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Transformers: New Order

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The name or term "New Order" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see New Order (disambiguation).
The Transformers TPB
I'd like to order a trailblazer with three eggs over easy, ham, white toast, and pancakes.
Transformers: New Order
Publisher Titan Books
First published 30 May, 2003 (TPB)
27 June, 2003 (HC)
Writer Bob Budiansky
Pencillers William Johnson, Mike Manley, Herb Trimpe & Ricardo Villamonte
Inkers Kyle Baker, Al Gordon, Brad Joyce & Tom Palmer
Colorist Nel Yomtov
Letterers Diana Albers, Janice Chiang & Rick Parker
Editors Mike Carlin & Jim Owsley
Continuity Marvel Comics continuity
ISBN ISBN 1-84023-625-6
TPB ISBN ISBN 1-84023-624-8
Price $19.95, £14.99
Printed in Italy

Transformers: New Order, published by Titan Books, is the name of their eighth printed Generation 1 trade paperback. The second volume by internal chronology, it contains six issues (#7-12) of the original US Transformers comics published by Marvel.




  • The comic issue with the similar name, "The New Order", is not included in this collection.



  • The Engine
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