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Tigerbreast is a Decepticon Breast Animal from the Victory portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
You've got a tiger by the tail! Hoooooold oooon, Tigerbreast! Tigerbreast!

Tigerbreast (タイガーブレスト Taigāburesuto, aka Tigerchest) is one of the Breast Animal partners of Deathsaurus. He is completely faithful to Deathsaurus, and is often seen crouching beside Deathsaurus's throne, like Eaglebreast. He transforms into a bow weapon for his master.



Victory cartoon

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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The Brave Hero of the Universe - Star Saber Attack! Leozack Unite!! Multiforce Infiltration... The Uranium Mine Explosion!! The Energy Base Big City - Underground Terror The New Warrior - Hellbat Attack the Shuttle Base!! Rescue Jan!! Resurrection!? The Decepticon Fortress Battle Up of Wrath!! Crisis! Ambush in the Desert A Deadly Battle Fight!! Victory Leo The Terror of the Giant Tidal Waves Showdown! The Fortress vs the Victory Unification

Victory comic

Tigerbreast served as Solon's steed when the boy accompanied Deathsaurus into the field. The Decepticons had planned to use a forest fire as a source of energy, but soon found themselves spied upon by Jan Minakaze. Solon had Tigerbreast spring towards the boy so that he could capture him and bring him before the Decepticon Emperor. However, Autobot reinforcements then came charging in, and forced the Decepticons to retreat. Great Reversal! Star Saber

Tigerbreast was napping at Deathsaurus's feet when the Decepticon leader learned that Leozack had disobeyed orders and headed for Earth on his own. Leozack's Rampage!

After Jan was kidnapped by Yokuryu and brought before Deathsaurus, Tigerbreast unsuccessfully attempted to intimidate the boy. Tigerbreast was then sent tumbling away when Star Saber burst into Deathsaurus's throne room to rescue Jan. Danger, Jan! Hurry, Star Saber!

He once more served as Solon's steed after the boy was badly burnt during a fight between Kingsaurus and Victory Saber. Tigerbreast traversed the gulf of space to return Solon to Earth. Victory Saber Is Strong! There, Blacker caught up to the pair and snatched Solon off Tigerbreast's back. Blacker convinced Solon to join the fight against the Decepticons, which Solon announced to his now former-leader after Tigerbreast brought him to where the Decepticons were currently facing off against the Autobots. Shine, Five Stars of Victory

Tigerbreast trotted alongside a badly damaged Deathsaurus as the Decepticon emperor revealed to the Autobots that his forces had been collecting energy from Earth to sustain their families. The war between the two factions ended shortly thereafter in a peaceful truce. The Grand Victory War

2005 IDW continuity

LL12 Liokaiser.jpg

Tigerbreast accompanied Deathsaurus when his forces were pinned down on the planet Frayus, and he took part in the three-way skirmish between the forces of the Galactic Council and the Black Block Consortia. Journey's End


Transformers: Earth Wars

Let's see what you can see...

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Specifics: Need Earth Wars model

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers

That's neat, that's neat, that's neat, that's neat. Really love your tiger breast.
  • Deszaras (Breastforce, 1989)
Released in the Victory portion of Takara's Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers toyline, Tigerbreast transforms from a robotic tiger (with a lot of stuff on his back) into a blaster cannon, plus he has a third mode as a piece of chest armor for Deathsaurus. In armor mode, he's designed to be the main piece, with the Decepticon leader's other "Breast Animal" partner Eaglebreast tucked away behind Tiger, deep in Deathsaurus's chest cavity.
Tigerbreast's cannon mode actually lacks any kind of peg to allow Deathsaurus to hold him "properly", instead relying on slotting Deathsaurus's fist into a groove on Tigerbreast's underside and letting simple friction do the job.
Of course, he was only available packed in with Deathsaurus and Eaglebreast.


Oh please, you haven't met the real Tiger King.
The third Transformers figure produced through Hasbro's crowdfunding platform HasLab, the huge, immaculately cartoon-accurate Deathsaurus is naturally packed with his "Micromasters", "Tigerchest" and "Eaglechest". As the set prioritizes animation-accuracy, Tigerchest transforms into a longbow, complete with arrow. However, one can still easily replicate the original toy's gun mode with this figure. The chromed crescents are removable - mostly so they can be packed very safely in the box to avoid damage during shipping - and attach via 5mm posts.
Like Victory Saber, Deathsaurus cost $179.99 USD and required 11,000 "backers" to go into production. The crowdfunding began on October 27, 2022, and ran through December 12 with an expected shipping date of Fall 2023. The set was fully funded on November 28, 2022—14 days before the project deadline. It began shipping to purchasers in December 2023.


Transformers Gum

  • War for Cybertron Optimus Prime (2012)
Tigerbreast was released by Kabaya as a snap-together kit, and can assume the modes of the original toy. He has no articulation in beast mode, but can be held in the hand of Deathsaurus in gun mode. He can also combine with Deathsaurus by affixing to his chest. Unlike Deathsaurus or Eaglebreast, Tigerbreast does not require any partforming to change modes.
Though he is designed to interact with the Deathsaurus figure, Tigerbreast came packaged with War for Cybertron Optimus Prime.


  • When the original Deathsaurus mold was redecoed into the non-living "Red Geist" mech for Takara's The Brave of Legend Da-Garn toyline, Tigerbreast was the only one of his partners to be included as well. In the accompanying show, Tigerbreast's weapon mode was reinterpreted as a jet mode.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Tigerchest (タイガーチェスト Taigāchesuto)


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