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Wolf in the Fold!

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This article is about the Marvel UK comic issue. For the Beast Machines episode, see A Wolf in the Fold.
The Transformers (UK) #273
"Wolf in the Fold!"
Publisher Marvel Comics
First published 2nd June 1990
Cover date 9th June 1990
Writer Simon Furman
Art Staz
Lettering Glib
Continuity Marvel Comics continuity/Earthforce

Carnivac and Springer both have to face their fellows...



These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity. See Earthforce for details.

Carnivac patrols the Mayhem Attack Squad's base, trying to find a member alone. Octopunch and Stranglehold are on joint guard duty whilst Spinister and Snarler are making plans. However, Bludgeon is meditating solo.

Meanwhile, the Autobot Survivors debate what to do about Carnivac. Springer believes Carnivac can handle the situation by himself, but Broadside wants to call in the Autobot Earthforce. Springer is unsure as it means dealing with Grimlock. Springer had wanted the Survivors to wait and tackle the Mayhems as a team, but Carnivac headed off solo, wanting revenge. Skids declares that, whether Springer calls in the Earthforce or not, the others will go to help Carnivac. This forces Springer's hand.

Carnivac tries to attack Bludgeon from behind, but the Master of Metallikato cannot be taken unaware. They struggle, but Bludgeon throws Carnivac backwards and grabs his sword. Carnivac realises he's messed this up and lost the element of surprise, but Bludgeon is glad that his foe will die a warrior's death. Carnivac runs, trying desperately to come up with a solution.

All five surviving Mayhems corner Carnivac. Spinister decides to dispense with close range kills and fires a successful deadly blast at the wolf.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)



Artwork and technical errors

  • TBD

Continuity errors

  • TBD

Continuity notes

  • With this issue, the Survivors storyline now explicitly ties into the alternate continuity of the Earthforce storyline. It's not clear where one draws the line between the main storyline and this portion of the Earthforce branch.

Real-life references

  • TBD

Other trivia

  • TBD

Back-up material


  • Issue #273 cover: Carnivac stalks the Mayhems, by Staz.


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