Educational Interpreting: 30 Years of ??? by Betsy Winston
Educational Interpreting: How It Can Succeed Volume 2, 2021
The first volume of Educational Interpreting: How It Can Succeed was a tremendous success in bri... more The first volume of Educational Interpreting: How It Can Succeed was a tremendous success in bringing to the forefront issues surrounding an interpreted education and there is a need to continue to bring scholarship to the educational interpreting field. Volume 2 updates the current state of educational interpreting by bringing together experts in the field, including working educational interpreters, interpreter researchers and educators, and Deaf consumers of educational interpreting services. Part One provides a meta-analysis of the research related to Educational Interpreting since Volume 1 in 2004. As the ultimate winners and losers of an interpreted education, Part Two, Challenges Facing Deaf Students, examines the continued challenges faced by Deaf students and the educational interpreters that work with them. Part Three, Educational Interpreters in the Classroom, offers specific strategies for educational interpreters. Part Four, Re-Envisioning the Educational Interpreter, looks beyond the consumer and strategies for educational interpreting, and takes inventory of the work educational interpreters perform in terms of role space, tasks, integration, and collaboration. Part V, A Necessary Paradigm Shift addresses some of the systemic changes that are needed to improve an interpreted education. Finally, Volume 2 reflects on where we are and where we need to go.
Educational interpreting ↑ Settings → Signed language interpreting Interpreting in educational se... more Educational interpreting ↑ Settings → Signed language interpreting Interpreting in educational settings can be described from a variety of perspectives. Many define it simply by the setting, as a means of providing access to educational services. Within this broad context, it occurs in almost every environment where people want to learn and where an interpreter is provided. Education can take the form of workshops for professionals, ongoing training for business clients, and academic courses and programs. The more common definition, and the topic discussed here, is interpreting that occurs within educational institutions such as universities, colleges, institutes, and schools serving children in primary and secondary educational settings. Educational interpreting has been most widely researched in the educational placements of deaf and hard-of-hearing students from primary through post-secondary settings. Since this educational practice is particularly widespread in the US, most of the discussion focuses on this national context. Given the crucial role of government policy in this field, special attention must be given to pertinent legislation and subsequent implementation measures. Societal implementation The practice of educational interpreting is generally perceived as a means of conveying information between teacher and student, with minimal psycho-social impact or consequence. However, educational interpreting, or interpreted education, is better understood when defined by the educational purposes it is intended to serve, the people it serves, and the impact it has upon those services and consumers. These purposes are conditioned by societal factors and implemented through government policy by administrators, consumers and service providers. Underlying this type of LANGUAGE POLICY are ideals of language equality and rights to accessible education. In some national contexts, educational interpreting occurs as the result of a societal desire to promote multilingualism for various cultures and language groups. In others, educational interpreting occurs because education is only available in a single majority language, and all non-users must access it either directly or through interpretation. Two
This is the proof of the final publication
Discourse Analysis & Spatial Mapping in ASL by Betsy Winston
Prosody is the combination of features in any language that produces the rhythm, accent, and "fee... more Prosody is the combination of features in any language that produces the rhythm, accent, and "feel" of the language. In ASL, prosody is a visual spatial image, created by several features. These features include head and body movements, eyebrow movement, mouth movement, speed of signing, sign formation, pacing, and pausing. These features are often very difficult for students to acquire. As teachers, we can expose students to these features in class through selective watching and shadowing techniques. Once students have overtly learned about prosodic features in ASL, they are more able to recognize and use them when they do go out and mingle with the Deaf community, and when they eventually become interpreters. In this paper, I describe several prosodic features and patterns that appear in ASL discourse.
Spatial mapping serves as a foundation for linguistic and conceptual structures in ASL and is an ... more Spatial mapping serves as a foundation for linguistic and conceptual structures in ASL and is an essential feature of discourse in ASL. Signers choose to use spatial strategies to render messages meaningful for the audience. These spatial structures help the audience process the flow of information that they are watching, structuring it into coherent and cohesive chunks of meaningful language. Space is used by signers both for reference and for prosody. Referential mapping results in visual patterns in space, evoking conceptual referents in the mind of the audience. Prosodic mapping of space results in visual patterns that aid the audience in understanding the signer's meaning. These patterns range from basic conversational patterns to the more rhythmic, flowing patterns of poetry and literature in ASL. Awareness of and fluency with spatial features in ASL are essential tools for interpreters. Interpreters must be able to recognize spatial meanings in ASL source messages and create spatial meanings in ASL target messages. Although research in this area of ASL is just beginning, some spatial structures have been identified and described. In this paper, I discuss some forms of spatial mapping for both referential and prosodic functions in ASL
Educational Interpreting: 30 Years of ??? by Betsy Winston
Discourse Analysis & Spatial Mapping in ASL by Betsy Winston
The Master Mentor Curriculum concept and curriculum was developed under the leadership of the Project TIEM.Online’s National Interpreter Education Center, 2000-2005, with grant funding from the Department of Education #H160C030001. It was originally conceived and sponsored by the University of Colorado-Boulder (2000-2003), then transferred to Northeastern University (2003-2005). The Master Mentor Program was closed in 2005 when external grant funding ended. In 2013, Troy University (Troy, AL) adopted the Master Mentor program, updated it, and offers the program through the Troy University Interpreting Education Department.
The curriculum presented here is the result of the collaborative energies and efforts of many people in the field of interpreting and education. While leading this project, I had the privilege of working with experienced practitioners, novice interpreters and students, and with a multitude of wise and wonderful people in our field. Special thanks for their input and contributions are due to:
Anthony Aramburo, MJ Bienvenu, Cathy Cogen, Dennis Cokely, Betty Colonomos, Robyn Dean, Lynne Wiesman (Eighinger), Sandra Gish, Robert G. Lee, Christine Monikowski, Mary Mooney, Sharon Neumann Solow, Jan Nishimura, Robert Pollard, Cynthia Roy, Gary Sanderson, Brenda Schick, Marty Taylor,
And to the:
-students who participated in this great experiment of the first year, and those who joined in the second and third years, and to all of their mentees, collaborators, and supporters in the own regions;
-tremendous skills of Sarah Snow, who brought her expertise to the technical and online challenges of implementing this curriculum;
-input of the RSA Grant regional directors, who supported the original goals of the grant sponsoring this curriculum and the implementation over the past 2 years;
-support from ASLTA, where we were able to present our program and gather input;
-excellent review, synthesis, and editing of Amanda Leslie Spinks;
-many, many people who offered encouragement and support as I researched, designed and carried out the implementation of this work.
The curriculum represents an approach and philosophy of mentoring that has been built upon the insight of everyone involved; if important topics, people, and perspectives have been inadvertently omitted or missed, the fault is mine as the final designer.
Dr. Betsy Winston, Director
TIEM Center