Transformers Deck-Building Game
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Players take on the role of a Transformer and explore a "Matrix" of hidden cards, which can then be bought or, if they are an Adversary, battled once turned face up. Each player begins the game with a set of ten simple cards, drawing a hand of five of them to use each turn, but this deck can be bolstered with the ones bought from the Matrix – the titular "deck-building" aspect. Most cards provide Power (used to buy or battle other cards) and/or Move (used to move and search the Matrix) when played, and can also provide a variety of extra abilities or combat effects.
Multiple different gameplay modes are available: a single faction's base game allows for either cooperative or competitive play (with the latter justified as a "friendly competition" between teammates), but combining both base games makes Autobot vs. Decepticon team gameplay possible, and expansion packs add yet more options, including a "One vs. Many" mode. Thus far, each base game or expansion has been accompanied by a matching "Bonus Pack" available only direct from Renegade Game Studios, which adds a small number of extra cards to the game.
Card types
- Character – These oversized cards represent the player. Most characters cards have two sides: Bot Mode and Alt Mode. Some characters have multiple cards for extra Alt modes. Combiner characters have a Combiner Mode and a Team mode.
- Starter – These cards make up your starting ten-card deck, and typically provide limited utility compared to others. Once they've started buying better cards, a player will likely want to "destroy" their Starters when possible to improve their deck.
- Encounter – An Encounter card is drawn whenever a character is Ambushed or when initiating a Confrontation against a Boss. A player resolves either the text at the top or bottom of the card (not both), depending on the type of Encounter that is occurring.
- Basic – This term is used to denote cards that are stored on the table rather than being hidden within the Matrix, including Damage cards that are applied to players during attacks, and Roll Out!/Rise Up!/Reinforcement cards that can be bought by players at any time.
- Ruin – Cards similar to Sites, they are placed in the Matrix after finishing a battle and have harmful effects when moved onto. If all 10 ruins are on the board at once the game ends, they can be cleared and provide rewards for doing so.
- Planetary Ruin – A seperate type of Ruin, these are placed in the Matrix when Planet-type Sites are removed.
- Mission – Secret goals of adversary players that give a Victory Point bonus when fulfilled, and subtract Victory Points if left in play by the end of the game.
- Chaos – Cards specific to Unicron when battling him in co-op mode. They determine his movement, attack values and Confrontation effects.
"Main deck" cards come in a variety of types, which determine how a player can use and interact with them in the Matrix:
- Boss – If anyone is playing as Autobots, Decepticon Bosses will be included in a game, and vice versa. Boss characters come in levels of I, II and III, and one of each will be seeded through the main deck at certain points (Level I near the top of the deck, Level II near the middle, etc.). Revealing a boss character in the Matrix will trigger a "Reveal Attack" against all players, and to defeat them a "Confrontation" must be triggered, which will potentially see multiple players contributing cards to defeat them. Defeating all three bosses will trigger the immediate end of a Solo, Cooperative or Competitive game.
- Robot – These cards represent Autobot and Decepticon "NPCs" found within the Matrix. A Robot of the same faction as you can be bought, adding them to your deck, while a Robot who is your Adversary can be battled, which will usually score you an immediate Victory Point bonus and send them to your Vault to score further at the end of the game. If an Adversary Robot is revealed on your current space, it will trigger an "Ambush" against you, as will entering a space with a revealed Adversary.
- Ally – These represent individuals or equipment that can aid the player, and are notable for staying on the table between turns, providing an ongoing or start-of-turn benefit to the player for as long as they remain there. Earlier sets largely focused on humans and their technology, but later releases have included alien characters and even faction-neutral Transformers.
- Relic – Relics are the most expensive cards to buy, but provide very beneficial abilities once they are in your deck. Typically, Relics can also be voluntarily placed in your "Vault", which removes it from your deck, but allows you to score Victory Points for it at the end of the game.
- Maneuver – Representing particular combat skills, these cards generally have useful battle effects once bought for your deck.
- Technology – Representing a variety of equipment, these cards can provide useful abilities once in your deck, but typically don't generate Move for you.
- Site – These cards cannot be bought, and once revealed instead serve as a special location within the Matrix, with some kind of unique benefit that you can activate while visiting it.
- Cooperative Scheme – Included in the deck for Cooperative games, these cards cause some undesirable change in gameplay once revealed, but can be "thwarted" with effort from players.
- Decepticon Scheme/Autobot Initiative – Faction schemes/initiatives are similar to Cooperative Schemes, but are not exclusive to Co-op games, serving instead to provide "enemy action" in games where players are either all Autobots or all Decepticons.
- Polity – Similar in mechanic to Sites but added in like Bosses, players can take command of a polity for their faction to gain beneficial effects and Victory Points at the end of the game.
Core Set game
The original Core Set release introduces Autobots as playable characters, and includes three modes of play: Solo, Cooperative and Competitive.
- Courage × 30
- Firepower × 5
- Fix × 5
- Patrol × 5
- Reserves × 5
- Out of Gas
- Underestimated
- Power Fluctuation
- Undermined
- Crushing Blow
- Outmaneuvered
- Casualties of War
- Dominance
- Uphill Battle
- Roll Out! × 16
- Damage × 20
- Astrotrain (Level I Decepticon)
- Soundwave (Level I Decepticon)
- Blitzwing (Level II Decepticon)
- Starscream (Level II Decepticon)
- Devastator (Level III Decepticon)
- Megatron (Level III Decepticon)
Robot - Autobot
- Arcee
- Brawn
- Bumblebee
- Cliffjumper
- Hound
- Ironhide
- Jazz
- Mirage
- Optimus Prime
- Prowl
- Ratchet
- Sideswipe (Bonus Pack)
- Sunstreaker (Bonus Pack)
- Wheeljack
Robot - Decepticon
- Kyle Pennington
- Military Airstrike
- Military Transport
- Sparkplug Witwicky
- Spike Witwicky
- Verity Carlo
- Charge × 2
- Dodge × 2
- Helping Hand × 2
- Heroic Effort × 2
- Jump × 2
- More than Meets the Eye × 2
- Quick Change × 2
- Recon × 2
- Dropship × 2
- Energon Drill × 2
- Energy Swords × 2
- Force Dome × 2
- Galactic Positioning System × 2
- Ground Bridge × 2
- Repair Bay × 2
- Teletraan 1 × 2
- Arctic
- Autobot Base
- City
- Desert
- Energon Mine - Small
- Energon Mine - Large
- Military Base
Decepticon Scheme
- All-Out Assault
- Divided Loyalties
- Hostage Crisis
- Magnetized Core
- Space Bridge to Cybertron
Cooperative Scheme
- Energon Embargo
- Mass Extermination
- Orbital Laser
- Rising Darkness
- Stolen Power
A Rising Darkness game
A Rising Darkness is a matching Decepticon-themed counterpart to the Core Set, and by itself includes the same game modes. When both games are combined, Team vs. Team gameplay becomes available, allowing Autobot and Decepticon players to compete in teams of one or two. The corresponding Bonus Pack includes the game's first playable Triple Changer, Astrotrain.
- Astrotrain (Bonus Pack)
- Megatron
- Scrapper
- Shrapnel
- Soundwave
- Starscream
- Thundercracker
- Wrath × 30
- Firepower × 5
- Fix × 5
- Hunt × 5
- Reserves × 5
- Stick It In Neutral
- Evasive Maneuvers
- This Ends Here
- We Must Stand Our Ground
- Autobots, Roll Out!
- Never Give Up
- One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall
- Evil Cannot Win
- Others Will Rise
- Help Is On The Way
- Rise Up! × 16
- Damage × 15
- Damage - Short Circuit × 5
- Arcee (Level I Autobot)
- Bumblebee (Level I Autobot)
- Ironhide (Level II Autobot)
- Prowl (Level II Autobot)
- Omega Supreme (Level III Autobot)
- Optimus Prime (Level III Autobot)
Robot - Autobot
Robot - Decepticon
- Change of Plans × 2
- Decepticons, Attack! × 2
- Evade × 2
- Mass Displacement × 2
- Strafe × 2
- This Isn't Over × 2
- To Punish and Enslave × 2
- Wingman × 2
- Chameleon Mesh × 2
- Guided Missile × 2
- Headmaster × 2
- Mirror Response Mode × 2
- Plasma Density Charges × 2
- Power Up × 2
- Rectifier Machine × 2
- Spacebridge × 2
- Abandoned Energon Mine
- Construction Site
- Decepticon Command Bunker
- Lunar Dome
- Ore-13 Refinery
- Power Plant
- Weapons Facility
Autobot Initiative
- Let's Even the Odds
- Not So Fast!
- Robots in Disguise
- Running on Empty
- Skywatch Alliance
- This Time We Hit Back
- Tyrest Accord Violation
Infiltration Protocol expansion
This expansion pack requires at least one of the two base games to play, and adds a variety of new cards and playable characters, as well as two new gameplay modes. One vs. Many pits a single, overpowered player against a team of two or three, while Infiltration Phase mode adds a series of objectives that teams must complete in order while dealing with changing constraints.
- Damage - T-Cog Jam × 5
- Roadbuster (Level I Autobot)
- Broadside (Level II Autobot)
- Impactor (Level III Autobot)
- Brawl (Level I Decepticon)
- Thundercracker (Level II Decepticon)
- Thunderwing (Level III Decepticon)
- Black Shadow (Level III Decepticon Phase-Sixer)
- Overlord (Level III Decepticon Phase-Sixer, Bonus Pack)
- Sixshot (Level III Decepticon Phase-Sixer)
Robot - Autobot
Robot - Decepticon
- Doubledealer (also Robot)
- Garnak
- Local Resistance Fighters
- Mayhem
- Reapers
- Killshot × 2
- Orbital Bounce × 2
- High-Voltage Electric Cannon × 2
- Pretender Shell × 2
- Energy Stockpile
- Metroplex (also Boss)
- Siege Armature (also Boss)
- Tunnel Network
- Underwater Base
- Wreck and Rule! (Autobot Initiative)
- Conflagration (Decepticon Scheme)
- Alpha-Scenario (Cooperative Scheme)
- Garrus-9 Prison Break (Scheme, also Boss, Bonus Pack)
Dawn of the Dinobots expansion
A second expansion pack adds the Dinobots, as well as the game's first playable Combiner.
- Damage - Stasis Lock × 5
Robot - Autobot
Robot - Decepticon
- Combine! × 2
- Death From Above × 2
- Logic Puzzle × 2
- Me Smash Brains × 2
- Circuit Speeders × 2
- Kronosphere × 2
- Sonic Sword × 2
- T-Cog Device × 2
- Energy Stockpile
- Active Volcano
- Dinobot Island
- Secret Lab
- Tar Pits
- Halonix Maximus (Autobot Initiative)
- Trypticon Rises (Decepticon Scheme)
- Cybertonium Depletion (Cooperative Scheme)
War on Cybertron game
A standalone set that is compatible with previous Core Sets and expansions introducing Polities, Ruins and Missions.
- Barricade
- Elita-1
- Hot Rod
- Hun-Gurr
- Megatron
- Optimus Prime
- Prowl
- Ramjet (Bonus Pack)
- Slipstream
- Windblade (Bonus Pack)
- Bold × 24
- Resupply × 4
- Scout × 4
- Patch × 4
- Artillery × 4
- Out Of Control
- Desperate Measures
- The Jaws of Victory
- Power Boost
- Ruination
- War of Attrition
- Disarmed
- Outflanked
- The Cost Of War
- Back Up
- Reinforcements × 16
- Damage - Blast Wound × 10
- Damage - Energon Leak × 15
- Hazardous Wreckage × 3
- Hidden Dangers × 2
- Impassable Rubble
- Pile of Scrap × 3
- Toxic War Zone
- Set A Trap
- Secure The Artifact
- Operation Devastation
- Assist & Defend
- Fall Back & Regroup
- War Room
- Convoy Duty
- Simanzian Dawn
- Research & Development
- Nightmare Engine
- Retake The City
- Stockpile Energon
- Shock & Awe
- Remove The Fallen
- Damage Control
- Doom Patrol
- Covert Ops
- Reconnaissance
- Weapons Shipment
- Search & Destroy
- Blaster (Level I Autobot)
- Blurr (Level I Autobot)
- Springer (Level II Autobot)
- Windblade (Level II Autobot)
- Superion (Level III Autobot)
- Ultra Magnus (Level III Autobot)
- Dirge (Level I Decepticon)
- Thrust (Level I Decepticon)
- Octane (Level II Decepticon)
- Turmoil (Level II Decepticon)
- Menasor (Level III Decepticon)
- Shockwave (Level III Decepticon)
Robot - Autobot
- Afterburner
- Air Raid
- Bluestreak
- Chromia
- Elita-1
- Firestar
- Ironfist
- Optimus Prime
- Orion Pax (Bonus Pack)
- Ramhorn
- Rewind
- Skydive
- Silverbolt
Robot - Decepticon
- Barricade
- Breakdown
- Cutthroat
- Drag Strip
- Flamewar
- Megatron
- Miner Megatron (Bonus Pack)
- Motormaster
- Ramjet
- Rippersnapper
- Slipstream
- Slugfest
- Sunstorm
- Alpha Trion (also Robot)
- Decimus (also Robot)
- Guardians
- M.T.O.
- Mercenaries
- Spy Network
- Crystal City (also Site & Ruin)
- Dark Spark
- Key to Vector Sigma
- Photonic crystal
- Sword of Primus
- Deep Cover × 2
- Entrenched × 2
- First Strike × 2
- Fivefold Manuever × 2
- King of the Hill × 2
- Omega Formation × 2
- Overwhelming Force × 2
- Sneak Attack × 2
- Anti-Personnel Mine × 2
- Armor Plating × 2
- Auxiliary power × 2
- Clocking Tech × 2
- Electro-Scrambler × 2
- Gideon's Glue × 2
- Ionic Displacer Rifle × 2
- Robosmasher × 2
- Maccadam's
- Mining Outpost
- Rust Sea
- Smelting Pool
- Vector Sigma
Corporative Scheme
- Centurion Droids
- Death of Cybertron
- Reactor Coolant Failure
- Rust Worms
- Saboteur
- The Rise
Clash of the Combiners expansion
An expansion focusing on and featuring multiple Combiners.
- Courage Afterburner
- Courage Air Raid
- Courage Blades (Bonus Pack)
- Courage Dust Up
- Courage Fireflight
- Courage First Aid (Bonus Pack)
- Courage Groove (Bonus Pack)
- Courage Hot Spot (Bonus Pack)
- Courage Jumpstream
- Courage Lightspeed
- Courage Nosecone
- Courage Pyra Magna
- Courage Rust Dust
- Courage Scattershot
- Courage Silverbolt
- Courage Skyburst
- Courage Skydive
- Courage Slingshot
- Courage Stormclash
- Courage Strafe
- Courage Streetwise (Bonus Pack)
- Wrath Blast Off
- Wrath Brawl
- Wrath Breakdown
- Wrath Dead End
- Wrath Divebomb
- Wrath Drag Strip
- Wrath Headstrong
- Wrath Motormaster
- Wrath Onslaught
- Wrath Rampage
- Wrath Razorclaw
- Wrath Swindle
- Wrath Tantrum
- Wrath Vortex
- Wrath Wildrider
- Damage - Overclocked × 6
- Load of Scrap × 3
- Crushed Metal × 3
- Blind Hazards × 2
- Radioactive Zone
- Impenetrable Debris
- Chromia (Level I Autobot)
- Thunder Clash (Level II Autobot)
- Optimus Maximus (Level III Autobot)
- Volcanicus (Level III Autobot)
- Dreadwing (Level I Decepticon)
- Battletrap (Level II Decepticon)
- Abominus (Level III Decepticon)
- Monstructor (Level III Decepticon)
Robot - Autobot
Robot - Decepticon
- Team Effort
- Combine and Attack
- Power Amplifier
- Stormfall Sword
Cooperative Scheme
- Bad Combination
- Ceasefire
- Fractured Minds
- Slicer Invasion
- When Giants Collide
Chaos Unleashed
An expansion themed around battling Unicron, complete with his heralds and the ruins they leave behind. It introduces a new game mode, in which the players must defend 5 planets from either a player-controlled Unicron, or an automaton with behaviors determined by a special "Chaos" deck.
- Blaster (Bonus Pack)
- Blurr
- Cyclonus
- Galvatron
- Nemesis Prime (Bonus Pack)
- Rodimus Prime
- Scourge
- Unicron
- Wreck-Gar
- Absorb
- Chaos × 6
- Devour
- Regenerate
- Seek
- Damage - Fear x 5
Planetary Ruin
- Gravity Well
- Space Debris × 3
- The Graveyard
- Unicron Confrontation x 8
- Perceptor (Level I Autobot)
- Kup (Level II Autobot)
- Rodimus Prime (Level III Autobot)
- Scourge (Level I Decepticon)
- Snapdragon (Level I Decepticon)
- Cyclonus (Level II Decepticon)
- Straxus (Level II Decepticon)
- Galvatron (Level III Decepticon)
- Nemesis Prime (Level III Decepticon)
Robot - Autobot
- Nautica
- Perceptor
- Greenlight
- Huffer
- Scattershot
- Eject (Bonus Pack)
- Playback (Bonus Pack)
Robot - Decepticon
- Sharkticons
- Wreck-Gar (also Robot)
- Skuxxoids
- Universal greeting × 2
- Battle Plan × 2
- Freefall × 2
- Pulled to Safety × 2
- Autobot Matrix of Leadership × 2
- The Minnow × 2
- The Revenge × 2
- Unicron's Head
Site - Planet
- Rung
- Starscream's Ghost (also Robot)
Cooperative Scheme
- Armada Blockade
- Attack of the Sweeps
- Race to the Matrix
- Trial of the Quintessons
Convention exclusives
Renegade Games Studio periodically distribute exclusive add-on content at gaming conventions such as GenCon. To date the below has not been made available outside the convention, although this remains a possibility.
GenCon 2022
- The Robot card Autobot Megatron has a unique "Autobot/Decepticon" faction, it is considered both factions and thus can be bought by either while not being considered an adversary.
- The first edition of the Core Set used "Transform" as a keyword, but due to Hasbro's crackdown on the language reprintings and future sets instead use "Convert." The Basic card "Transform and Roll Out!" has also been renamed to simply "Roll Out!" for the same reason.
Current releases have several known errors that should be fixed in future printings.
- The Vortex and Brawl robot cards included in the Core Set and its Bonus Pack should have the Combaticon keyword.
- The Core Set rulebook contains a less clear explanation of the "assist" mechanic, the revised version makes it easier to parse.
- The +1 Power available on Ironhide's player card in the Core Set should only trigger when going into bot mode.
- The Desert site card in the Core Set should leave Sites if it reveals one.
- The Soundwave robot card in A Rising Darkness has a Move arrow with no number; the arrow being there is an error and the card is not supposed to provide Move.
- The Ultra Magnus character card in the Infiltration Protocol Bonus Pack should say that both Energon abilities cost 2 instead of the first costing 1.
- The Rulebook for Dawn of the Dinobots says the Devastator character card has 1 Power with Range 0 in combined mode, it should say Range 1.
- Shockwave's character card in Dawn of the Dinobots should have 0 Move instead of 3 in alt-mode.
- The Maneuver card "Deep Cover" in War on Cybertron should allow you to draw one Mission and then discard one afterward.
- The Runamuck character card in the Chaos Unleashed Bonus Pack is misspelled as Runamok.