date: January 9, 2008

Covers (4)

  • Cover A: Grimlock brandishing sword over defeated Decepticons by Nick Roche, colors by Liam Shalloo
  • Cover B: Scene from first story
  • Retailer incentive retro cover-A: Panels from second story
  • Retailer incentive sketch cover-B: Same as cover A, but uncolored

#75 "In the National Interest" Part 2

#76 "In the National Interest" Part 3


Issue #6

Release date: April 2, 2008

Covers (3)

  • Cover A: Guardian beating up Constructicons by Josh Burcham (art and colors)
  • Cover B: Guardian leading the Dinobots by Josh Burcham (art and colors)
  • Retailer incentive retro cover: Panels from first story

#77 "In the National Interest" Part 4

The Transformers #8 "Repeat Performance!"



  • Bonus material includes all of the newly created cover images in color and black & white. The retro covers were not included. Also, "Repeat Performance!" was not included in the collection.
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