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Ultra Magnus (G1)/toys

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He can't deal with the obligatory joke now!

Sometimes Ultra Magnus looks a lot like Optimus Prime. There are a lot of Optimus Prime toys, and they need to be redecoed into SOMETHING. Ergo...



The Transformers

Honkimus Prime
  • Ultra Magnus (Autobot City Commander, 1986/1987)
  • Takara ID number: C-69
  • Accessories: Large robot head, rifle, chest plate, 2 trailer connectors/waist plates, left & right small robot fists, left & right large robot fists, 2 missile launchers, 4 missiles
  • Known designers: Hiroyuki Obara (Takara), Shōji Kawamori (Studio Nue)
Released in the third year of the original The Transformers toyline (second on the European and Japanese toylines), Ultra Magnus is a redeco of the Diaclone "Powered Convoy" figure, itself a redeco and slight retool of "Battle Convoy", the toy that became the original Optimus Prime figure, sporting a new trailer. One of the last few Diaclone toys to be released in the Transformers toyline, Magnus was recolored from the original toy's dark blue, red and black color scheme into a more patriotic red, white and blue. He transforms into a White Freightliner WFT-8664T cabover semi-trailer truck, towing a car-carrier trailer capable of transporting up to four normal-sized Autobot cars. As with Optimus Prime, his cab transforms into a small robot, which can then combine with the trailer to form a "super robot", although all original Generation 1 fiction prior to the 21st century ignored this and simply rendered the super robot as Magnus's default robot form. To facilitate this combination, Magnus sports a slightly longer front axle than Prime, thereby creating tabs on either side of the cab that slide into grooves in the trailer to help lock the small robot into place. He is armed with a rifle sporting two handles that allow either of his robot modes to hold it, and two shoulder-mounted missile launchers, whose spring-loaded firing mechanisms were removed for the Hasbro release of the figure.
Despite having extensive arm articulation on the same level as his inner Prime mold, Magnus's completed robot mode's arms are somewhat hindered by protrusions along the sides of his body. While this does not particularly impede his arms from moving, positioning them at certain levels will cause said protrusions to force them outwards. The helmet also features empty eye-sockets, which show nothing but his inner Prime's upper brow behind them as opposed to actual eyes.
The Diaclone Powered Convoy figure had several additional features and modes which were mostly excised or left unmentioned for the Transformers release of Ultra Magnus. Principally, Powered Convoy came packaged with "Powered Buggy", who was left out of Magnus's release (see notes below for further details). Omitted from Magnus's instructions is the ability of his chestplate and super robot head to combine to form a small vehicle; the Powered Convoy version of the figure included small rolling wheels on the underside of the chestplate which were removed for Ultra Magnus. Three additional modes were included in the Diaclone instructions that Hasbro left out: a "preparation base" mode and an "Autobot base" mode were excluded entirely, while the third, a "catapult launcher" mode originally intended and proportioned to accommodate the Diaclone Jet Robo figure that became Starscream, was shown only on the front of his packaging, interacting with Silverbolt. The Japanese release of Ultra Magnus—released as part of the Scramble City sub-line—did include instructions for the preparation base and catapult launcher modes, but replaced the original Autobot base mode with a new configuration.
The original Ultra Magnus figure has been reissued and redecoed several times down the years, and this article strives to list each edition of the figure under its own heading. The first alteration to Magnus, however, was a running change made to the Hasbro release while he was still on shelves: Originally, his tires were made of rubber and he sported paint on both his small and large robot heads, but this version was replaced with one featuring plastic tires and no paint on either head. In addition, the clear yellow plastic that formed his windows was removed from the cab, leaving just holes instead; and his thighs and fuel tanks were left white, as opposed to the vacuum metalized chrome ones of the original release. This "cheaper" version is actually much less common than the original, as it was a late-run change made in the second year of Magnus's shelf life.
The small robot component, as well as being part of Optimus Prime, was also released with a different trailer as Pepsi Convoy. The white Optimus Prime redeco was also repurposed to be Optimus Prime himself in the Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #11.
The Transformers mold: Optimus Prime

Version 1 (Truck only/with trailer):

  • The Transformers Collection 0 Convoy

Version 2 (Magnus Armor):

Version 3 (Pepsi trailer):

Version 4 (Speaker trailer):

Hiroyuki Obara

Reissue ultra magnus.jpg
  • Ultra Magnus (2000)
  • ID number: C-69
  • Release date: December ??, 2000
  • Accessories: Large robot head, rifle, chest plate, 2 trailer connectors/waist plates, left & right small robot fists, left & right large robot fists, 2 missile launchers, 4 missiles
Ultra Magnus was first reissued in Japan in December of 2000, featuring no discernible changes from the original Japanese edition of the figure. His packaging sported a metallic golden sticker commemorating the fifteenth anniversary of the Transformers franchise in Japan.
This reissue of Magnus was accompanied by two exclusive redecos, noted below.

Till All Go Number One!
  • Shining Magnus (2000)
  • ID number: C-69
  • Release date: December 26, 2000
  • Accessories: Large robot head, rifle, chest plate, 2 trailer connectors/waist plates, left & right small robot fists, left & right large robot fists, 2 missile launchers, 4 missiles
With a yellow cab and an entirely translucent yellow trailer, Shining Magnus (シャイニングマグナス) is intended to recall the moment in the The Transformers: The Movie, just before Optimus Prime dies, when the Matrix is passed to Ultra Magnus and he is bathed in its light. Of course, the Matrix's light was, er, blue, so it's a weird fit. The Marvel Comics adaptation of the film did colour the light yellow, but it seems rather unlikely that's where Takara were taking their inspiration from.
Shining Magnus was one of two exclusive redecos released in the wake of the 2000 reissue of the original Ultra Magnus toy. Limited to only 800 pieces, it was available only at the 20th Century Toy Museum toy show, held on December 26, 2000 at the Mitsukoshi Department Store in Yokohama, Japan. The toy is sometimes known as "Matrix Glow Magnus" amongst collectors, or less favorably, "Urine Magnus".

Blue Honkimus Prime
  • Ultra Magnus Yokokuhen Version (2001)
  • ID number: C-69
  • Release date: February 26, 2001
  • Accessories: Large robot head, rifle, chest plate, 2 trailer connectors/waist plates, left & right small robot fists, left & right large robot fists, 2 missile launchers, 4 missiles
In the early stages of the development of The Transformers: The Movie, promotional footage for the movie was released that depicted Ultra Magnus in the black, red, and dark blue color scheme of the original Diaclone Powered Convoy toy. As the second of two exclusive redecos released in the wake of the 2000 reissue of the original Ultra Magnus toy, the "Movie Preview Version" (予告編バージョン Yokokuhen Bājon) of Ultra Magnus paid homage to this early appearance. He is just a redeco of the Magnus figure, however, and so despite his resemblance to the Diaclone figure, he still lacks that toy's exclusive features, like Powered Buggy, wheels in his chestplate, and a Diaclone pilot.
Movie Preview Version Ultra Magnus was available exclusively at Toy Festival 2001, held on February 26, 2001 in Tokyo, Japan, limited to 1,500 pieces.
This toy doubles as Delta Magnus.

Transform Jr

And thus a trend is foreshadowed
  • Ultra Magnus (Gokin, 1985)
  • ID number: C-69
  • Accessories: Laser Blaster, left & right fists, head, cardboard trailer
As one of the first Transform Jr toys, this version of Ultra Magnus was released under the early name for the series, Transform Gōkin. Naturally, the figure is a redeco of the Transform Jr Optimus Prime toy, a smaller, simplified version of the original cab robot figure intended as a low-cost alternative for younger children. Magnus features a similar transformation to his larger toy, with a removable head in addition to fists, but lacks rubber tires and translucent windows. As with most other Transform Jr figures, he lacked most of his major accessories, coming only with a rifle (a white redeco of Prime's gun, rather than Magnus's own unique weapon) and a cardboard replacement for his trailer that had to be assembled by the buyer, and which, unsurprisingly, could not form armor.

Tfjr magnus galvatron.jpg
  • Ultra Magnus vs Galvatron (Multi-pack, 1987)
  • Accessories: Laser Blaster, left & right fists, head, cardboard trailer
Later, by the time the line had been rebranded with the more familiar Jr title, the Magnus figure was re-released in a two-pack with a non-transforming vinyl figurine of Galvatron.
Both of the toys in this set are identical to their other releases.

Commemorative Series

So the reissue was later reissued....All right, give me the bomb.
  • Ultra Magnus (2002/2012)
  • Series: 1
  • Accessories: Large robot head, rifle, chest plate, 2 trailer connectors/waist plates, left & right small robot fists, left & right large robot fists, 2 missile launchers, 4 missiles
Part of the very first wave of Hasbro's Toys"R"Us-exclusive Commemorative Series of reissues, this release of Ultra Magnus is mostly identical to the original, but now comes with fully-functional spring-loaded missile launchers like the Takara reissues. However, due to US safety laws, like all the other Commemorative Series toys with renewed firing projectiles, his formerly short missiles were infamously lengthened to absurdity. Additionally, like the concurrently-released Commemorative Optimus Prime toy, his smokestacks were shortened to prevent breakage.
This figure was given a surprise re-release in late 2012; Though the "Commemorative Series" label was not printed anywhere on the packaging, the included instructions retained the name. The figure is largely similar to its previous Commemorative release. Despite early product listings by online stores depicting the figure with long smokestacks,[1] the stacks are actually still short like on the previous release.[2] The cab also has the modified hitch that the Optimus Prime cab received for the 2011 Chronicle DOTM two pack. In any case, mold deterioration had begun to catch up to the tooling by this point, so details are not as sharp as on earlier versions.


I looked like this in a comic once. ONCE!
  • Ultra Magnus (2005/2008)
  • ID number: MP-2
  • Release date: March 24, 2005
  • Accessories: Rifle, Megatron gun with removable silencer, scope and stock, Matrix of Leadership, energon axe
The second release in Takara's Masterpiece line, Ultra Magnus is a white redeco of Masterpiece Convoy (Optimus Prime) with all the same accessories, though some have been redecoed. Additionally, his box can be refolded into his classic trailer configuration, but doesn't hold up since it's, well, cardboard. He retains the Matrix, which he can indeed open. Dammit, open.
As a Takara product, Masterpiece Ultra Magnus was never released in the US, but was eventually released by Hasbro Australia in 2005 for their market as a Target exclusive, retaining his Japanese packaging, with simple stickers stating a recommended age of 8+, as well as presenting Hasbro Australia's details and explaining what the product was.
Additionally, TakaraTomy reissued Masterpiece Ultra Magnus in 2008 sporting their logo in the top right-hand corner of the box to replace the Takara logo in the bottom right featured on the original release in 2005. This reissue has been met with some quality control issues much like that of Convoy Perfect Edition, such as bad paint applications and chipping, misaligned doors, and even mis-assembled headlights which have been installed upside down.
Like all the Japanese versions of this mold, Ultra Magnus features different images on his communicators than all other releases. In his case he features Optimus Prime and a digital readout.
This mold was also used to make Masterpiece "Convoy Black Version".
Masterpiece mold: Convoy (MP-1)
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Hasbro:

Hironori Kobayashi &
Hisashi Yuki (MP-4 trailer)
See also: MP-10 Convoy | MP-44 Convoy

You know what? He can deal with this n...hold on, WHY THE HELL DOES HIS CAB HAVE A RED BUMPER--
*looks at screencaps*
The second release of Masterpiece Ultra Magnus is a much more show-accurate mold, transforming into a car carrier with a functioning gate/ramp. He can carry 4 smaller Masterpiece Autobots in the top and bottom of his trailer, which features small indents to stop them from rolling off. While the cab in his vehicle mode is heavily modeled on the MP-10 Optimus Prime mold, it doesn't transform into a separate white Optimus Prime figure, but rather folds inside-out to form his upper torso. The cab is much lighter than the MP-10 cab (due to it being hollow), and neither can carry the other's trailer due to differences in the height of the back section and a different attachment process.
He is designed to interact with the Matrix of Leadership of MP-10 Optimus Prime in two ways: his chest opens to reveal a Matrix compartment, and he comes with an extra pair of hands specifically molded to hold the Matrix. To complement this, his regular, "neutral" face can be replaced with an alternative "screaming" face. Both faces can store on a panel in his back, and removing his face reveals a white face-plated design underneath the helmet, as a reference to the "White Optimus in armor" design of the original toy.
For his other accessories and features, he comes with his gun, and his two non-firing shoulder missile launchers. The gun stores in the trailer in vehicle mode, while the launchers have removable missiles, and are no longer detachable, instead being connected to poseable armatures. Finally, he also comes with articulated figurines of Spike and Daniel, who can ride in his cab in vehicle mode.
(Stock imagery of not-final deco)
The artwork on the spec card and instruction booklet are in a different style to other TakaraTomy Masterpiece releases. Also, early stock photos depicted him with red inner legs and a gray gun.
If bought in Asian markets outside Japan, Ultra Magnus comes with a collector coin. The coin comes in a package designed after Ultra Magnus's chest, although the white "belt" is upside-down compared to the Masterpiece figure.
In Australia, Ultra Magnus was a Toys"R"Us exclusive, being limited to 400 pieces. This release has a different box design (the same artwork as the instruction manual on the regular release) and instructions in English.
This figure was reissued on January 27 2018, with no notable changes from the original.
Masterpiece Ultra Magnus was later redecoed as Delta Magnus.
Masterpiece mold: Ultra Magnus
  • TakaraTomy:

Shogo Hasui &
Hironori Kobayashi

The Hasbro Asia release of Masterpiece Grapple comes with a mini Ultra Magnus figure, the second in a range of non-transformable collectables made from lost art die-cast metal, based on the corresponding Masterpiece MP-22 figure.
Let's see what you can see...

This article is in need of images.

Specifics: Die-Cast figure


Probably the only Magnus repaint of Prime we'll ever get who isn't just white.
  • Laser Ultra Magnus (Laser Rod, 2006)
  • ID number: TRF-13-S
  • Accessories: Gun, sword, 5 discs, ripple missile launcher, 10 missiles, air-launch rocket
An e-HOBBY exclusive, G-2 Laser Ultra Magnus (レーザーウルトラマグナス) is a redeco of Generation 2 Laser Optimus Prime, transforming into a mid-1990s Western Star 4964EX extended-hood truck pulling a blue and white tanker trailer. He was packaged in the reissue Laser Optimus Prime's box, along with Prime's instructions, bio card, and sticker sheet. Yes, the stickers that have "Optimus Prime" written on them.
His main gimmick is light-up LED headlights and a lightpipe in the bottom of his right fist, illuminated by an LED in his right forearm, that illuminates his clear sword or his double-barreled rifle if they are placed in that hand. All three LEDs are activated simultaneously by pressing the sunroof-like depression on the roof of the truck.
The trailer unfolds to form a battle station bristling with many firing weapons. Primarily, these are an air-powered rocket launcher, a "ripple-fire" spring-loaded missile launcher with five missiles that can be launched individually (this turret can also be mounted in Laser Magnus's hand) and a disc launcher. The disc launcher is the only weapon that can be used in vehicle mode, sitting on top of the oil tanker.
This release uses the toolings that were modified for the Robots in Disguise Scourge toy, and thus has smooth featureless discs and a less-pointy sword.
This mold was also planned to be used for the canceled Universe Toxitron toy.
Generation 2 mold: Laser Optimus Prime
  • Hasbro:
  • Robots in Disguise (2001) Scourge
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Sonokong:
  • e-HOBBY:


Arctic Camo Prime!
  • Ultra Magnus vs Skywarp: Battle For Autobot City (Multi-pack, 2007)
  • Accessories: Smokestacks/laser cannon, wind vane/blaster
A Target-exclusive redeco of Classics Voyager Class Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus transforms into a modern cab-over style truck of made up model, dominated by a large wind vane on his roof. In robot mode, his wind vane transforms into a large ion blaster, and his smokestacks transform into a smaller laser cannon. Additionally, both weapons can combine together to form a double-barreled over-shoulder weapon. As with most Classics toys, he features a heat-sensitive rubsign.
He was only available in a two-pack with Skywarp as part of the "Battle for Autobot City" set. He was also available in Woolworth stores throughout the United Kingdom.
The final production toy has several major paint application differences compared to the toy depicted on the packaging, including the loss of all light blue paint (including his faceplate and crest, both replaced with silver) and darker blue on his thighs. Also, his red eyes are replaced with blue light-piped eyes, and it seems the smokestacks/double-barreled gun were originally going to be cast or painted white instead of the final version's unpainted black.
Classics mold: Optimus Prime
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • e-HOBBY:

  • Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus (Multi-pack, 2007)
  • Accessories: Smokestacks/laser cannon, wind vane/blaster
In Asian markets, such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines, Ultra Magnus was also made available as part of a special two-pack with Voyager Class Optimus Prime in late 2007. Aside from the unique packaging, the toys are identical to their single releases.

Titanium Series

Oh, that's right, this Ultra Magnus guy had a trailer or something, didn't he?
  • Ultra Magnus (6-inch Cybertron Heroes, 2007)
  • Accessories: Laser rifle, 2 rocket launchers, display stand, nameplate
  • Known designers: Don Figueroa (concept artist)
Titanium Cybertron Heroes Ultra Magnus is constructed mostly of die-cast metal. For the first time, Ultra Magnus's cab and trailer are one piece, rather than a partformer like the Generation 1 toy version, although the cab is only held on by a peg and can be detached, resulting in a small, super-deformed cab. The toy's wheels can all spin. He transforms very similarly to the original toy, but the aforementioned truck cab now folds down into his back rather than detaching and reconnecting, with his head flipping out of the back of the cab.
Ultra Magnus is armed with a gray laser rifle and two shoulder-mounted, non-firing rocket launchers which, due to some mistake, face top-down when attached in robot mode. It is unknown whether the launchers were somehow mirror-flipped in manufacture or if his shoulder assemblies were switched. The latter is perhaps supported by the orientation of molding detail shown in the instructions and on the Generation 1 toy, although the tampographs could argue against this. One can easily "correct" this by unscrewing his blue forearms and swapping out the shoulders, allowing the launchers to face top-up.
Unfortunately, due to the robot mode-oriented design of this figure, as well as size limitations, the rear ramp is now solely part of his legs as detail and cannot fold down, nor is there clearance space for any other vehicles to be transported. For some reason, on the side of each of Magnus's legs/ the back of his vehicle mode trailer there are white flip-out wing shaped panels. The paint on these panels flakes off easily, so it's best never to touch them. Like most, if not all, 6-inch Titaniums, his joints are very floppy. In another possible mis-assembly issue, the figure's knees bend far more forwards than backwards. Strangely, the molded detail on the tops of the thighs contradicts this being a mis-assembly. The vehicle mode also has a hard time staying as it should as very few pieces actually tab together.
His chest panel can flip up to reveal a shallow recess for the Autobot Matrix of Leadership, though no Matrix accessory to date is actually flat enough to fit inside.
He comes with the generic display stand shared by all of the 6" "Cybertron Heroes", with a unique, removable nameplate.

A toy to remember that time Ultra Magnus never looked like this in The War Within.
  • (War Within) Ultra Magnus (6-inch Cybertron Heroes, 2007)
  • Accessories: Laser rifle, display stand, nameplate
  • Known designers: Don Figueroa (concept artist)
A redeco of the 6-inch War Within Optimus Prime, transforming into a Cybertronian truck mode used by Prime (but not Magnus) in the The War Within comics. The original Prime figure was personally designed by comic artist Don Figueroa, who created the original comic design in the first place, and his signature is left on the figure in the most literal way: The word "DON" can be seen sculpted into the barrel of his gun.
As a Titanium Series figure, Magnus is made in large part from die-cast metal, but like so many of the other toys in the Titanium line, his plastic joints have trouble supporting his heavy metal weight. He again comes with the generic display stand and nameplate.


Because a car carrier isn't a car.
  • Ultla Magnus [sic] [Brilliant White Pearl] (2010)
  • ID number: A-01U
An e-HOBBY-exclusive redeco of Alternity Convoy, Ultra Magnus [Brilliant White Pearl] (ウルトラマグナス[ブリリアントホワイトパール]) transforms into a pearl-white 1:32 scale 2007 Nissan GT-R, featuring die-cast metal parts, an opening hood, trunk and doors, as well as an interior, complete with his feet and thighs being sculpted to form the back seats. This complex figure stands at 6.5" tall and is armed with a pair of blasters on each arm.
The e-HOBBY version came packed with an exclusive comic book. A version available via Hasbro Asia is identical to the e-HOBBY version except it does not include the pack-in comic (like most e-HOBBY exclusives released outside of Japan).
The mold suffers from a minor design oversight, wherein the rear Nissan badge collides with his left leg strut when the left foot is hinged over and pegged into a clear plastic socket during transformation, with the results being that the connection is slightly crooked, isn't very secure, and sometimes pops off, and that the crooked pegging often causes the socket to crack.
Alternity mold: Convoy


If you can't afford the Masterpiece Ultra Magnus, you can still get yourself an Albino Optimus Prime Cabnus.
  • Ultra Magnus (Voyager, 2012)
  • Release date: September 29, 2012
  • Accessories: Smokestacks/laser cannon, wind vane/blaster
A Hasbro Asia-market exclusive release in Takara's United toyline (Hasbro handles all retail Transformers toy releases outside of Japan), Ultra Magnus is a redeco of his Classics toy. This release replaces his opaque blue plastic with white, omitting his blue and black paint operations, painting his hands and shin-vents white, adding silver paint to his kneepads, thighs, pelvis, and smokestack cannons, painting his mouthplate and crest blue, replacing his bronze-painted wheel rims with silver, and vacuum metallizing his vehicle grill and fenders.
While unconfirmed, it seems likely that this release was conceived to satisfy then-high collector demand for the original Classics Ultra Magnus, a result of the unofficial City Commander upgrade kit released for the figure by "third party" company FansProject. Of course, as an unlicensed product, the kit was not acknowledged in any official marketing material for the re-released toy.
Classics mold: Optimus Prime
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • e-HOBBY:


If I'm a mammoth I'm a very manly mammoth.
  • Ultra Mammoth (Ultra Class, 2012)
Representing the new body Ultra Magnus used in Beast Wars Shattered Glass, the Ultra Mammoth toy is a light blue and white redeco of Beast Wars Neo Big Convoy. Like Big Convoy, Ultra Mammoth is a shellformer, as practically all of his beast mode components are shells that fit around the compressed robot to form this mode. He technically has a beast "attack mode", in which his large cannon is folded out. His main body has a similar color scheme to Ultra Magnus's "Super Mode" (though with more white), and his head has the color scheme of regular Magnus.
In robot mode, Ultra Mammoth is absolutely chock-full of weapons and gimmicks. First and foremost, the spring-loaded Blue Bolts cannon, formed out of the beast's head, back, and tail, can fire two missiles from two barrels in succession with a rotating dial. It is held in his hands via 5 mm post and can be stored on his back, though doing so may cause some stability problems owing to its weight. Second, his shoulders can be swung up to reveal sculpted, non-firing missile pods. Third, he has flip-out tonfa melee weapons in his forearms. Fourth, the two beast panels on the sides of his legs feature two spring-loaded missile launchers that fire his anchor-shaped projectiles, which can be loosely held in his hands. Last, but certainly not least, his chest panel flips down, revealing a removable Matrix toy accessory in vacuum-metalized sliver with a transparent blue center. This accessory can be held by any figure with standard 5mm fist holes.
The anchor-shaped Thunderstrike missiles have been retooled since the previous two uses of this mold, presumably for safety reasons, and as a result can no longer be kept loaded in beast mode. The instructions refer to the space in his chest as a "Dead Matrix annex", but the Matrix within is referred to as the Reconfiguration Matrix in packaging and was ultimately depicted by tie-in fiction as the Origin Matrix.
Ultra Mammoth is one of the first six Transformers Collectors' Club exclusive figures to be offered via the Figure Subscription Service in 2013.
The Ultra Mammoth figure was also repurposed as a different guy also called Ultra Mammoth.
Beast Wars mold: Big Convoy
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:
  • TV Magazine:
  • Sonokong:
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:

Bot Shots

They didn't even bother painting me white this time.
  • Red Alert / Ultra Magnus / Mirage (Multi-pack, 2013)
    • Series: 2
    • Number: BP010
      • Fist strength: 840
      • Blaster strength: 248
      • Sword strength: 532
Part of the third wave of Bot Shots Series 2 three-packs, Ultra Magnus is a redeco of Jump Shot Optimus Prime, and turns into a heavily-armed futuristic firetruck heavily based on Cybertron Optimus Prime. As a Jump Shot toy, an impact to his front bumper will cause him to spring up and autotransform into robot mode. He also has an "spinner" in his chest that shows his three attack types and power levels. He comes in a three-pack with Jump Shot Red Alert and Super Bot Mirage.

Ultra Magnus Pen

  • Transformers Ultra Magnus Pen (2014)
    • Accessories: Blaster, cap/barrel
A white redeco of Optimus Prime Pen produced by Sentinel as part of the 30th anniversary of Transformers, Ultra Magnus Pen is a well-articulated robot that folds into the shape of a rather chunky, but functional ballpoint pen. The tip of the pen is formed from his blaster, with the barrel acting as a cap. Ultra Magnus Pen was sold exclusively through HobbyLink Japan.
This mold was also used to make Black Convoy Pen.

Hero Mashers

Magnus: The Hand of Fate.
  • Optimus Prime (Battle Upgrade, 2014)
    • Pieces: 18
    • Accessories: Missile-launching rifle, missile, energy axe, cannon, left & right rocket pods, "Ultra Magnus" right forearm & fist
Part of the first wave of "Battle Upgrade" Hero Mashers toys, Ultra Magnus is represented as a spare forearm that is included with Optimus Prime, but does not appear in the line as a complete figure. The arm is a retooling of Bulkhead's, removing the spring-loaded missile-launcher gimmick.


KreO-Toy UltraMagnusC84.jpg
  • Kreon Class of 1984 (Kreon figure set, 2014)
    • Set number: B0090
    • Voted: Teacher's Pet
    • Accessories: Optimus rifle
Kreon Ultra Magnus is based on the inner "white Optimus" robot of the original toy, with extensive toy-based details, including red eyes.
He was only available in a San Diego Comic-Con 2014 exclusive pack of 30 Kreons dubbed the "Kreon Class of 1984". Remaining stock was to be sold at Hasbro Toy Shop online, only there was no remaining stock after the show.
And yes, his inclusion in this 1984-themed set is confusing, as Magnus did not appear in Transformers in any capacity until 1986.

Transformers (2014)

My other pants are in the cleaners.
  • Ultra Magnus (Legion Class, 2015)
Legion Class Ultra Magnus is a redeco of Transformers (2010) Reveal the Shield Legends Class Optimus Prime, with the retooled hands and head/vehicle mode roof originally created for Generations GDO Legends Class Motorbreath. While the deco partially follows previous redecos of Optimus Prime figures as Ultra Magnus's "inner robot", with a teal/blue mouthplate, a teal/blue forehead crest paint operation, red eyes and blue/teal windows, it also features several rather odd deco choices, namely extremely dark charcoal gray legs (to the point of nearly looking black) and white wheels (though coincidentally resembles his Transform Jr. toy).
Ultra Magnus comes in packaging that is based on the packaging design for the concurrently released Combiner Wars-era Generations figures, but replaces the name Generations with "Authentic Transformers". Since Ultra Magnus and his wave-mates ship with three figures previously released under what we consider a generic Transformers (2014) toy line, all of them now in the new packaging style, we consider Ultra Magnus to be part of that line as well. The package art used for Ultra Magnus is hilariously inaccurate, as it is recolored from artwork originally created for the Legends mobile game, depicting Ultra Magnus's armored form colored as his inner robot.
The wave that contains Ultra Magnus has thus far been found at Fred's, Gordmans, Dollar General, and Family Dollar stores in the United States, but was available at general retail in Hong Kong and from Australian Target stores.
Transformers mold: Optimus Prime (Legends Class)
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:

Combiner Wars

"You may take Albino Prime from me, but you can never leave my chest empty!"
  • Ultra Magnus (Leader Class, 2015)
    • Accessories: Two guns, missile packs
Combiner Wars Ultra Magnus is based on Nick Roche's design for the character in IDW Publishing's More than Meets the Eye and transforming into a truck and trailer. Although the truck and trailer cannot be separated, they are connected by a pivot joint that still allows one to move independently of the other. He includes a small Minimus Ambus, based on Alex Milne's design for the character, that can be stored inside his chest in robot mode. In vehicle mode, the trailer bed has a set of 3 notches that seemingly correspond with tabs on Minimus, however, it is a loose fit, and Minimus will detach with a little shaking. Artist Andrew Griffith also worked with Hasbro on Minimus's toy design and "cockpit" within Magnus.[3] Minimus is not necessary for transformation and Ultra Magnus can be completed without seating him in the cockpit.
Ultra Magnus includes two 5 mm guns, which can be combined with his shoulder-mounted missile launchers to form a large hammer weapon, in homage to the character's Animated and Prime incarnations. Note that in robot form, Ultra Magnus lacks 5mm holes in his hands for his guns; instead, his fingers open and close like the hands of Combiner class Combiner War toys. This means that he can't firmly hold his guns, making them prone to falling out. The door sculpted into Ultra Magnus's cab suggests it is intended to represent a positively gargantuan vehicle, with the trailer being perhaps seven stories tall if scaled to a human. Hasbro representatives at Toy Fair 2015 said that his ladder sculpts were intended to match in scale similar ladder sculpts on Combiner Wars Devastator.
Though undocumented in the instructions, Ultra Magnus' trailer can hitch with 1 or 2 Legends Class and/or Deluxe Class cars with smaller mass, with the lower leg panels serving as a makeshift ramp.
Ultra Magnus comes with a character card based on his packaging art, which was drawn by Marcelo Matere.
The mold was also heavily retooled into Titans Return Powermaster Optimus Prime.
Combiner Wars mold: Ultra Magnus

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:


Of course he comes with Alpha Trion! Why wouldn't he? Those two hang out all the time!
  • Ultra Magnus (September 19, 2015)
    • ID number: LG-14
    • Accessories: two guns, Alpha Trion figure
Legends Ultra Magnus is a redeco of the Combiner Wars Leader Class Ultra Magnus toy. Compared to the Hasbro release, Legends Ultra Magnus features whiter plastic, and a deco closer to his original toy (including his rifles) and his appearances in IDW's More Than Meets The Eye comics (down to the red thighs and unpainted eyes). The figure includes a small Alpha Trion figure, which is redecoed from Minimus Ambus. His profile names his buildable hammer the Magnus Hammer.
Unlike most Legends releases which feature Takara-original art, Ultra Magnus features the Combiner Wars toy's Marcelo Matere-drawn packaging art on his box, only recolored to match the toy's new paint job (and slightly modified to accommodate Trion's longer beard).
Ultra Magnus also comes with Bonus Edition Vol. 14 of the Legends manga.
Combiner Wars mold: Ultra Magnus

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:


A totally realism-minded superdeformed Ultra-Munchkin vehicle, just like all the others!
Q-Transformers Ultra Magnus is a retool of QT-19 Convoy with a new head and arms/trailer, transforming from a super deformed car carrier with integrated trailer to a cute little robot. This toy was first available for sale at a special Q-Transformers event on January 16th, two weeks before it was released in stores.
The original version of this mold was also used to make Black Convoy.

Platinum Edition

"Beware, my retool is nearby.."
  • Autobot Heroes (5-pack, 2016)
    • Accessories: Springer's weapons (dual missile launcher, two missiles, rotor blades/sword), Arcee's weapons (2 swords), Kup's "laser musket" rifle/exhaust pipe, Ultra Magnus' 2 guns, Blurr's weapons (Sniper rifle, left & right pistols), Minimus Ambus figure
Part of Hasbro's Platinum Edition offerings for 2016 intended to commemorate the 30th anniversary of The Transformers: The Movie, Ultra Magnus is a redeco of his Combiner Wars Leader Class toy, featuring some plastic color changes: The white plastic parts are now truly white, compared to the more creamy color of the original version; also, several parts previously cast in blue plastic have been changed to white and vice versa, with some of them being (at least partially) painted over to restore the original color. The metallic blue color for the chest section and the forearm panels is not only visibly rather conspicuous compared to his unpainted blue parts, but also makes tabbing his arms together in truck mode considerably more difficult, due to the paintjob resulting in a thicker tab and smaller slot. Additional painted details include painted rims and a blue striping on his cab. He also retains his Minimus Ambus figure, who is cast in the same white plastic as Ultra Magnus's white parts and features more light and dark green paint operations on his torso than the original release, both of which are considerably darker and more saturated than the original's lighter, "pearly" green paint operations.
Ultra Magnus was released as part of 5-pack with Arcee, Autobot Springer, Sergeant Kup, and Blurr. The set also included a recreation of the theatrical poster for the 1986 movie. In the United States, this set was officially a Target exclusive, but was only available via the company's website, never sold in stores. It was also released in Singapore, although it's currently unknown whether it was exclusive to any particular stores there or not. In Canada, it was available via the Canadian Walmart website but never found in stores, whereas in the United Kingdom, it was available via Toys"R"Us stores and the website. In Spain, it was available via the Spanish subsidiaries of both Amazon and Carrefour, as well as the department store chain El Corte Inglés, supposedly also only available online. In Germany, it was available via retailer Real and specialty store Rappelkiste Ahlen, also only available online.
Combiner Wars mold: Ultra Magnus

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:


Alt-Modes UltraMagnus.jpg
  • Ultra Magnus (Alt-Modes, 2016)
    • Series: 1
    • Collection: 1
A retool of Alt-Modes Optimus Prime with a new head and chest, Ultra Magnus is a super deformed toy whose body transforms into a truck when the Autobot faction symbol on his head is flipped. He was blind-boxed and available in the first collection of the toyline.
The original version of the mold was also used to make Nemesis Prime.

Titans Return

The smallest Soldier who ever lived!
  • Leinad & Arcee / Ultra Magnus (Special Edition, 2017)
    • Accessories: Leinad Titan Master, Ultra Magnus Titan Master, guns
Titans Return Ultra Magnus is a redeco/retool of Titans Return Titan Master Fangry with a new Titan Master head, and he is a solo Titan Master included with Arcee, a redeco/retool of Blurr. The Titan Master in robot mode is themed after the original toy's inner robot figure, while his head mode face is based on the armored Magnus head. The set debuted at HasCon 2017 before a later release at New York Comic Con 2017 and a standard release[4] at Toys"R"Us. Like Rodimus Prime, Thunderwing, and Scorponok, Ultra Magnus also features a die-cast Titan Master torso and head mode face.
Titans Return mold: Fangry

Titan Master:

  • Buzzworthy Bumblebee Brisko


  • TakaraTomyLegends LG63 Noble

War for Cybertron: Siege

It comes with a white Magnus cab that isn't an Optimus redeco? Time to channel Unsolved Mysteries, with Robert Stack!
  • Ultra Magnus (Leader Class, 2019)
    • Hasbro ID number: WFC-S13
    • TakaraTomy ID number: SG-07
    • TakaraTomy release date: February 23, 2019
    • Hidden message code: FORGEOFSOLUS
    • Accessories: "RT-15 Stethoscopic Detector", 2 "C-30 Magnetic Inducer Launchers", 2 "W-HV-1000 Simulacrum Blasters", 7 armor pieces
Part of the first wave of Siege Leader Class figures, Ultra Magnus transforms from a robot to a car carrier truck inspired by his Robots in Disguise incarnation and back! The most notable feature of this toy is that the trailer transforms into the Magnus Armor and combines with the Voyager-sized inner robot to form the super robot mode, making this the first official mainline representation of the armor since Magnus's original toy back in 1986. Ultra Magnus also features "battle damage" paint applications on several parts of his body, as well as multiple hardpoints all over himself and his weapons to accommodate "Fire Blasts" from the Battle Masters assortment, which can be used to simulate blaster fire or explosions. He includes five weapons compatible with the C.O.M.B.A.T. System. His "RT-15 Stethoscopic Detector" is silver in painted samples at SDCC 2018, Hasbro's stock renders, and stock photography, while TakaraTomy stock photography (to the right) shows it in red with silver highlights. The final blaster is molded in red and painted silver, except for the grip which is left as bare red plastic. Though his two black blasters continue the Robots in Disguise Ultra Magnus homage, mirroring the detailing placed just behind Magnus's cab, their hexagonal tips resemble that of Cybertron Optimus Prime's Super Mode leg cannons, a comparison strengthened by the stock photos using the black blasters as leg mounted cannons.
The inner robot, while still resembling Optimus Prime in general appearance, is a different mold from Siege Voyager Class Optimus Prime.
As with the redecoes/retools of the mold below, this Ultra Magnus is not designed to hitch Deluxe/Legends Class cars due to how the trailer is designed, though you can mount one of them (albeit not securely) on top of it. When installing the shoulder armors, do not thoroughly insert the Magnetic Inducer Launchers beforehand, as it can prevent the pieces from being fully inserted. This can be prevented if you do not install them first or slightly insert the pieces during assembly.

Siege mold: Ultra Magnus

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:

War for Cybertron Trilogy

  • Spoiler Pack (Leader Unboxing, 2020)
    • TakaraTomy ID number: WFC-08
    • TakaraTomy release date: December 19, 2020
    • Accessories: "RT-15 Stethoscopic Detector", 2 "C-30 Magnetic Inducer Launchers", 2 "W-HV-1000 Simulacrum Blasters", 7 armor pieces, 2 "Fire Blasts", 3 energon cubes, compound
Promoting the Siege season of the Netflix War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon, this War for Cybertron Trilogy Leader Unboxing set contains a slathered redeco of Siege Leader Ultra Magnus, plus some extras that beef up the price (including the translucent pink "Battlefield Rung" and a compound in which a buyer can dig to reveal energon cubes).
The Cybertronian text on the package reads "BATTLEFIELD RUNG", while the 'spoiler' text inside features a Decepticon-themed quote: "I ULTRA MAGNUS / IN GOOD FAITH / HEREBY SURRENDER / TO YOU" and an Autobot-themed one: "THIS CAN ONLY / MEAN ONE THING / ULTRA MAGNUS IS DEAD". These are direct quotes that refer to Ultra Magnus's decision and its consequences in the second and fourth episode of the Siege chapter, respectively. It is noteworthy that the black gradients are meant to represent his final moments in the Siege cartoon. The included Rung also has a striking resemblance to the Alpha Trion Protocols. While the set does not include the cloak Magnus sported in the second episode, the cloak from Studio Series Dark of the Moon Megatron can be used as a decently accurate stand-in if one wishes.
This set is a shared exclusive between online retailers and Walmart in Canada and the USA, and in Japan as a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive. The Japanese release is packaged in a standard windowed box. The set also found its way into numerous discount retailers, often at a steep deduction to its price tag.
Siege mold: Ultra Magnus

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:

War for Cybertron: Kingdom

ER Prime forgot to bleach his colors before the photoshoot, so they had to get a new guy for the pictures.
  • Ultra Magnus (Leader Class, February 2021)
    • Hasbro ID number: WFC-K20
    • TakaraTomy ID number: KD-11
    • TakaraTomy release date: July 31, 2021
    • Accessories: "RT-15 Stethoscopic Detector", 2 missile launchers, 7 armor pieces
Part of the second wave of Kingdom Leader Class toys, Ultra Magnus is a retool of the above Siege toy to better resemble his G1 character model and grant him an Earthly vehicle mode, transforming from robot to car carrier truck. Like the Siege version, the figure is composed of the truck cab, which transforms into the inner robot, and the trailer, which transforms into the armor for the main robot. The wheels, Magnus Armor head, two chest pieces, shoulders, side car-carrier panels, crotch, core-body chest, back, and rear-end have been changed to more closely resemble Ultra Magnus's original "Generation 1" cartoon appearance in both modes. As such, his cab and trailer are more separate, lengthening the truck mode, although the two halves cannot swivel independently from one another. Due to the retooling, the armor's shoulders no longer attach to the trailer itself in vehicle mode, and the robot mode hands of the truck cab are visible. The cab retooling also limits the backward hip movement in his core body and the waist in his main body (though the latter can be worked around with the back's sliding rail).
The front end of Ultra Magnus's trailer also features small molded details shaped like the Autobot insignia to be placed to better replicate his Sunbow model and his original toy, although there is no Autobot symbol present. Ultra Magnus has a similarly blank spot on his right shoulder for an Autobot sigil, but no sigil exists.
His "RT-15 Stethoscopic Detector" remains the same, though his missile launchers are differently molded, and he lacks the leg-mounted "C-30 Magnetic Inducer Launchers". While the armor parts are still compatible with the original Siege inner robot, the front torso armor cannot clip into place due to the distance of both the tabs and holes.
Much like most of the toyline, Ultra Magnus comes with one of four possible holographic Golden Disk cards for his wave, which reveals a possible destiny of a key character.
Hasbro stock photography is mistransformed; the inner Magnus robot has the truck mode's front bumper left slid down and the torso slid forward, while the armored robot form has the waist plate left in the configuration used for his standard robot form. Both truck modes have the torso piece of the cab slid back instead of all the way forward. The CGI renders on the back of the box do not have these mistakes, though his armored robot chest is missing red.

Siege mold: Ultra Magnus

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:

Premium Finish

Dude, are you sure you are Ultra Magnus? You look more like a poorly tanned Nemesis Prime...
  • Ultra Magnus (Leader Class, December 29, 2021)
    • TakaraTomy ID number: PF WFC-03 / PFGR 03
    • Hasbro ID number: GE-03
    • Accessories:"RT-15 Stethoscopic Detector", 2 "C-30 Magnetic Inducer Launchers", 2 "W-HV-1000 Simulacrum Blasters", 7 armor pieces
As part of the third wave of TakaraTomy's Premium Finish subline, Ultra Magnus is a detailed redeco of the Siege mold, featuring more paint applications that represent his appearance in Transformers: War For Cybertron: Siege and with the same weapons as the aforementioned mold. Alongside sporting a dark grey paint scheme instead of white (or white & grey), his Shoulder Pylons are now cracked. He may have stiff limbs, and his legs may not connect when transforming him into truck mode.
Siege mold: Ultra Magnus

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:

Generations Selects

Behold Galvatron Ultra Magnus.JPG
  • Behold, Galvatron! Unicron Companion Pack (Leader Class, 2022)
Generations Selects Ultra Magnus was released as a non-transforming and immobile minifigure, barely 10mm tall, scaled to interact with the immense War for Cybertron Trilogy Unicron figure and its clear display base. This was one of a set of 14 minifigures in the "Unicron Companion Pack" that was included with the "reformatting" version of Galvatron. The set was exclusive to Hasbro Pulse.

Studio Series

Ready to shoulder a lot of burdens.
  • Ultra Magnus (Commander Class, 2023)
'86 Ultra Magnus is the first Commander Class figure in the Studio Series line. One factor in this choice was that his function was "City Commander" in his the original toy's bio.[6] He is based directly on his appearance in The Transformers: The Movie, with most of his surface detailing based on his Masterpiece figure. Unlike all of the Magnus figures released in the War for Cybertron Trilogy before him, this Ultra Magnus does not have an "inner robot", instead transforming directly from armored robot mode to car carrier truck in the name of movie-accuracy. Unlike his Combiner Wars figure, the truck cab is designed to be separated from the trailer without disassembly. Despite the instructions depicting otherwise, it is advised to detach the truck cab from the trailer before transforming the latter, as the truck cab is prone to falling off while handling it. His head antennae are packed separately in the box.
As a Commander Class figure, Magnus has a notably high range of movement, including articulated fingers with separate index fingers. Similarly to Studio Series Kup, his limbs can also be removed from his body to replicate his death at the hands of Galvatron and the Sweeps. Unlike Kup, however, his joints secure via Combiner Wars-style (but not compatible) spring-backed locks rather than 5mm connections. He also has spring-loaded chest doors that spring out when the "T"-shaped armor piece is flipped up. Inside his chest is a molded chamber for the included Matrix of Leadership accessory, which is the same size as Studio Series '86 Hot Rod's, meaning he's only really capable of holding it by gripping it with one finger from each hand. Out of the box, the Matrix is installed in his chest upside-down, but it can be plugged in in its proper orientation as well. It is also upside-down in the instructions and packaging, the latter of which amusingly makes it look like the Matrix can launch out of his chest. Untabbing the red panels on his shoulders allows Magnus to use his transformation hinges as butterfly joints to hold the Matrix in front of him.
In addition to the expected shoulder/trailer-mounted missile launchers, Magnus includes two guns: one is based on his main rifle, and the other is based on the blaster Magnus uses after his emergency shuttle crash-lands on Junkion; both can peg into slots on Magnus's back or on the trailer. He also includes yellow-and-gray redecos of War for Cybertron: Siege Omega Supreme's blast effects, which can be pegged into either of the two blasters or the 5 mm ports on his shoulders, again to mimic his death scene. Alternatively, aside from the three tip pieces, you can take any combination of the other four blast effects and plug them in between the red missiles and shoulder launchers to create a firing effect. As with other Studio Series figures, he includes a backdrop display, with his depicting the Autobot shuttles fleeing from the second assault on Autobot City.
The instructions omit two steps. First, the blue flaps on the sides of his chest need to be opened in order to fold the cab roof out, and then folded back in. Second, there's no mention or indication that the cab is on a slide and that it should be pulled forward to give it articulation in vehicle mode.
Studio Series Magnus's trailer is specifically designed for him, with a unique connector joint that prevents it from hitching onto other Optimus or Magnus figures' vehicle modes. Magnus's trailer is also capable of carrying up to three Deluxe Class cars, with enough room left over to fit in one Core Class car; in a nod to a cut sequence from the film (and several 1986 toy commercial animations), this feature was demonstrated at Magnus's debut with the War for Cybertron: Kingdom figures for Sideswipe, Tracks, and Red Alert.
The outward shoulder hinges can be loose on some copies, unable to support the weight of the arm when holding accessories. The arms can sometimes come apart at the shoulder pylon hinge if it is rotated backwards without holding the shoulder together.
Studio Series Ultra Magnus was revealed at San Diego Comic-Con on July 20, 2023, with pre-orders going live on August 24. Magnus first appeared at Netherlands retailer TF Robots in early September.[7]
Ultra Magnus is set to be reissued in 2025.
Siege accessory mold: Omega Supreme's Fire Blast effects
  • Hasbro/TakaraTomy:
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:


  • Ultra Magnus (2025)

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If you build it, they will play.

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The child custody battle was a long and painful process.
  • The Diaclone toy that would become Magnus—called "Powered Convoy"—came in a couple different varieties. Aside from the version that was eventually turned into "Movie Preview" Magnus, there was a "chrome" version that used a lighter gray outer plastic and chromed the central body/lower ramps of the trailer unit. This version was also available in a multi-pack with a red version of the toy which would become Mirage, and the black version of the toy which would become Sideswipe. (Decades later, the red and blue Magnus would inspire the character Delta Magnus while the black Sideswipe would be used as Deep Cover).
  • All versions of the Diaclone Powered Convoy toy came with a red "Powered Buggy" (パワードバギー) partner-robot that transformed from futuristic buggy (with a space for a Diaclone pilot) to robot and could also use the large rifle in either mode. Why this was excised from the Transformers incarnation is unknown. The Italian Trasformer line by GiG, however, did release the vehicle as the "Super Buggy" on its own.


  1. Premature announcement of long smokestacks for the 2012 Asia reissue of Commemorative Series Ultra Magnus at TFormers
  2. Review of the 2012 Asia reissue of Commemorative Series Ultra Magnus at VTX (the long stacks seen in the photos are explicitly stated to be a custom job)
  3. "Awesome that they finally showed the Leader Ultra Magnus. Have they shown Ambus' cockpit yet? That's the part I got to work on."—Andrew Griffith, Twitter, 2015/02/14
    "Oh yeah I forgot I worked on the design of Minimus too lol. (In plastic form.)"—Andrew Griffith, Twitter, 2015/02/14
  4. Hasbro's Own Convention Will Sell You a Giant Transformer That Actually Charges Your Phone
  5. Transformers Panel at Hasbro Pulse Con 2024 with Ben MacCrae, Evan Brooks, Mark Maher, Marcelo Matere, and Nate Purswell.
  6. 6.0 6.1 San Diego Comic-Con 2023 Generations panel recording at the "Memo's collection" YouTube channel
  7. SS86 Magnus First Retail, TF Robots Instagram

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