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Triple-barrel Phalanx cannon

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Hound Triple-barrel Phalanx cannon TLK.jpg

The Triple-barrel Phalanx cannon is one of Hound's most frequently used weapons.



Age of Extinction film

Upon the Autobot reunion, Hound pointed his Triple-barrel Phalanx cannon at the Yeager family, believing them to be among the "backstabbing weasels" that had screwed them over. Later in Hong Kong, he used it during his attempt to hold back Galvatron's infected KSI prototypes, discarding it when it eventually ran out of ammunition. Age of Extinction

The Last Knight film

In the first conflict with the TRF, Hound made a delayed entry to the standoff, rolling in and pointing his Triple-barrel Phalanx cannon at the soldiers.

Later, as the Autobots and TRF made their big push forward to the ignition chamber, Hound fired off multiple rounds at the Decepticon-Infernocon forces until Infernocus formed. When Megatron fell victim to Hot Rod's time slowing weapon, Hound fired a volley at the tyrant, the delayed temporal impact forcing him back. The Last Knight


Age of Extinction

(Hasbro version pictured)
(TakaraTomy version pictured)
  • Autobot Hound (Voyager, 2014)
    • Series: M4: 003
    • Japanese ID number: AD21
    • Accessories: 2 shotguns, 2 pistols (A), 2 pistols (B), minigun, knife
Part of the second wave of Age of Extinction: Generations Voyager Class toys, the Triple-barrel Phalanx cannon was available with Hound. The gun could also be used to combine with the seven other weapons packaged with the figure to create a much larger gun. Like all of his other weapons, the gun is capable of being stored in both his vehicle and robot mode.
The TakaraTomy version, part of the second wave of Movie Advanced Series toys, features all of his weapons molded in a lighter gray plastic.

  • Autobots United 5 Pack (Platinum Edition, 2014)
    • Accessories: 2 shotguns, 2 pistols (A), 2 pistols (B), minigun, knife
Platinum Edition Autobot Hound is a repainted version of the Voyager class figure above, featuring mostly screen-accurate details. Much like the TakaraTomy release of the figure above, all of the weapons were cast in a lighter shade of gray plastic.
Hound was released as a BBTS shared exclusive "Autobots United" set along with a G1-inspired redeco of Optimus Prime and screen-accurate redecos of Bumblebee, Drift, and Crosshairs.

  • Hound Army Camo Ver. (Voyager, 2014)
    • Accessories: 2 shotguns, 2 pistols (A), 2 pistols (B), minigun, knife
Available only with the Japanese BD/DVD release of Transformers: Age of Extinction, Army Camo Hound is an even more screen accurate redeco of the Voyager Class toy. However, unlike all of the previous releases, all of his weapons were cast in black plastic.
This release was limited to only 3000 pieces.

Movie The Best

  • Autobot Hound (Voyager, 2018-03-24)
    • Japanese ID Number: MB-19
    • Accessories: 2 shotguns, 2 pistols (A), 2 pistols (B), minigun, knife, helmet, shield/sleeper cabin
Movie the Best Hound is a redeco of the voyager class Premier Edition figure, release in The Last Knight toyline. Rather than the weapons included with the Premier Edition toy, he instead comes with the weapons from the Age of Extinction Voyager class toy, with the addition of a new shield that becomes the truck-mode bed shell seen on Hound's vehicle mode in the movie.


AOE Hound Concept Art.jpg
  • While all of Hound's weapons originally went unnamed in the films and toy releases, the name comes from the Designer Desk video for Age of Extinction. With this revelation, it suggests he's toting around part of a Phalanx close-in weapon system, which is a specific type of ship-based Gatling gun normally used against incoming missile fire.
  • Concept artwork and weapons references used in Age of Extinction refer to it as a "Quad Heavy Gatling Gun" despite the weapon only having three gatling barrels.
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