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Transformers Wiki:Deliberately unused templates

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This page includes templates that are not necessarily in current use but which we want to keep for one or more reasons:

  • The template is used from time to time but may not always be in use.
  • The template is no longer in active use but still exists or is linked to on archive or talk pages.
  • The template hasn't been used yet but could be in the future.

Adding them to this page allows us to keep track of why they are unused and to keep them off Special:UnusedTemplates.

Utility templates

These are templates for passing special characters as part of parameter values into templates or parser functions. They haven't been used so far, but may be of use in the future so it's worth keeping them around.

Other templates

  • {{audioneeded}} - Hasn't been used yet but could potentially be used in the future.
  • {{autosummary}} - Used to create a placeholder creator article with automatically filled in information. This won't always be in use as pages using this should eventually be updated properly.
  • {{bookworm}} - Deprecated template from the Bookworm crash of '09 that was used to mark pages with a list of necessary cleanup to make triage easier. This is still linked on various archived pages but needs to be transcluded somewhere to get it off the unused list.
  • {{goicons}} - Core list of GoBox icons and links that is pulled by our GO! Box widget. This will never be transcluded anywhere else so it is included here to keep it off the unused list.
  • {{goicons/GBfiles}} - This is a page specifically created to get the GoBox icons off Special:UnusedImages. Like Goicons, there will never be a reason to transclude this anywhere.
  • {{IDW2019/seriesname}} - This is used within Template:IDW2019 to generate a link to the appropriate issue article for individual issues where the series is known but there is no story title. Also used for the second issue under the same circumstances when tagging a comparison image. This hasn't happened yet but presumably could, thus we put it here until it happens.
  • {{Indefblock}} - Used to notify a user they've been blocked indefinitely on their userpage. Currently unused, but could easily see use in the future.
  • {{Ongoing}} - Used to denote a fiction section that is incomplete because it covers an ongoing comic/cartoon. This template is included here because while there are some pages currently using it, there are also times where it goes out of use because a lack of ongoing fiction, so this page keeps it in constant use.
  • {{Suite/list}} - Along with {{Suite/test}} these were part of a discussion to move suite pages out of the main namespace. This discussion will likely be picked back up at some point in the future so these are kept here for safekeeping until a final decision on how to proceed has been made.
  • {{SemiprotectSpoilers}} - Used to denote that an article contains spoilers for fiction that is not yet available in one or more major markets. This will inevitably go in and out of use on other articles as new fiction becomes available in all major markets so it is placed here to keep it in use.
  • {{Tempblock}} - Used to notify a user they've been blocked temporarily on their userpage. Currently unused, but could easily see use in the future.
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