In case you haven’t been following, here is a short summary of the misnamed Russian-American "peace process" regarding Ukraine.
The US demands that Ukraine accept an immediate unconditional ceasefire. Ukraine agrees.
Russia rejects any talk of such a ceasefire, and instead asks for a halt on strikes on energy targets, an area where Ukraine is hurting Russia. The US agrees and Ukraine agrees.
Russia within one day violates the terms of its own proposal, attacking Ukrainian energy infrastructure along with other civilian targets. There is no US response.
Meanwhile Russia insists that the United States enforce on Ukraine Russia’s war aims, even though they are outrageous and even though Russia is not winning the war. The US agrees.
The United States also insists that Ukraine concede its mineral wealth in exchange for nothing at all.
This has not been a peace process. It has not even been appeasement. It has been the US throwing its power on Russia’s side in a war of aggression.