From Transformers Wiki
This article is about the Binaltech Autobot. For the Prime Autobot, see Zoom. |
- Zoom-Zoom is an Autobot from the Binaltech portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Zoom-Zoom is not a true, living Transformer. He is a human-created artificial intelligence program based on data taken from the Autobot Jazz, placed inside a spare Mazda RX-8-model Alternator Transformer body. Jazz gave Zoom-Zoom his name (based on Mazda's advertising slogan), and treats him in many respects like a son or brother. He's even tried teaching Zoom-Zoom how to dance.
Though Zoom-Zoom has a limited degree of intelligence and independent thought, he is combat-capable. His body is no different from Jazz's Alternator form save in coloration, so he can hold his own in battle but lacks experience or improvisational skills. As such, he requires steady supervision on the field. Hopefully, Zoom-Zoom's learning capabilities are enough to eventually overcome this weakness.[1]
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Mazda's RX-8 Website
In 2004, Mazda created a promotional website for the Alternator RX-8. The site was unique in that it was set "within" the Transformers universe, including futuristic views of Earth's cities after 20 years of contact with Transformers.
At the Mazda Concept Lab in Hiroshima, Japan, a secret project was conducted to create a concept car to host the 2004 Detroit Auto Show. By giving the RX-8 prototype more "zoom zoom," the Lead Engineer was able to bring the car to life.
Press release
Mazda's in-universe press release following Zoom-Zoom's creation read:
The TRANSFORMERS® RX-8 is a TRANSFORMERS ALTERNATORS vehicle that combines the spark from an AUTOBOT soldier with pure 100% MAZDA ZOOM-ZOOM. It's a powerful combination that brings together the finest qualities of the AUTOBOT champions and the ultimate in HUMAN engineering. Powered by an amazing ROTARY RENESIS ENGINE, the RX-8 is determined to carry on the fight to save planet Earth for as long as it takes. While exceedingly powerful, the RX-8 isn't some muscle-bound thug. He constantly impresses his adversaries with stunning displays of grace and agility. A true athlete, the RX-8 is a real testament to what can be accomplished when brain and brawn come together. His physical prowess and confident attitude ensure his place at the forefront of the battle against evil and second-rate automobiles, giving all sentient beings the right to experience the freedom and exhilaration they so richly deserve.
Alternators backstory
The RX-8 site also included the only English-language story for the Alternators ever published.
After the evil DECEPTICONS used COSMIC RUST to all but wipe out the AUTOBOTS who were protecting MOTHER EARTH, HUMANS decided to create their own TRANSFORMERS in a last ditch effort to save the planet. Car companies like MAZDA funded the project, implanting sparks from the damaged Autobots into new, man-made BINALTECH bodies. The fight continues.
Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
Story of Binaltech
When Jazz was upgraded in the Binaltech Project, he was equipped with the standard Genetronic Translink System to control multiple bodies. One of his spare bodies was also equipped with an Artificial Intelligence program to run completely autonomously from him. Jazz affectionately nicknamed the drone "Zoom-Zoom". Operation: Carwash
Train Wars
Once Mach, Night, and Snow stopped Nightbird's attempt at hijacking G Liner and stealing their still unactivated brothers, Zoom-Zoom assisted in the cleanup efforts. The Train Wars: The Origin
Wings Universe
Zoom-Zoom was one of the defenders of Cybertron serving under Obsidian during the Machine Wars. Termination
- Meister (2004)
- ID number: BT-08
- Release date: September 30, 2004
- Accessories: Muffler-gun
- Known designers: Hironori Kobayashi (TakaraTomy), Masakatsu Saito (concept artist)
- Released in the seventh wave of Takara's Binaltech line, this redeco of the Binaltech Meister toy transforms into a 1:24-scale licensed Mazda RX-8, with painted die-cast metal car panels. He features an opening hood with engine, opening "suicide" doors and an opening trunk, as well as a detailed interior with seats and a dashboard complete with steering wheel (on the right-hand side, as this is a Japanese-market car). His front wheels feature a working "steering" mechanism (which is not connected to the steering wheel, though), and all four wheels are equipped with rubber tires. He is armed with a rifle that transforms from his muffler; the peg used to attach the muffler in vehicle mode actually plugs into the holes on his forearms near the elbow joints, allowing the blaster to be attached there.
- This toy was released concurrently with the "standard" white version of the figure, shipping in the same case, in an equal ratio. This figure's packaging is identical to the standard version (including images of the regular white toy on the back), save for a photograph of the red toy on the front, and slightly-altered text next to the photo identifying it as the "Velocity Red Mica Edition".
- The official Binaltech fiction packed in with both versions of the toy repurposed the red version as the AI unit "Zoom-Zoom".
- This mold was retooled to make the Autorooper and Shockwave.
- The name Zoom-Zoom is a phrase used by Mazda to describe what it calls the "emotion of motion" that it claims is inherent in its cars.[2]
- Zoom-Zoom was actually the first glimpse the fandom had of the Mazda Alternators toy, from a Flash presentation on the Mazda website. An early 3D model in red was presented before Hasbro or Takara had announced the toy. As the head design was slightly different from the final toy, fan speculation ran rampant as to who exactly the character was, ranging from Overdrive to Camshaft, the latter actually coming from a Hasbro customer service phone representative at one point (later semi-corroborated by a Walmart computer listing which included a name that started with "C", but cut it off after that for space reasons). Some fans took to (loudly and jokingly) claiming the character should be called "Zoom-Zoom" due to the prevalence of the phrase in the animation. Apparently, Binaltech fiction author Hirofumi Ichikawa took this to heart.
- Zoom-Zoom appeared in Wings continuity as a "virtual redeco" of Reveal the Shield Deluxe Class Jazz.