✦ Illustrator ✦ 🇺🇦 ✦ 23 ✦ she/her ✦ Commissions are open ✦ that artist obsessed with Yangchen I guess ✦ russians and pro-israel dni ✦

Lately I’ve been working on updating some things in my webcomic I started back in 2022, and now I’m happy to announce that you can read the prologue and first 2 chapters on Webtoon Canvas!

The comic is about an ancient race called sylvrin exploring their new galactic nature and fighting for their stars’ safety with our galaxy Milky Way (Ratha) as the main character. More chapters are on their way, so I hope you’ll like the story!

Big thanks to @katkastrofa for editing the translation <3

In case you haven’t been following, here is a short summary of the misnamed Russian-American "peace process" regarding Ukraine.

The US demands that Ukraine accept an immediate unconditional ceasefire. Ukraine agrees.

Russia rejects any talk of such a ceasefire, and instead asks for a halt on strikes on energy targets, an area where Ukraine is hurting Russia. The US agrees and Ukraine agrees.

Russia within one day violates the terms of its own proposal, attacking Ukrainian energy infrastructure along with other civilian targets. There is no US response.

Meanwhile Russia insists that the United States enforce on Ukraine Russia’s war aims, even though they are outrageous and even though Russia is not winning the war. The US agrees.

The United States also insists that Ukraine concede its mineral wealth in exchange for nothing at all.

This has not been a peace process. It has not even been appeasement. It has been the US throwing its power on Russia’s side in a war of aggression.

‼️The Russians are currently massively attacking the city of Dnipro with drones: there have already been several fires in the city, including in a hotel and restaurant complex


❗A rescue operation is underway at the entertainment complex: everything there is engulfed in fire

UPD: Four people were injured in Dnipro, they were hospitalized


quick reminder that everything russia’s doing to ukraine isn’t new. there were 170 governmental bans on ukrainian language in the last 150 years. most of ukrainian writers from the basic school literature curriculum were murdered or oppressed for speaking out for ukraine. an average person doesn’t have to know executed renaissance or the ems ukaz or forced russification or literally hundreds of similar precedents, but please do note that this all was a thing long before putin


Oh. Oh no, that's so much worse than I thought it was.

#I thought this only started being a thing in the USSR#I didn't realize how far back this hatred went#good Lord I'm so sorry#russian imperialism#russian colonialism#history#ussr#genocide#russian war on ukraine#ukraine


Russia hates all of us. *waves at Eastern Europe* But they really really hate Ukraine because Ukraine's existence means Russia can't claim to be the most Slavic Empire of all time. They're like laser-focused, it's wild, but tbh it's sort of what we grew up with. I think we felt that Russia could attack Europe even before they did attack Georgia (which I sort of count as Europe in this context), because they never gave up on the "imperial dream". The start of the 90s was kind of hopeful but after Putin got into power it just started doing downhill again.

idk if my reply was helpful but I do personally appreciate that you care. for a lot of people the things Russia is doing in Ukraine are no longer the cause du jour, but it's still happening.


Look at russia's commitment to peace!

Thank you, orange man, for ending russian aggression through appeasement.

Kharkiv, Ukraine, March 26, 2025
city after russian airstrikes

People on here really only want to hear about ukraine in the context of comparing to other conflicts, with the implication that it's less bad, even though cities with populations in the hundreds of thousands have been razed to the ground and whole villages executed and buried in unmarked mass graves in forests. Wanted to write a post about detention camps and systemic sexual violence and torture in occupied territories, but i could see a montage in my mind of only my ukrainian mutuals engaging with it and idiots writing me their thinkpieces on why what I'm writing about either A) didn't happen or B) happened but it's good, so i just white knuckled and gave up, nvm.

i am supposed to have the energy… to do stuff...?

every? day??

Anyway, in another peaceful move of the peaceful negotiation for peace, russia hit my hometown in the broad daylight, injuring 100 ppl, including 23 children, at least 1 of which is in a highly critical condition.

Specifically, the strike targeted a residential area between two critical military locations - a school and a kindergarten. Sure hope my cousins in russia can sleep tight tonight knowing that those dangerous 5-year-olds have been dealt with.


i can't keep hearing about america being manipulated by russia. they both simply hate us, why isn't it obvious


oh no they're ukrainian now

The tragedy of Europe and ours is that Russia cannot sustain itself as a normal, functional country.

Before 1914, Russia was incapable of modernizing or industrializing. It completely collapsed during the First World War, the Tsar was killed, and the Bolsheviks came to power.

Stalin tried to industrialize rapidly—through absolute terror and famine. It was in vain. The Germans nearly finished them off—they only managed to hold on with 20 million dead, relying on weapons and ammunition from the USA and aided by the winter cold.

After the Second World War—helped by the entire West—they took half of Europe, all the way to Berlin. Their industrial center stretched from Donbas/Ukraine to East Germany. Massive. Still in vain. They went bankrupt and collapsed—AGAIN—in just 40 years.

The USSR disappeared, and Russia fell into bankruptcy once more.

Afterward, the West helped them again with technology and bought their gas. And China bought their oil and everything else. They made a bit of money. But they know—in their current form, they cannot sustain themselves again and will collapse once more (as electric cars and green energy push them out of the market).

So they attack Ukraine, mind you, ALLOWED by the West to do so. But the Ukrainians are fighting back, and they haven’t been able to advance for 3 years. Disaster. They’re on the brink of collapse.

Now, once again, the USA has to come help them. Pathetically.

Maybe everyone needs to realize that country cannot sustain itself—it’s fundamentally unsustainable. The only solution is for it to break apart into republics and reconfigure itself that way.

You can’t have a country that’s constantly in ruins and, because of that, becomes aggressive and wrecks the lives of millions of people over and over and over again.



— Andrei Caramitru

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