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Whirl'd View

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Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy ep 4
RBA - Whirl'd View - Sleigh Ride.jpg
Starring Megatron as The Grinch.
"Whirl'd View"
Production code 104
Season 1
No. in season 4
Production company Allspark Animation
Airdate January 12, 2019
Writer Jodi Reynolds
Director Pete Slattery
Animation studio Boulder Media Studio
Yt icon rgb.png Watch this episode on YouTube

Whirl's Police Bot attention to procedure and detail saves the day when the recruits get caught in a snow storm.



Hot Shot merrily plays a Cube hand-held game, despite the fact he's in class and should be listening to Chase. Chase grills him on Rescue Bot police codes, and though most of the recruits are bored, Whirl is in her element. Medix suggests that they would learn better doing an actual rescue, and though Chase is dubious, they convince him to set up a practice rescue in the field. He's soon lecturing them on procedure in front of the GroundBridge, and stresses the importance of proper equipment, though it turns out Whirl has a compass.

The recruits arrive in a wooded area and look for the hikers they're supposed to be rescuing, which turn out to be barrels with faces painted on. Despite Whirl's insistence that they follow the rules, the other recruits round up the barrels while she's interrogating a woodpecker. Hot Shot decides to fill in time by playing tag, and the four of them race off, leaving Whirl to find the barrels abandoned. It suddenly starts snowing. Whirl realizes she's going to have to go find the other recruits before the mission's accomplished.

The other four recruits trudge through the freshly fallen snow until they end up falling into a hole. Meanwhile Whirl employs her knowledge of police tracking to follow the trail of evidence the others have left. Hot Shot tries unsuccessfully to climb out of the hole, and Wedge discovers their comms are out. Hot Shot grouses about the fact he's already used his hovercraft mode, so he can't just turn into a jet, and though Wedge suggests he could "hover out", his attempt at doing so ends in failure. Whirl, now in her helicopter mode, manages to spot the trapped recruits, and uses her arm rotors to clear a gap in the side of the hole. They build a sled out of the barrels in order to get down the hill and though Whirl forgets the brakes, Chase manages to stop them short of the portal. The recruits head back to the warm, dry classroom, though as Chase notes, they forgot to take the hikers.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Autobots Others
  • Hikers (7-11)


"Let's turn to Rescue Bot police code five-eight-nine: cat up a tree; six-eight-nine: bird up a tree; seven-eight-nine: bot up a tree; and the unusual, but still possible, eight-eight-nine: tree up a tree."


"But in a real rescue, it won't be that simple. You never know what could happen. Avalanche. A tiger. A avalanche of tigers! That's why it's super important to practice following the rules like Chase said."


"We've tried everything! And by everything, I mean turning into a hovercraft."

Hot Shot


Continuity notes

  • Though this episode falls before "If at First..." in production order, it includes an example of a recruit using one of the "cool tools" Hoist created in that episode — Whirl using her arm rotors to clear snow. Discovery Family reordered the episodes to ensure continuity, though in other places it screened in production order.

Transformers references

  • TBA

Animation and technical errors

  • TBA


  • The bot in Hot Shot's handheld game is a partial recolor of one of his friends from "Recruits Part I".
  • The cat up a tree in Chase's slides resembles Mister Pettypaws in brown.

Foreign localization


  • Title: "Béni-oui-Whirl" ("Yes-Whirl", pun with the French expression "Béni-oui-oui", Yes-man)
  • Original airdate: ?

Spanish (Latin America)

  • Title: "Vista Whirl" ("Whirl View")
  • Original airdate: 7 July 2019

Home video releases

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