Ultra Magnus (WFC)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Ultra Magnus" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Ultra Magnus (disambiguation). |
- Ultra Magnus is an Autobot from the Aligned continuity family.
Ultra Magnus is the hammer-wielding commander of the Wreckers, and one of Optimus Prime's closest lieutenants. He's more than capable of whipping even the worst disarray into military discipline, though he can get rather hung-up on protocol. Regardless, he's rightly feared among the Decepticon ranks.
Contents |
The Covenant of Primus
Ultra Magnus emerged from the Well of All Sparks sometime during or before the Age of Origins. He became a member of the Wreckers, a ferocious band of warriors who named themselves champions of the oppressed, protecting peaceful settlements from bandits like the Breakers, the Razers, and the Vandals.
When the Age of Wrath began, the Quintessons arrived on Cybertron and introduced civilization (and class warfare) to the population. Ultra Magnus left the Wreckers behind to help form an organized police force out of Iacon under the auspices of the elected Sentinel Zeta Prime. Most of the Wreckers had no respect for authority, and refused to join the Prime's official enforcers. They continued to operate as illegal vigilantes for the common good on the fringes of civilized society. Ultra Magnus, however, accepted Sentinel's offer and became one of his intelligence agents. In fact, all was not copacetic between Sentinel's council of thirteen and their Quintesson masters. Magnus found himself secretly gathering intelligence data on the Quintessons themselves so that the Cybertronian might one day move against their overlords. He also assisted Orion Pax in recruiting Jazz to steal a Quintesson vehicle for study and reverse-engineering by the secret order.
Revolution eventually began, as Sentinel's secret order revealed many of the lies the Quintessons told the Cybertronians upon their arrival. The Wreckers achieved legitimacy during the war, as Ultra Magnus recruited his old comrades for the uprising. On one particular mission, Ultra Magnus served as personal guard to the archivist Orion Pax, charged with bringing top secret information to certain key figures in the war effort, info which couldn't be trusted to transmissions. During this expedition, Magnus helped forge the meek librarian into a true warrior as Quintesson shock troops repeatedly barred their way, and Pax and Magnus formed a bond on the battlefield.
During the Golden Age, the Wreckers remained official law enforcement officers, presumably under the overall command of Ultra Magnus.
As war broke out again on Cybertron, this time between Autobots and Decepticons, Ultra Magnus and the Wreckers stood by Orion Pax (now Optimus Prime) and the Autobots. When the Ark launched with Prime and many of his soldiers to seek the lost AllSpark, Magnus and the Wreckers remained behind to conduct guerrilla warfare tactics against the remaining Decepticon infrastructure. Covenant of Primus
Aligned novels
Ultra Magnus was a sergeant of the Council Guardians who held back the Decepticons during the siege of the Hydrax Plateau spaceport despite overwhelming odds. Though the spaceport fell, Magnus and his main soldiers proved to be indispensable soldiers and were dubbed the "Wreckers". The Wreckers were crucial to holding Tagan Heights, battling Devastator and buying time for the scientists there to build the Protectobot combiner Defensor.
When Megatron corrupted the core of Cybertron with Dark Energon, Ultra Magnus and his Wreckers had destroyed an armored convoy on the Iacon-Hydrax road. They guarded the entrance at the Well of All Sparks with Cliffjumper while Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Jetfire descended to purge the core. When the Ark was completed, Ultra Magnus offered to stay behind and fight off Trypticon when the gargantuan Decepticon emerged. Trypticon transformed into the Nemesis and pursued the Ark into space, but with his Wreckers and Omega Supreme along with other remaining Autobots, Magnus was ready to battle Shockwave's new regime. Exodus
Ultra Magnus, Springer, and Wheeljack were present when Alpha Trion attempted to send the Autobot Chaindrive across the galaxy via a space bridge. Exiles
Shockwave finally made his move against Alpha Trion, arresting the sage from the Hall of Records. With Alpha Trion's neutrality no longer permitted, Ultra Magnus planned a rescue op. He assembled a team of Wreckers including Springer, Wheeljack, Jetfire, and Rack n' Ruin to infiltrate Iacon, access the Tower of Shockwave, and retrieve Alpha Trion. They were provided support by the recently reactivated Omega Supreme, who would act as a suitable...distraction for their op.
Inside Iacon's walls, Ultra Magnus brought the Wreckers to Maccadam's Old Oil House, who was secretly working with the Autobot resistance. Maccadam still shared the occasional oil with his Decepticon overlords, gathering intelligence. One of his patrons was an engineer who provided information on the Tower's mag-lev elevator, allowing the Wreckers to access it underground. The Wreckers were nearly accosted by Ratbat and the Decepticon city garrison, but Magnus radioed Omega Supreme who began long-range bombardment of the city, drawing away the Decepticons.
The Wreckers infiltrated Shockwave's secret lair and recovered Alpha Trion, but the situation was more dire than they anticipated. Shockwave had been trying to access Vector Sigma using Alpha Trion's systems, but the Quintessons had secretly tapped into that same circuitry to reactivate the long dormant Space bridge, beginning a Sharkticon invasion of Cybertron. The Wreckers raced to the Archives, where Alpha Trion intended to detonate the remaining articles of Cybertronian history that the Quintessons could claim. They were interrupted by General Tyrannicon of the Sharkticons, who jammed Alpha Trion's detonator. Fortunately, light-years away, Megatron had claimed the Sharkticon Matrix and therefore ended the Quintesson control over their slaves. Tyrannicon's troopers turned on him and each other, causing the all-but successful invasion to collapse in a matter of minutes. Retribution
Ask Vector Prime
In Uniend 610.23 Zeta, Ask Vector Prime Ultra Magnus attended a meeting of Optimus's most trusted lieutenants, where the Autobot leader announced his plan to keep the AllSpark out of Megatron's reach by launching it into space. Ultra Magnus and his Wreckers were tasked with clearing the team's path to the Well of AllSparks of any Decepticon resistance.
When the Autobots neared the Well of AllSparks, they learned that Megatron was moving in much earlier than expected. Ultra Magnus and the Wreckers were posted on the Well's ridge as the Autobots' first line of defense. Ultra Magnus and his crew encountered Megatron soon enough, as well as a group of fliers that Jetfire had been unable to draw away from the battlefield. Ironhide left his own assigned post to assist Ultra Magnus in preventing Megatron from breaching the Well. After a prolonged effort, the Wreckers succeeded in keeping the Decepticons at bay long enough for the AllSpark to be safely launched. Bumblebee at Tyger Pax
Cartoon continuity
IDW Aligned comics
After Optimus Prime and Megatron had left Cybertron, there was still a convoy of ships that was trying to escape what was left of the war. This convoy was escorted by Ultra Magnus and the Dinobots, who fended the escape crafts from Decepticon saboteurs. After saving Swoop from the Decepticons who had surrounded him, Ultra Magnus and his personal craft exploded and crashed. Ultra Magnus was pulled from the wreckage by surviving members of the long-lost Predacon faction and relocated to their hideout. Their commander, Ser-Ket, reported to her master, Shockwave, that Ultra Magnus was theirs and ready to be re-forged. Rage of the Dinobots #1
Before Ser-Ket's Decepticons could get to him, Ultra Magnus was broken out of his cell by the Dinobots, who were searching for a captured Swoop. After letting them know that the lost Dinobot had also fallen into Ser-Ket's clutches, he accompanied his rescuers to the prison's roof where they were confronted by Ser-Ket and her new minion... and a re-forged Swoop. Rage of the Dinobots #2 Believing Swoop to be lost, Ultra Magnus suggested they leave him and focus on rescuing the other Autobots in the prison, but Grimlock ignored him and challenged Ser-Ket to a duel for Swoop's freedom. Rage of the Dinobots #3 Ser-Ket was defeated, only for her master Shockwave to appear, defeat Ultra Magnus and the others with an EMP, and bring them to his lab to finish his experiments on the Dinobots. Everyone but Grimlock was left in a cell, but broke out by having Magnus and Slug fake an argument, tricking the guards into opening the cell to try to calm them down. After the Dinobots rescued Grimlock and defeated the avatar Shockwave was using to experiment on him, Ultra Magnus joined the rest of the Autobot fleet in space while the Dinobots elected to remain on Cybertron. Rage of the Dinobots #4
Prime cartoon
- Voice actor: Michael Ironside (English), Wang Wei (Chinese), Dieter Brian Gerlach (German), Dafnis Fernández (Latin American Spanish), Carlos López Benedí (Castilian Spanish), Rauno Ahonen (Finnish, season 3), Markus Bäckman (Finnish, "Predacons Rising"), Robert Guilmard (French), Marcelo Pissardini (Brazilian Portuguese), Massimiliano Lotti (Italian), Choi Han (Korean, "Predacons Rising")
Ultra Magnus was Optimus Prime's second in command in the war for Cybertron Scattered and was a member of the Elite Guard. Evolution Ultra Magnus was assigned to head the Wreckers unit by Optimus Prime, in the hopes Magnus could instill some discipline into them. Project Predacon His appointment resulted in Wheeljack leaving the team. Chain of Command After the Great Exodus, Ultra Magnus wandered space in a ship searching for other survivors, reuniting with some but often only seeing them killed by Decepticons Scattered
When an amnesiac Optimus, under his former name Orion Pax, was working for Megatron, Soundwave concealed any evidence of Optimus's current life, cloaking his image with a picture of Magnus. This did not stop Orion from decoding the image and revealing who Optimus Prime really was. Orion Pax, Part 2
Years later, after the fall of Cybertron, Ultra Magnus detected a huge energy surge heading towards Earth and followed it there to search for Autobot energy traces. Prey He set down in front of the nearest signal to find Arcee and a native life-form. Scattered After establishing proper chain of command, he took them aboard and proceeded to the next energy traces, only to find Wheeljack and Bulkhead fighting a huge metal dragon. He picked the pair up along with another native life-form. The beast gave chase but he eventually managed to knock it off the top of his spaceship by flying through a canyon. Magnus tracked the remaining Autobot traces to a wrecked Decepticon ship and found Ratchet and Bumblebee. Assuming command in Optimus Prime's absence, Ultra Magnus introduced the Autobots to his weapons locker. Prey
Magnus led an attack on Darkmount with the goal of destroying Darkmount's fusion cannons so agent Fowler could destroy the fortress with a squad of jets. Using the kids as a means of dividing the Decepticon forces, Magnus flew his ship into battle and used it to lure the Predacon through a GroundBridge. When the Autobot forces got into trouble, he assaulted the fusion cannon control room himself, only to encounter Megatron though he was out ranked and outclassed and was quickly defeated. Beaten and dragged to the throne room, Ultra Magnus was about to be executed after refusing to tell Megatron where Optimus was, even though he himself didn't know. His salvation came when Optimus Prime arrived in a more... robust form and trounced Megatron. Magnus knocked out Starscream and flew his ship to safety as Optimus destroyed the power core Following the destruction of Darkmount, Magnus joined the Autobots at a human military base, where he passed command back to Optimus. Rebellion
Magnus went to the Autobots' old base to scavenge what he could along with Wheeljack. Upon their return, Wheeljack tried lobbing his old lobbing ball at Bulkhead, but when the Wrecker failed to catch it, it almost crushed Miko. Ultra Magnus then angrily vilified Wheeljack, causing the Wrecker to storm off. Magnus was later instructed by Optimus Prime to lead Bulkhead and Wheeljack in a response team to a Decepticon sighting in Scotland. He took the Forge of Solus Prime with him, hoping to put it to some practical use. Project Predacon He remained unimpressed with Wheeljack's failure to follow orders, and even more so when it turned out the Wrecker had brought Miko along. Their infiltration of the Decepticon mining operation was interrupted by the arrival of the Predacon, which led to the three Wreckers' fighting the beast in a cavern while Miko went to contact base. The battle turned to disaster when one of Wheeljack's grenades brought the place down on them, and the Predacon got away with the fossil it was after. The resulting tension between Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus resulted in the former opting to leave the team. Chain of Command By the time Magnus and Bulkhead had flown back to base, Wheeljack had been talked into staying. Plus One
Ultra Magnus continued to find himself having trouble fitting in with Team Prime, even being ditched when Optimus Prime would return to base. Optimus was talking to Magnus about his commanding issues when they detected raw energon being moved. Magnus joined the others in capturing it then exploring the mine with the Wreckers, and Smokescreen. He and Wheeljack explored one side of the mine and stumbled on Shockwave's laboratory full of Predacon clones. After engaging Shockwave they destroyed it, only to encounter Predaking, now able to transform into a robot, on their way out. Despite acquitting themselves well against the Predacon, the pair were soundly defeated, with the Predacon breaking the Forge and crushing Magnus's right hand. Only the intervention of Optimus saved them. They returned to base for repairs, and as Ratchet did what he could for Magnus's hand, Optimus told him that on Earth, Team Prime had become a family. Evolution
With the technology available, Ratchet was only able to supply Magnus with a makeshift claw to replace his hand. To make things worse, Magnus was forced to stay at base, forbidden to go out into battle until he had recovered some dexterity in his new appendage. With some persuasion on Wheeljack's behalf, Magnus was allowed to go on a mission to the Solaris particle collider in Antarctica. He led the other Autobots into the base while Optimus faced Predaking outside, and the team ran into heavy Vehicon resistance. Minus One Magnus actually managed to get the better of Shockwave, only for Predaking to arrive and take both Shockwave and the generator. Returning to base, the Autobots found that Ratchet had been abducted by Soundwave, but Magnus was determined that they wouldn't give up. Persuasion
They launched a probe carrying Laserbeak's transponder and monitored it and Optimus's progress from the base. Though the probe was destroyed, Ratchet was able to send them the coordinates to the Decepticon warship, and Ultra Magnus ordered everyone to gear up before leading them through the GroundBridge to assault the Nemesis. Synthesis The three Wreckers were ordered to take the bridge, however no sooner did they reach their target than Soundwave bridged them to another part of the ship. Magnus informed the others that his team would be delayed, and in fact when they reached the bridge again, it had already been captured by Jack and Miko. With the warship until their control, the Autobots flew it to Cybertron and used the Omega Lock to restore their home world. After Optimus's obligatory speech, Magnus shared a mutual salute with Fowler before returning home. Deadlock
Following the ceremony promoting Bumblebee to warrior, Optimus Prime disembarked with Wheeljack to find the AllSpark and left Ultra Magnus in charge during his absence. Ultra Magnus took part in patrols to try and find the missing Starscream, Shockwave and Predaking. Instead he and Smokescreen ran into Darksteel and Skylynx, and despite Magnus's best attempts he was severely injured in the ensuing battle against Skylynx. Tended to by Ratchet, Magnus missed out on the battle to defeat Unicron, leaving Bumblebee to take command of the team in his absence. He was present and conscious, albeit on a reclining medical table when Optimus Prime gave a final speech and sacrificed himself to restore the AllSpark to Cybertron. Predacons Rising
Titan Prime comic
2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon
After Cybertron's rebirth, a statue of Ultra Magnus was constructed in his honor. Pilot (Part 1) However, when a new High Council came into power, Ultra Magnus was blacklisted for being a supporter of Optimus Prime. Enemy of My Enemy
IDW Robots in Disguise comic
Having taken command of Team Prime after the death of Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, who at some point had his hand repaired, led Arcee and Bulkhead to Earth, where they spied on Bumblebee's team from their spaceship. Fire, When Ready! Magnus sent Arcee and Bulkhead to question Spinhead, but they reported back that the Decepticon had already been captured by Bumblebee's team. Robots in Disguise #1
The trio paid Bumblebee a visit to question some of the prisoners from the Alchemor over the whereabouts of Clipshade. With the help of Bumblebee's team they were able to capture the Decepticon in question, and Ultra Magnus promptly had Clipshade spirited away to his ship. Robots in Disguise #2
Magnus paid Team Bee another visit to give them some answers after an operation resulted in Overhead escaping. Robots in Disguise #3 After Magnus apologized for keeping secret the fact that Clipshade was actually a secret Autobot operative tasked with trying to find the true leader of the Sect, he and Bumblebee worked together to attempt a new plan. Ultra Magnus used Sideswipe as a spy and was able to get more information on their foe from Skullcruncher, leading them to attack Overhead's hideout. Despite a last ditch attempt by Overhead to turn the space bridge she was building into a black hole, the Sect leader and her hench-Croctobots were captured, and Magnus took them back to Cybertron on his ship. Robots in Disguise #4
Ultra Magnus led an elite unit of Autobots, including Cosmos and Powerglide, who supported Bumblebee's team from the shadows. Adventure Ultra Magnus bio
Ultra Magnus allowed himself to be captured by Lockdown so that he could escape his bonds and defeat the Decepticon when he was distracted, though the plan proved irrelevant as a team of Autobots came to his rescue anyway. After Dogfight had defeated the Decepticons, he told Ultra Magnus to clean up the mess, much to the vexation of the higher ranked Autobot. Return! The Most Evil Duo
Tales of the Beast Hunters
After being newly born out of Shockwave's evolution vats, Grimwing came upon Ultra Magnus. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 15 The Autobot, out on patrol, spotted Grimwing as he descended towards him. He immediately attacked, striking the Predacon with the Forge of Solus Prime, only to find himself being disarmed and severely damaged in response. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 16
Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe
Pursuing the AllSpark after it had been launched into space, Ultra Magnus was one of the many Autobots that found their way to Earth. There, he participated in a great battle within a human settlement against the Decepticons. The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe
Transformers: War for Cybertron (DS)
- Voice actor: Jamieson Price (English)
Following Trypticon's crash-landing and subsequent rampage on Cybertron, Ultra Magnus took part in the Autobot counter-attack on the beast. At one point, he was pinned down by enemy fire, and asked Jetfire and Ironhide for assistance.
Somehow Ultra Magnus got corrupted by Dark Energon and left in the sewers, likely by the Decepticons who are known to do that sort of thing. There he ran around randomly breaking things until the Autobots, unaware of his presence, placed a bomb in the sewers, intending to prevent them from falling under Decepticon control. When the Autobots detected a strange signal coming from the collapsing sewers, they sent in a small team to investigate. The team was confronted with the sight of Magnus crashing through a wall, and realized he'd been corrupted. With time short, the Autobots fought Ultra Magnus until the Dark Energon was purged from his system and he regained his senses. Then they all high-tailed it out of the sewers before the final collapse. War for Cybertron - Autobots/Decepticons
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron
Top Trumps
One of the most fearsome warriors the Autobots have, Ultra Magnus commands an elite special forces unit. Top Trumps: Transformers Prime
Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark
Rise of the Dark Spark (console)
Transformers Ultimate Allstars
Transformers: Battle Tactics
Ultra Magnus (FOC) participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was an Epic character who could be acquired as a reward in the "Cybertron: Episode 3" event. Transformers: Battle Tactics
Robots in Disguise mobile game
Version | Unlock Cost (Energon) | Unlock Cost (Ultra Sparks) |
Ultra Magnus | 1500 | 30 |
- Ultra Magnus (Cyberverse Commander Class, 2012)
- Part of the third wave of Hasbro's Prime Series 2 Cyberverse Commander Class toys, Ultra Magnus transforms into a cabover semi truck of made-up model. This version of Magnus is a one-piece flat-bed truck, and he features a translucent chest and front windshield to interact with the light-up features of the various Cyberverse playsets.
- Magnus comes with a translucent blue hammer which can also transform into an artillery cannon, and he can hold the weapon in either mode with his hands, or store it on a 3mm post on his roof/back. Additionally, he has 3mm peg-holes on his toolboxes/forearms, his truck rear, and on either side of his hammerhead/cannon base. In order to accommodate holding the hammer by the haft, Magnus's hands are molded unusually open, likely in order to avoid stress marks and/or breakage. Due to being part of the transformation, the transparent pectoral armor/shoulder joints can pivot forward; happily, this allows him to wield the hammer double-handed. However, because of the fairly weak stopping points on the joint, you're likely to pivot them by accident.
- In Japan, EZ Collection Magnus was released in the fifth wave of Takara's Prime product.
- Ultra Magnus (Cyberverse Commander Class, 2014)
- Series / Number: 3 / 011
- Accessories: "Forge of Solus Battle Hammer"
- Known designers: Joe Kyde (Hasbro)
- Part of the fifth and final wave of Prime: Beast Hunters Cyberverse Commander Class toys, Ultra Magnus is a retool/redeco of Series 2 Cyberverse Commander Class Optimus Prime, reflecting his depiction in the third season of the Prime cartoon. Transforming into a long-nosed truck, he comes with the Forge of Solus Battle Hammer, a weapon that can be held in his hands, or store/mount onto numerous 3mm ports on his person. Additionally, the Forge features a 5 mm post near its hammerhead, allowing it to store on his trailer hitch port.
- Multiple specimens have their smokestacks swapped compared to both the original Optimus Prime release of the sculpt and its Nightwatch Optimus Prime redeco/retool. Fortunately, the smokestacks can be swapped back with ease. The official stock photos depict the smokestacks assembled correctly.
- As with the original mold, the leg construction (thigh parts with legs consists of rear wheels/fifth wheel hitch & engine compartment/flip out legs combination) can become loose after a long time of play due to being used with transformation. Also, the legs did not seem to securely connect due to the hitch's shallow holes & the front half of the legs' small pegs.
- Due to being released after the Christmas season and before the launching of the Age of Extinction toy line, Ultra Magnus and the other figures of his wave were skipped by US and Canadian retailers, and were ultimately only available in Hong Kong, Canada and Europe.
Robots in Disguise

- Ultra Magnus (Voyager Class, 2012)
- Series / Number: 1 / 006
- TakaraTomy ID number: AM-27
- TakaraTomy Release date: December 15, 2012
- Accessories: Blaster cannon/Battle hammer & missile (Hasbro only), Arms Micron Ulma (TakaraTomy only)
- Part of the fourth wave of Hasbro's Prime: Robots in Disguise Voyager Class toys, this larger-scale Magnus comes with a (non-firing) rocket, as well as massive artillery cannon that transforms into a "battle hammer", with its hammerhead illuminated by an LED. Unlike all the other Voyager Class light-up weapons in the line, the cannon is capable of locking into hammer mode. These weapons can peg onto any of his numerous 5mm mounting points. Nominally, the instructions tell you to peg the cannon's hammerhead posts onto both of the flip-out 5mm socket-mounts on his truck bed, but it can only securely peg onto one of them at a time thanks to slightly mis-aligned pegs/mounts.
- He is mis-transformed in his stock photography, with the rear truck wheels left sticking out of his lower legs, rather than folding around his calves. It also depicts him having additional paint operations which were omitted from the final product, such as the red paint on the upper half of his chest, and the silver paint on his abdomen, smokestacks, and truck bed sides. Additionally, the weapon's locking mechanism appears to have been retooled for the final toy. These stock photo errors are present in the robot mode render seen in the Top Trumps section of this page, with said render (from the waist up) being used as this toy's package art.
- The TakaraTomy release, part of the ninth wave of Japanese Prime toys, features numerous differences from the Hasbro release. His blue plastic is much brighter and non-metallic, his grille, toes, and sculpted shoulder rockets are a brighter gray, and his arms, thighs, and hands are a darker gray. Most of his paint operations have been replaced with customer-applied foil stickers, and of what paint remains, his white has been replaced by yellow, his silver is brighter, and his red is more matte. Instead of the Hasbro accessories, he comes with his Arms Micron partner Ulma, who transforms into his hammer. The hammer can still be wielded two-handed (just barely, thanks to the relatively short handle), but doesn't make a particularly convincing artillery cannon.
Beast Hunters
- Ultra Magnus (Voyager Class, 2013)
- Series / Number: 2 / 005
- Accessories: "Forge of Solus battle hammer", backpack, two missiles
- Part of the third wave of Prime: Beast Hunters Voyager Class toys, this considerably more show-accurate Ultra Magnus is now a retool and redeco of the Robots in Disguise Voyager Class Optimus Prime toy, transforming into a long-nose cab of made-up model. He lacks the smokestacks from previous versions of this mold, and his forearms sport the additional 5 mm post holes from the TakaraTomy Arms Micron release of Optimus Prime. His shoulders can be flipped down to be used as built-in pressure-firing missile launchers, and the missiles can store on clips on said shoulders.
- He comes with a larger-scale "Forge of Solus battle hammer", which features a 5mm handle. He also comes with a winged backpack that is similar in appearance to the one used by "Beast Hunters" Optimus Prime. Its wings each feature a clip for missile storage, and the backpack is stored in vehicle mode by mounting all three of its 5mm pegs onto the truck rear peg-holes. The backpack has a tab and peg-hole for storing the hammer in either mode.
- Most Ultra Magnus toys are mis-assembled: his shin guards have been swapped compared to his stock photography and to other uses of this mold. This is easily fixed by unscrewing the panels and swapping them. Additionally, his instructions and stock photography depict him with smokestacks that he doesn't have anymore. His instructions also include the sixteenth chapter of the Tales of the Beast Hunters series.
- This toy was repurposed as the Cloud version of Ultra Magnus. The original TakaraTomy version of this mold was redecoed to make Prime AM-25 Nemesis Prime.
- Ultra Magnus (Deluxe Class, 2012)
- Series / Number: 1 / 012
- TakaraTomy ID number: TG11
- TakaraTomy release date: February 23, 2013
- Accessories: Three-piece sword, blaster
- Known designers: Aaron Archer (Hasbro), Takashi Kunihiro (TakaraTomy)
- Part of the third wave of 2012 Generations Deluxe Class toys, Fall of Cybertron Ultra Magnus is a blue, white, red, black, and silver retool/redeco of Fall of Cybertron Optimus Prime, retaining the blaster, and coming with a new head and sword. The blaster features two 5mm posts at the top and bottom, while the sword features 5mm posts for its handle and on its side, and is modeled after the blade used by Optimus at the end of Fall of Cybertron campaign. The sword is actually made up of three pieces, which can combine with the blaster to form an even bigger sword, with the two blade halves clipping onto slots present on the blaster's body, and the handle being pegged onto the blaster's handle. Ultra Magnus features numerous 5mm ports for storage and mounting, such as his hands, arms, robot back, smokestacks, the sides of his legs/truck rear, and the soles of his feet (which end up on top of the truck rear).
- The toy is known for being oddly small for an Ultra Magnus toy, especially when compared to other toys from the same line. However, this allows him to be more or less in scale with Grimlock and Bruticus from the same line. Ultra Magnus features sculpted fake wheels on his back.
- Unusually, his stock photography depicts him with fewer paint operations than the final product, with the final toy having black paint details on his lower legs that the toy in the stock photo lacks.
- The Japanese version of Ultra Magnus, released in the third wave of TakaraTomy's Generations toyline, is cast in a much brighter shade of blue plastic, with an additional coat of metallic blue paint on his torso and arms, and features gray plastic and paint rather than white. He also features numerous new paint details to highlight his sculpted details, as well as blue eyes. The aforementioned metallic blue paint is susceptible to turning purple over time.
Platinum Edition
- Ultra Magnus (Weaponizer, 2013)
- 03 OF 30
- Accessories: Forge of Solus Battle Hammer, blaster cannon
- Known designers: Andrew Scribner (deco artist)
- Platinum Edition 'Thrilling 30' Ultra Magnus is a retool/redeco of the "Robots in Disguise" Weaponizer Class Optimus Prime toy. He retains the blaster cannon accessory, and additionally comes with a different and even larger version of the "Forge of Solus Battle Hammer", which can only be held via two smaller 5mm handles on either end of the shaft. The Forge can mount onto the rear of his truck mode, or store in robot mode by clipping tightly onto the grille on his back. As the entire grille is painted, clipping the Forge onto it will inevitably result in paint chipping. He features additional 5mm ports on his shoulders and legs/truck rear.
- His main gimmicks, however, are the two large, blue-and-white mini-guns hidden in his back/hood, which can deploy and "weaponize" either mode. When deployed, the mini-guns swing out from his back/hood and spin, while a red LED inside his torso lights up briefly. The mini-guns swing down to the sides of his head in robot mode, and can also be deployed in vehicle mode when one manually opens the grille. Pushing down on the blue lever on the center his torso (in either mode) briefly lights up the LED again and swings the mini-guns back into their hiding places.
- Ultra Magnus (Voyager, 2015)
- ID number: TAV14
- Release date: April 25, 2015
- Accessories: Forge of Solus battle hammer, backpack, two missiles
- Released in the second wave of TakaraTomy's Adventure toyline, Ultra Magnus is a show-accurate redeco of the Beast Hunters Voyager Class Ultra Magnus, which is itself a retool/redeco of the Arms Micron version of the Prime Voyager Class Optimus Prime toy, complete with extra 5 mm ports. His shoulders can be flipped down to be used as built-in pressure-firing missile launchers, and the missiles can store on clips on said shoulders.
- His scannable Autobot insignia is on his robot mode left shoulder. Scanning this in the Transformers Adventure mobile app unlocks the toy to the app's collection list. As he was released in a windowed package, his badge was covered by a dummy sticker, preventing it to be scanned during pre-purchase.
Robots in Disguise (2015)
- Ultra Magnus (Legion Class, 2016)
- Part of the fifth wave of Robots in Disguise Legion Class product, Ultra Magnus is a redeco of the earlier Legion-class Optimus Prime. Magnus features 3mm posts on his hands and elbows/"trailer" parts.
- His scannable Autobot insignia is on his robot mode left shoulder. Scanning this in the Robots in Disguise mobile game temporarily unlocks the Legion-Class Ultra Magnus figure as a playable character if the player has not permanently unlocked it already. However, the badge is completely impossible to scan in vehicle mode.
- Magnus's hammer is a reference to the Magnus Hammer of Animated Ultra Magnus, while his role as leader of the Cybertronian resistance and the Wreckers references his Marvel counterpart in the UK Marvel comic and the Dreamwave Productions comic series. His personality in Prime is based on his 2005-2018 IDW counterpart: a stiff bore obsessed with rules and regulations who travels from planet to planet in his own personal spacecraft.
- It is no surprise that Magnus wields exactly the same built-in gun type as Optimus, given that in the Prime cartoon, Magnus and Optimus share the same body-type. Magnus even shares Optimus' older alt-mode, albeit without Prime's exhaust pipes and with the addition of a Dyson-esque cargo hold where the trailer coupling would be. This is presumably for budget cuts and more of a reference to the core robot of the original, as Magnus already had a packaging render based on his earlier Prime figures. Robots in Disguise took the connection even further, as his card art is simply Prime's with his head.
- Like several other Prime toys unrelated to the cartoon, Ultra Magnus' first Voyager toy—with its original design distinct from that later seen in the show—came about as part of an opportunity to create a capsule line for the Asian market[1] (a la the "Global Development Organization" Generations releases from that same year), tying into the short-lived Transformers Online MMORPG.[2] Clearly, the MMO angle was ultimately dropped for whatever reason, and he ended up being released in a regular wave of the mainline like any other.
- A proposed Fun Publications BotCon exclusive was a redeco of Prime Ultra Magnus into the Generation 1 Turbomaster Thunder Clash.[3]
- This guy took a direct hit to the face from the Forge of Solus Prime when it was wielded by Predaking and survived. He is no slouch.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Ultra Magnus (ウルトラマグナス Urutora Magunasu)
- Mandarin: Tōngtiān Xiǎo (China, 通天晓, "The One Who Knows Everything")
- ↑ "So this toy was originally a Hong Kong- or Chinese-kind-of-exclusive line that we were doing over there, in those black boxes. [...] It was all in this mix of, we want to create unique characters for China—or the collector market in Asia, I should say—and that's where this unique character came up, we had been working on him for the story, and they were looking for a dynamic new toy thing, that wasn't- you know, your standard thing, and that's how the kind of these two things got put together, and then timing, it got put under the Prime banner. [...] He's got different cost constraints, and feature-set, and everything. It's a whole different one-off."—Aaron Archer, The Toy Armada, "17 - Transformers Created To SELL A STORY", 2024/06/14
TRA FRENZY DLX W MMO CARD AND SLUG 38331"—Monzo, TFW2005, "Monzo's Mega Hasbro Customer Service Listing Breakdown", 2013/11/01 - ↑ BotCon 2014 attendee report by griffin