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Ultra Magnus (G1)/merchandise

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As a frequent redeco/retool of Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus has a lot of merchandise! Can he deal with it all?


Power Tronic

He's got the touch. In his brain.
  • Pulsating Light AM Radio (Nasta, 1986)
Pulsating Light AM Radio is a 7.5" tall AM radio in the shape of Ultra Magnus's head, produced by Nasta. It takes 4 AA batteries (two in each antenna) to make him sing, but when he does, his eyes and forehead light up.
The head of Ultra Magnus could be yours for just $12.99.

  • Electronic Voice Synthesizer (Nasta, 1986)
Magnus voice changer.jpg
Sculpted in the likeness of Ultra Magnus but unnamed on its blister card packaging, this "Electronic Voice Synthesizer" produced by Nasta ran on a 9-volt battery and allowed children to "talk like a robot" by mouthing words into the plastic straw attached to its back and holding down the button on its side. Remember, "robots talk slowly and enunciate each word"! Since it was able to create synthesized speech from mouth movements without sound, the toy was used as an inexpensive replacement for electrolarynx devices.[1][2][3][4]


Magnus watch screencaps.jpg
  • Ultra Magnus (Watch, 1986, 1993)
    • Japanese ID number: W-2
Ultra Magnus was one of three characters released as digital watches in Japan by Takara in 1986 to promote the Scramble City toyline (the others being Superion & Galvatron). Cross-promoted in TV Magazine's manga as a wrist-communicator, "Watchbot" (ウォッチボット) Ultra Magnus is a small representation of the character with a clock in his chest. With the push of a lever he "transformed" into a full tiny figure complete with legs, standing up on the watch band. The figure cannot be removed from the watch, but the arms do rotate.
Takara originally planned a North American release of the Ultra Magnus watch toy in 1986 and photographs of it were shown in their 1986 US product catalog. For unknown reasons, its intended 1986 release in the US was cancelled.
Ultra Magnus and the other watches were later re-released in 1993 as part of an expanded line of Transformers watches that was sold directly in North America by Takara as Generation 2 merchandise.

Vinyl figurine

We can assure you it is not a knockoff.
  • Scramble Gun Set (1986)
    • Japanese ID number: Part.2
Like the Galvatron figure packaged with Transform Jr Ultra Magnus listed above, Ultra Magnus was one of several characters released by Takara as large vinyl figurines in a variety of sets, in packaging similar to the Transform Jr line (though lacking the "Jr" part of the logo). Magnus came packaged with a roleplay pistol (the titular "Scramble Gun"), an Autobot badge, and four peach-colored Decoy figures. He took the place of a figure of Optimus Prime, who had been included in the "Part.1" version of the set.
200pts for hitting Magnus
  • Dart Game (1986)
The Ultra Magnus vinyl figure was also included in a TF packaged Dart Gun set. This set included the Ultra Magnus figure, dart scoreboard, dart gun, two darts and a green plastic watch.

Transformers Gum

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  • Ultra Magnus (1986)
    • Accessories: Rifle, large robot head, large robot fists (left and right), pelvis/connector
A model kit of Ultra Magnus was among the many released by Kabaya as part of their Transformers Gum line of candy toys. Released as part of the line's third wave, Magnus is molded in red, white and blue plastic, lacking in paint applications but featuring stickers for detail. As a downsized model, he lost some of the features of his larger toy: His cab no longer transforms into a small robot, simply converting into the transitional form necessary to combine with the trailer, though it does still feature a flip-out small robot head for Magnus's large head to attach to. As the name suggests, he also came with a stick of gum.

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  • Ultra Magnus (2010)
    • Accessories: Rifle, two rocket launchers
A new, smaller version of Ultra Magnus was released as part of the revived Transformers Gum line in 2010, debuting as part of the second wave of figures. A wholly new sculpt (based on the Titanium figure), the new kit is made mostly of dark blue plastic, with a little bit of white and black, and a positively ungodly amount of stickers to add color and detail; for instance, Magnus's (non-transforming) cab is completely covered all around in white stickers to cover the fact it's made of blue plastic!

Transformers Ramune

Decoy magnus.jpg
  • Ultra Magnus (1986)
While no figure of Ultra Magnus was released by Hasbro as part of their 1987 Decoy promotion, the Autobot commander did have a soft rubber figure crafted in his image that was available exclusively in Japan, as part of a second wave of the figures released there in the Transformers Ramune line by Kabaya, along with other Transformers 2010 characters. Like the other figures in this series, Magnus was sold in a blindpacked box and was available in multiple colors, including red, blue and yellow.

3-D Jigsaw Stand Up Puzzle

UltraMagnus 3Dpuzzle.jpg
  • Ultra Magnus (1987)
Released by Warren, this piece of Ultra Magnus merchandise was a jigsaw puzzle in disguise! The 100-piece puzzle, titled "Ultra Magnus frees Bumblebee from the Decepticon Ice Cave!", forms a 20" by 26 1/2" scene that depicted Ultra Magnus trying to rescue a frozen Hubcap (though identified as Bumblebee) from Blitzwing, Scavenger, Bombshell, Kickback, and Shrapnel . The puzzle can then be broken down, and 17 of the puzzle pieces could be assembled into a three-dimensional model of Ultra Magnus standing 10" tall in robot mode. It can also be reassembled into his car carrier truck mode, albeit with a red Optimus Prime]]-style cab instead of his own traditional white.

Forms Robo

  • Ultra Magnus (1987)
Magnus was also part of the small, Japanese-exclusive Forms Robo collection of larger "Decoy"-style figures, with this version of the character standing at around twice the height of a regular Decoy. Like the other figures in this wave, Magnus was packaged in an individual baggie and was available in red, blue, green and yellow.


Now you can tell your friends you bought a forty-cent Ultra Magnus.
  • Ultra Magnus (1987)
Produced by Australian ice cream brand Peters, this delicious Ultra Magnus ice cream bar was a chocolate ice treat that "transformed" into either a chewy bubble-gum stick or a caramel toffee stick!

Collegeville Costumes

I am a robot. I am here to take American jobs!
  • Ultra Magnus Halloween costume (1986)
Ultra Magnus was one of a small number of characters that Collegeville Costumes turned into a Halloween costume. This two-piece outfit adhered to the crappy, time-worn tradition of consisting of a sculpted, thin plastic mask held over the wearer's face with elastic, and a smock with a picture of Ultra Magnus and his name on it.
  • Ultra Magnus mask (1986)
Collegeville also immortalized Magnus in their line of Transformers masks. Made from flat styrofoam, the mask featured a hinge that allowed the wearer to lift it up and down, transforming from kid to robot in the blink of an eye!

Parody Deformed

Gold Plastic Syndrome bound to happen anytime now.
  • Ultra Magnus (1990)
A small, non-transforming, super-deformed model kit of Ultra Magnus was available as part of Kabaya's "Parody Deformed" line of candy toys. The second figure of the fourth wave (the sixteenth figure overall), he was available in multiple colours, including red, blue, and gold, and came with a "PDTF Comic" comic about himself, "Improve Yourself! Ultra Magnus!", as well as a stick of gum.

Super Collection Figure

"Just think about what you want to do before you do it!"
"Shut up Magnus, I'll spend another five dollars to find a blindpacked toy of you if I want to."
  • Ultra Magnus (Super Collection Figure, December 2000)
    • Act: 1
    • Accessories: Stand
A three-inch-tall PVC figurine of Ultra Magnus was available in the first wave of Takara's Super Collection Figure line. Like all the figures in the wave, it was available as both a standard full-color figure and a clear-plastic version, one of each of which was available in a standard case of twelve blindpacked figures. The "clearness" of the clear-plastic version can vary, from clean clear nigh-colorless to a somewhat yellowed tint that appears to have nothing to do with photodegradation.

This was, at the time, possibly the most "obscure" self-reference in a mainstream-ish Transformers product. How far we've come.
  • Ultra Magnus (Early Colors) (September 2001)
    • Act: 4
    • Accessories: Stand
This redeco of the original Super Collection Figure Magnus figurine was available in the fourth wave of the SCF line, rendered in a color scheme based on the original Diaclone "Powered Convoy" figure, as seen in the famous early trailer for The Transformers: The Movie. The figure was available in both full color and metallic silver "pewter" versions, again one each per case of twelve.
In eight out of ten cases of the Act, the pewter version of Magnus came packed with the head and guns of the collectible Metroplex "build-a-figure". These parts were also available in either full-color or clear-plastic, at an equal ratio of 4:4.
The pewter version of the figure has a potential problem with connector peg breakage at the shoulders, due to said pegs often getting a layer of pewter paint before being forced into a socket, leading to sticking and tearing. Care should be used when moving or removing the arms; shaving down the socket interior with a thin hobby knife is usually sufficient to fix the issue.

Heroes of Cybertron

2003 on left, 2006 on right. Yes, there are differences between the 2006 Heroes and the original SCF releases.
  • Ultra Magnus (Heroes of Cybertron, 2003/2006)
Ultra Magnus's original Super Collection Figure PVC was later released by Hasbro as part of the third wave of their Heroes of Cybertron line. Like all the figures in the series, Magnus was given a light-piping gimmick by being cast entirely in translucent blue plastic then painted everywhere (using a considerably darker shade for the red parts) except on his eyes and the back of his head. Unlike the Japanese version, he was sold on a clearly-marked blister card.
Magnus was re-released in 2006 as part of a short-lived Heroes of Cybertron revival, celebrating the 2006 DVD release of the original The Transformers: The Movie. This version of Magnus was cast in solid blue plastic rather than translucent plastic. This makes him almost identical to the SCF version above, with the only (barely) noticeable differences being that Heroes Magnus's eyes are painted darker-than-the-plastic blue and his chestplate is unpainted blue plastic, unlike the SCF version's unpainted-blue-plastic eyes and painted-blue chestplate. This version also paints the blue parts on his back the same darker-than-the-plastic blue as the eyes, for whatever reason.


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  • Ultra Magnus (2003)
    • Japanese ID number: MTF004
    • Accessories: Red display stand
Released in the first wave of the MyClone line of Transformers PVC figures, this super deformed figure of Ultra Magnus comes with a hexagonal red display stand, which can link up with the identical stands included with other MyClone figures. His modular design allows his parts to be mixed and matched with those of any other MyClone figure. You can also reenact certain scenes from The Transformers: The Movie taking place on the Planet of Junk.

Generation 1 Figure-Collection

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  • Ultra Magnus (2003)
    • Japanese ID number: C-7
    • Accessories: Display base
At only one inch in height, this Ultra Magnus "bottlecap" figurine (so named because its display base is the size of a bottlecap) was one of fourteen blindpacked figures available in Kabaya's Transformers Generation 1 Figure-Collection. The figure was rendered in a "retro" black and white color scheme and came with a leaflet, personalized with cartoon screen captures.

Hard Hero Bust

Yup, this is what he looks like from the crotch up!
  • Ultra Magnus (Hard Hero bust, 2004)
The cold-cast porcelain bust of Ultra Magnus was the 13th in Hard Hero's series of Transformers busts. It was designed from line art by Dan Khanna.


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  • Ultra Magnus (statue, 2004)
Palisades Toys' Ultra Magnus statue is a redeco of their Optimus Prime statue from the previous year, and was one of the first pieces of modern merchandise (if not the first) to do the whole up-til-then-mostly-ignored "white repaint of Prime" shtick, capitalizing on Dreamwave Productions' recent highlighting of Magnus's white inner robot in their comics. Sculpted from polystone and limited to 500 pieces, the statue is based on the artwork of Pat Lee. It was initially sold by Palisades exclusively at OTFCC 2003, with any remaining units that did not sell at the convention later made available on the company's website.

First 4 Figures

He dropped the Matrix! That's like dropping a spirit stick! Hurry, pick it up! Too late.
  • SD Ultra Magnus (statue, 2006)
In September 2005, model company First 4 Figures partnered with fan site to run a contest to create an original Transformers statue in the super deformed style. Artist submissions would be narrowed down to a top ten by the TFW2005 staff, before being narrowed down to a top five by forum voting, and finally a simple poll on the F4F homepage, with the winning design being turned into a real figure.
The winning design, depicting an unhappy Ultra Magnus after an amusingly unfortunate attempt at opening the Matrix of Leadership, was created by fan Xu Wei (aka Ironbird), and was limited to 500 pieces in the U.S., and 500 pieces in Europe. An even more limited version of 100 pieces, decoed in the colours of the Diaclone toy Powered Convoy, was available exclusively at the F4F online store.
The original submitted art for Ultra Magnus was also put on a First 4 Figures exclusive poster, along with the rest of the top ten entrants. The posters measured 20 by 16 inches, and 500 prints were available for purchase.

Titanium Series

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  • Ultra Magnus (unreleased)
  • Accessories: Autobot stand?
The final Titanium Series catalogue listed a number of "Micro Figures" intended for release, though many of them never saw the light of day. Among those listed was a 3" Robot Masters Ultra Magnus. This being the height of the white-Optimus-repaint fever, there were a couple of mold choices to pick from for a base, though there's always the chance Ultra Magnus was supposed to get his own dedicated sculpt. Join us next time for more unsolved mysteries.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Robot Heroes

"Watch where you're pointing that thing!"
  • Ultra Magnus & Megatron (Two-pack, 2007)
Robot Heroes Ultra Magnus is a small, non-transforming, super deformed figurine featuring articulation in its head and shoulders. He was sold in a two-pack with Megatron.

  • Ultra Magnus (Single-pack, 2008)
In some countries outside of North America, Ultra Magnus was released individually in a blindpack with no notable changes.


Don't I look awesome in naked?
  • Ultra Magnus (2007)
    • Series number: 019fs
    • Accessories: Photon rifle, two clenched fists, gun-wielding right hand, pointing right hand, open left hand, right handshaking hand
Revoltech Ultra Magnus is, unsurprisingly, a redeco of a simultaneously released Optimus Prime/Convoy figure. A non-transforming but highly articulated action figure, Revoltech Magnus uses the Revoltech "revolver joints" for maximum poseability. His sculpting is explicitly in the style of Pat "serfdom" Lee's interpretation of Prime.
Magnus comes with a photon rifle accessory, as well as a few alternate hands, but understandably lacks the Matrix of Leadership accessory that came with Prime. In its place is a unique extra "hand", a single molded piece of Ultra Magnus and Optimus Prime's hands clasped together diagonally, so that when attached to both Prime and Magnus's respective wrists, it allows one to create a scene of the two Autobot leaders shakin' like homies. Additionally, although Magnus comes pre-assembled with the standard black revolver joints that Prime has, his packaging includes a sheet of replacement white joints one can use to customize Magnus with less obtrusive matching white joints (although not enough joints of the right style are included to swap out all black joints to optimal effect).
Revoltech Ultra Magnus is released as a Friend Shop exclusive.

Sota Toys

  • Transformers Chess Set (2007)
Two identical Ultra Magnus pieces were to be the Autobot-side Bishops on a chess set based on Generation 1, but the set apparently never saw release.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Transformers - Mini Bust

Commander of the Metroflex.
  • Ultra Magnus (Diamond Select, 2009)
Released by Diamond Select Toys in 2009, Ultra Magnus was sculpted by Mark Wong of Art Asylum and limited to 1000 pieces. He is posed holding his laser rifle above a base of the planet Cybertron. His shoulder missile launchers are also positioned forward instead of nowhere in particular as they are in the promotional picture.

USB-Powered Speaker Head

  • Ultra Magnus computer speaker (2009)
    • ID number: TF02
A redeco of the earlier Optimus Prime speaker head, Ultra Magnus contains a set of USB-powered speakers, mounted in two panels which rotate out from the side of his helmet. The control panel, USB port, and earphone port are located on the back of the head. Under the neck, there is a display to support the head.

The Loyal Subjects

  • Ultra Magnus Prime (2013)
    • Accessories: Blaster cannon
The Loyal Subjects Ultra Magnus Prime is a non-transforming 3-inch vinyl figure designed by Les Schetkoe.

Thrilling 30

  • Ultra Magnus (Collectible Figurine, 2014)
    • Series / Number: 2 / #18
    • Accessories: Collector's base
A super-deformed Ultra Magnus was released among the blindpacked Thrilling 30 Collectible Figurines by Goldie Marketing. He comes with a base to help him stand, a collector's card that doubles as a puzzle piece, and a checklist.
  • Collectible Figurines (5-pack, 2014)
    • Series: 2
    • Accessories: 5 collector's bases
The same Ultra Magnus figurine was also available in a 5-pack alongside Bumblebee, Shockwave, Grimlock and Rodimus.

Tiny Titans

TinyTitans UltraMagnus.jpg
  • Ultra Magnus (Tiny Titans, 2015)
    • Series: 2
    • Number: 1/12
Part of the second assortment of Tiny Titans blindpacks, this version of Ultra Magnus is a very small, soft-plastic figure of him in robot mode.
He includes a collectible card that renders him in the 2015 Robots in Disguise styling. The card includes a scan-badge for the Robots in Disguise mobile game, which unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item.
This wave saw fairly minimal release at "big box" retailers, but unlike other waves, was not picked up by drug stores and the like later, making them particularly hard to find.

Mecha Nations

  • Ultra Magnus (2015)
    • ID Number: MN06
    • Accessories: Ion Blaster, Energon Axe, Removable Armor, alternate hands.
Created by Kids Logic, this super deformed G1 Ultra Magnus is, naturally, a redeco of their previous Optimus Prime figure in primarily white, representing his "inner" robot mode.
He stands 6" tall and is articulated, featuring a metallic color scheme, removable armor and replacement hands. He also features LED light up eyes, lights, weapons and Matrix of Leadership. Ultra Magnus was an ACG Hong Kong 2015 convention exclusive.
This figure was also redecoed into Mecha Nations Black Convoy.


  • Ultra Magnus (2017)
    • ID number: UM-02
    • Accessories: Laser rifle, Super Blaster Gun, energon-axe, small Matrix, armor pieces, 2 smokestacks, large Matrix, display stand, 8 display stand parts, remote control
In his base form, Art Storm's Ultimetal Ultra Magnus is a white redeco of the line's Optimus Prime, a non-transforming figure standing at 1 foot 4 inches/43 cm and made from extensive die-cast metal, but armor parts are also included to replicate his armored form. Packaged in four different boxes, he features plenty of articulation and extensive detail, including an opening chest and numerous magnetically attached armor panels that, when removed, reveal his internal anatomy. He also has electronic light-up eyes and roof lights as well as spoken phrases, all activated via remote control.
Ultra Magnus comes with a redeco of Prime's rifle which can also be opened to reveal technical detail, a large rifle base on his original toy's, an energon-axe, and two Matrices of Leadership of different sizes. The smaller one fits into his chest, where it can be lit up by an LED, while the larger one lights up on its own and can be held in his hands or placed on display. Magnus's display stand has smaller stands for the Matrix and rifle and also has light-up parts.

Prime 1 Studio

Prime 1 Studio Premium Masterline Ultra Magnus.jpg
  • Ultra Magnus (2017)
    • ID Number: PMTF-04
    • Accessories: Base, Fusion axe
Prime 1 Studio Premium Masterline Ultra Magnus is a white redeco of the Optimus Prime statue from the same series. He comes with a Fusion axe that can replace his Ion Blaster-holding hand and features LED lights on his eyes.
This release was limited to 350 pieces. This statue was also redecoed as Nemesis Prime.

Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Major Ultra Magnus, Infantry-City Commander (2019)
    • Wave 3: War for Cybertron: Siege I
    • Rarity: SRT
    • Card Number: T11/T48
    • Stars: 12
Major Ultra Magnus, Infantry=City Commander is one of forty-eight double-sided character cards available in Wave 3 of the Transformers Trading Card Game, War for Cybertron: Siege I.
The card's artwork is based on the Siege Ultra Magnus toy, with the Bot Mode artwork being reused from the toy's packaging art, and original artwork for Alt Mode, with line-art by Dan Khanna and colors by Oliver Morit.

Flame Toys

Furai Model

  • Ultra Magnus (IDW ver.) (August 2020)
    • Accessories: Ion cannon, 4 hands
Ultra Magnus (IDW) is a is an articulated, non-transforming, Voyager Class-sized Gunpla-style model based off of the Optimus Prime design created by Don Figueroa for IDW Publishing's 2009-2011 The Transformers comic series. It is a redeco of the company's IDW Optimus Prime kit.
For straight-assembly builders, Ultra Magnus features a sheet of foil stickers for detail (notably the shoulder insignias), though the kit can be panel-lined and touched-up with several panel-lining and paint markers (GSI Creos' Gundam Marker is recommended). If one desires; the kit's pieces, aside from the translucent parts, can be fully coated with spray paints to recreate the finished sample seen in the stock photos.

Kuro Kara Kuri

Handle this
  • Ultra Magnus (July 2025)
    • Accessories: pedestal, Super Blaster Gun, 2 Shoulder missiles, 4 Missile pods, container, 2 arm armors, Magnus Hammer (exclusive)
    • Sculptor: Sandy Co., Ltd.
    • Coloring: Masashi Watanabe
Released by Flame Toys as part of their Kuro Kara Kuri line, Ultra Magnus is a high-end non-transforming posable figure. It is a very heavy retool of Star Saber and is loosely based on his appearance in More than Meets the Eye comic design featuring die-cast parts and LEDs in his chest, eyes, shoulder cannons and laser beam cannons. If purchased via, SEN-TI-DEN Hong Kong, or events attended by Flame Toys, he also comes with his large hammer.

Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

R.E.D. [Robot Enhanced Design]

He's not Nemesis Prime, but if you invert his colors...
  • Ultra Magnus (2021)
    • Accessories: Ion Blaster, Energon Axe, 4 alternate hands
Released as part of the fifth wave of the Transformers R.E.D. line, Ultra Magnus is NOT a show-accurate version of the character; rather, he's a white redeco of the Optimus Prime figure from the line, going for toy-accuracy instead (for the core-robot).
Ultra Magnus comes with six hands altogether: a pair of closed fists, a pair of gently beckoning hands, a right hand for his included Ion Blaster accessory, and a right hand with the index finger extended. He also features an Energon Axe, compatible with either wrist in place of his hand. He does not come with the Matrix of Leadership, but still features the storage in his chest.
As with all R.E.D. toys, Ultra Magnus was a Walmart exclusive in Canada and the United States, and was later made available on Hasbro Pulse in limited quantities.

Icon Heroes

  • Hot Rod x Ultra Magnus Retro Pin Set (2021)
A hard enamel pin based on Ultra Magnus' original G1 package art made by Icon Heroes. It comes carded with a Hot Rod pin.
This set was originally a San Diego Comic-Con exclusive in celebration of the 35th anniversary of The Transformers: The Movie, but was also made available later through Icon Heroes' online store.


  • Transformers Gen-1 Chess Set (2021)
In the planned Transformers Chess Set by Eaglemoss, a relatively large and very well detailed statue of Ultra Magnus was slated to be one of the Bishop pieces on the Autobot side.
A Kickstarter campaign to raise the necessary funds for this project was launched, but failed to meet its goal by September 24, 2021 and the whole thing was canceled.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Jada Toys

  • Transformers Series 1 18-pack (4cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2022)
Released by Jada Toys, Nano Metalfigs Ultra Magnus is an incredibly small die-cast figurine molded doing an action pose. He has a little base attached to his feet for balancing reasons.
He comes in an impressive multipack with seventeen other figurines.

  • Transformers Series 3 18-pack (4cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2023)
Nano Metalfigs Ultra Magnus was re-released with no noticeable changes in another impressive multipack with seventeen other figurines.


Transformers Character Card

Transformers Character Card Ultra Magnus and Sideswipe.jpg
Released as part of the fourth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Ultra Magnus and "Lambor" along with character profiles and tech specs.

Transformers Character Card Galvatron Ⅱ and Laser Ultra Magnus.jpg
  • Laser Ultra Magnus and Galvatron II Set (December 28, 2024)
    • ID number: 95 & 96
Released as part of the thirteenth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Ultra Magnus in his "Laser" form and Galvatron II along with character profiles and tech specs.

Acrylic keychain series

E-Hobby Hot Rod and Ultra Magnus keychains.jpg
Released as part of the first wave of an e-HOBBY exclusive series, this pair of keychains depicts character art and assets re-used from Hot Rod and Ultra Magnus's Masterpiece releases, namely MP-28 Hot Rodimus and MP-22 Ultra Magnus respectively.

Azure Sea Studio

  • Sixshot (2022)

This statue of Sixshot stands 33 inches tall, atop a base that depicts Ultra Magnus' dead body. Modular design allowed for displaying Sixshot holding either his traditional blasters or two swords, and with either of two included head sculpts featuring different mouthplate designs. Also included are small immobile replicas of Sixshot's five "official" alternate modes (no wing-wolf), each on its own small base stand, that can be mounted as though surrounding the robot. The plan was to produce 388 pieces at suggested retail of $2,100, but instead it was canceled.

Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


  • Ultra Magnus (2023)
    • Accessories: Rifle
Released in the sixth wave of Super7's line of multi-property 3.75-inch "retro" action figures, ReAction Ultra Magnus is a non-converting figure based on his appearance in the original cartoon, with 5 points of articulation (swivel neck, shoulders, hips) and holes in his feet for use with some variety of stand.
As with all releases in the ReAction toyline, Ultra Magnus comes packaged on a small cardback that emulates the nostalgic packaging style of Kenner's Star Wars action figures from the late 1970s to early '80s.

  • Ultra Magnus (2024)
    • Accessories: blaster
Released in wave 8, this figure is an all-white redeco of ReAction Optimus Prime, representing Ultra Magnus' cab robot self. The Super7 website listing repeatedly names this figure "Ultra Magnus Optimus Prime," though (thankfully) the card does not.

Magic: The Gathering

  • Ultra Magnus, Tactician / Ultra Magnus, Armored Carrier (2022)
    • ID number: 015/015
    • Set code: BOT
    • Color identity: Red/Green/White
    • Casting cost: {4}{R}{G}{W} (front), {3}{R}{G}{W} (back)
    • Artist: Ken Christiansen
"Ultra Magnus, Tactician" is part of the 2022 Magic: The Gathering Universes Beyond Transformers card set, found in Set Booster and Collector Booster packs of Magic's The Brothers' War set. It can be reversed to become "Ultra Magnus, Armored Carrier", representing Ultra Magnus in vehicle mode.
A variant of this card was available solely in Collector Booster packs, depicting Shattered Glass Ultra Magnus.


  • Ultra Magnus (2023)
    • Accessories: gun, shoulder launchers (2)
Produced by Diamond Select, Minimates Ultra Magnus is a 2-inch-tall figurine featuring metallic paint, 12-14 points of articulation, and accessories and body parts interchangeable with other Minimates. Ultra Magnus was released as part of a San Diego Comic-Con 2023 exclusive 4-pack meant to commemorate The Transformers: The Movie, with packaging resembling a VHS cassette. Only 1,500 were produced.


  • Ultra Magnus (MDLX, 2023)
    • Known designers: Kelvin Sau
    • Accessories: one ion blaster, one energon axe, Matrix of Leadership, five pairs of hands (relaxed, closed, rifle- axe- and Matrix-holding)
Another redeco of Threezero's MDLX Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus is an original design taking inspiration from the original cartoon but with the aesthetics in the vein of the live-action movies. Ultra Magnus is a smaller scaled, non-transforming action figure in the vein of contemporary collector-oriented lines like Figma and S.H. Figuarts. Like those lines, the figure is extremely well-articulated and detailed, features interchangeable hands and accessories, namely his ion blaster, energon axe and Matrix of Leadership. He comes with a suite of hands in pairs: closed fists, splayed-out relaxed hands, and three different pairs meant to specifically hold each one of the aforementioned accessories. His window chest is magnetically attached and as such can be removed to store the Matrix when not in use. Magnus also comes with his backpack piece disassembled in package.
He was also redecoed into Nemesis Prime. Magnus is also compatible with Starscream's wing assembly and head sculpt, which can be plugged into his back and swapped with, respectively.
MDLX mold: Optimus Prime


  • Ultra Magnus (2024)
    • Rarity: Legendary
    • ID number: 263
Released as part of the second wave of the Pop! Digital segment, Funko's Pop! Ultra Magnus is a super deformed vinyl figure based on his original Generation 1 toy.
This figure is limited to 2000 units and can only be acquired by collecting and redeeming digital tokens.


Galaxy Version

  • Ultra Magnus (DW) (2024)
  • Series: Galaxy Version 03 - The Autobot Run
  • Accessories: Spare balljoint piece, figure stand, 2 open hands, ion blaster, hilted Energon Axe, holdable Autobot/Decepticon insignias
Released in the third wave of the Galaxy Version line of blind boxes, Blokees Optimus Prime is a roughly 4-inches tall, highly-articulated, and non-transforming snap-on model kit of the Autobot Commander, redecoed from parts of the first wave's Optimus Prime to represent his unarmored appearance in the Dreamwave comics. He is built on a "Standard Body" skeleton shared with other Blokees figures in the line, but with different body pieces to make them distinct. As advertised in the box, Magnus has a pull rate of 1 in every 9 boxes, or three times across four cases.
Magnus also features newly retooled pegs for the inner faceplate head, which can be held securely in place upon assembly.
Magnus comes with a pair of closed and open hands, his, Ion Blaster, and a hilted Energon axe. The barrel of the Ion Blaster is compatible with the blast effects included with other Galaxy Version kits. He also comes with a stand with four studs on top which he can be plugged into and connected to similar stands. If one chooses, Magnus can also accommodate the jetpack included in Sideswipe, released on the "Shining Version" lineup.

  • Ultra Magnus (2024)
  • Series: Galaxy Version 04 - Fractured Space-Time
  • Accessories: Spare balljoint piece, figure stand, 2 open hands, blaster, holdable Autobot/Decepticon insignias
The fourth wave of the Galaxy Version line features Ultra Magnus in his Generation 1-based design.

Defender Version

Every case comes with a random Commemorative Card, with 10 Common, 1 Gold, and 1 Silver for each out of every 12 cards.

  • DW-Ultra Magnus (Defender Version, 2025)
  • Series: Defender Version 02 - The Overthrow
  • Accessories: Ion Blaster
This Defender Version kit of Ultra Magnus is an articulated 2.2-inch (5.5cm) figure kit (a few inches smaller than the Galaxy Version kits) redecoed from the previous line's Optimus Prime, while featuring an additional front waist tampographs used for the base mold's chase figures.

Hot Wheels

  • Ultra Magnus (Track Fleet, 2025)
  • Accessories: Trailer
    • Known designers: Eric Han (Mattel)
Hot Wheels Track Fleet Ultra Magnus is a heavy retool of Optimus Prime, which transforms into a non-transforming truck at 1/64 scale based on a a Freightliner FL86 Class 8 Automobile Transport truck, sized to be compatible with Hot Wheels tracks.
Like the previously released Optimus Prime, Magnus does not have a sculpted robot face on his undercarriage.


  1. 'Toy' Gives a Voice to the Voiceless
  2. Ramblin' Robot has a Sense for Trouble
  3. Bloomfield's Robot
  4. Synthesized Voice by David J. Bak, Design news, Volume 42, Issue 14, page 220
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