Transformers: Classic Heroes Team
From Transformers Wiki
Transformers: Classic Heroes Team is a 2022 toyline that originally began as a subline of rereleased Rescue Bots Academy toys in the previous year, but later branched into its own toyline featuring all-new molds and redecoes of Generation 1, Beast Wars and live-action characters.
All toys released under Classic Heroes Team are Rescan-style toys rebranded as "All Star Rescan". As the assortment retains the same product code as its original Rescue Bots Academy incarnation, wave numbers begin at 3.
Wave 3
Wave 4
Wave 5 | Wave 6
![]() "All Star Rescan" Optimus Primal |
- Besides Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, the original Rescue Bots Academy incarnation of the line also included rereleases of Heatwave the Fire-Bot and Chase the Police-Bot.