Nursing homes aim to provide person-centered care and recognize residents as unique individuals w... more Nursing homes aim to provide person-centered care and recognize residents as unique individuals with their own histories, life goals, and preferences. The life expectancy of nursing home residents is rather limited. Nursing homes have been hit hard by COVID-19 because of an increased risk of death and a total nursing home lockdown from March 19 until the end of May 2020. Although social relationships are a basic human need and the fulfillment of social needs is essential for both physical and mental health, nursing home residents were no longer allowed to meet their loved ones. This decision was taken without involving residents and their loved ones and without considering the psychosocial impact of such measures for residents and their loved ones. When visitors were again allowed in the nursing homes, this was valued highly. To enable decent decision-making, we call both the government and nursing homes to involve residents and their families in decision-making. It is essential to ...
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2019
Insight in older adults’ own ideals, ideas and experiences is crucial to enable meaningful applie... more Insight in older adults’ own ideals, ideas and experiences is crucial to enable meaningful applied research activities. To increase and enable older adults’ perspectives to be heard in academic research, innovative methods are needed. This research presents an analysis of a newly developed research game called ‘Build your story’. The aim of designing this game was to develop an innovative, participatory methodology that enables the collection of stories that older adults share about their daily life experiences, ideas and ideals. These are considered important input in setting and renewing a research agenda that attunes to older adults’ perspectives on what is important in their life. The game was tested in individual and group sessions with older adults with and without dementia. Despite critique on the design and use, observations and experiences also demonstrate a different method allows different stories to be told. Positive questions and associations offer opportunities for dia...
Nursing homes aim to provide person-centered care and recognize residents as unique individuals w... more Nursing homes aim to provide person-centered care and recognize residents as unique individuals with their own histories, life goals, and preferences. The life expectancy of nursing home residents is rather limited. Nursing homes have been hit hard by COVID-19 because of an increased risk of death and a total nursing home lockdown from March 19 until the end of May 2020. Although social relationships are a basic human need and the fulfillment of social needs is essential for both physical and mental health, nursing home residents were no longer allowed to meet their loved ones. This decision was taken without involving residents and their loved ones and without considering the psychosocial impact of such measures for residents and their loved ones. When visitors were again allowed in the nursing homes, this was valued highly. To enable decent decision-making, we call both the government and nursing homes to involve residents and their families in decision-making. It is essential to ...
De AW Ouderen opereert binnen Tranzo, een departement binnen Tilburg University (TiU). De AW Oude... more De AW Ouderen opereert binnen Tranzo, een departement binnen Tilburg University (TiU). De AW Ouderen is een langdurige samenwerking tussen Tranzo en 11 organisaties in de ouderenzorg. Dit zijn (anno 2018) Azora, Brabantzorg, CZ Zorgkantoor, Groenhuysen, De Riethorst Stromenland, Schakelring, Surplus, Thebe (zorggroep West- en Midden-Brabant), Volckaert, De Wever en Zuidzorg. Deze organisaties maken de bijzondere leerstoel ‘Ouderenzorg’ van Katrien Luijkx mogelijk. De missie van de AW Ouderen is het realiseren van mensgerichte ouderenzorg waarbij de leefwereld van ouderen centraal staat.1,2 Mensen willen graag gezien en gehoord worden en hun leven zoveel mogelijk voortzetten zoals zij dat gewend waren, ook als zij ouder worden, wat gaan mankeren en meer dan voorheen aangewezen zijn op ondersteuning van anderen, thuis of in het verpleeghuis.3-12 Mensgerichte ouderenzorg is daarom essentieel. Onderzoekers binnen de AW Ouderen ontwikkelen in nauwe samenwerking tussen ouderen, zorgprofes...
Objectives: On May 11, the Dutch Government allowed 26 nursing homes to welcome 1 visitor per res... more Objectives: On May 11, the Dutch Government allowed 26 nursing homes to welcome 1 visitor per resident, after 2 months of lockdown. The study aimed to monitor in-depth the feasibility of the regulations and their impact on the well-being of residents, their visitors, and healthcare staff. Design: Mixed-methods study in 5 of the 26 facilities; the facilities were affiliated to an academic network of nursing homes. Participants: Visitors and healthcare professionals. Intervention: Allowing visitors using local regulations based on national guidelines. Measurements: Digital questionnaire, analyzing documentation such as infection prevention control protocols, attending meetings of COVID-19 crisis teams, in-depth telephone or in-person interviews with visitors and healthcare professionals, and on-site observations. Results: National guidelines were translated with great variety into local care practice. Healthcare professionals agreed that reopening would increase the well-being of the ...
Background Older adults prefer to age in place. Social network change and health decline challeng... more Background Older adults prefer to age in place. Social network change and health decline challenge ageing in place, as stressors that make age-related advantages disappear. The aim of this study was to explore social network change and health decline and its impact on older adults who are ageing in place. Method In-depth interviews (n = 16) were conducted with older adults who were ageing in place and who were experiencing health decline and social network change. Procedures for grounded theory building were followed to analyse the interviews with respondents who were discharged from the hospital less than 4 months ago (n = 7). Narrative analysis was conducted to reach a deeper understanding of the expected complexity of experiences of this targeted sample. Results Results encompass a typology with four types of impact: A. Sneak preview of old age, B. Disruptive transition into old age, C. Drastically ageing, and D. Steadily ageing. Additionally, indications were found that older ad...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Long-term care for older adults is in transition. Organizations offering long-term care for older... more Long-term care for older adults is in transition. Organizations offering long-term care for older adults are expected to provide person-centered care (PCC) in a complex context, with older adults aging in place and participating in society for as long as possible, staff shortages and the slow adoption of technological solutions. To address these challenges, these organizations increasingly use scientific knowledge to evaluate and innovate long-term care. This paper describes how co-creation, in the sense of close, intensive, and equivalent collaboration between science, care practice, and education, is a key factor in the success of improving long-term care for older adults. Such co-creation is central in the Academic Collaborative Center (ACC) Older Adults of Tilburg University. In this ACC, Tilburg University has joined forces with ten organizations that provide care for older adults and CZ zorgkantoor to create both scientific knowledge and societal impact in order to improve the...
Person-centred care (PCC) in residential care facilities (RCFs) is valuable but creates challenge... more Person-centred care (PCC) in residential care facilities (RCFs) is valuable but creates challenges for care professionals balancing involvement and a partnership approach for residents while considering the health and safety outcomes of all residents. This review evaluates what is known about the substance use and misuse of residents living in RCFs and what is important to study in future research to enhance PCC, especially in cases in which residents wish to choose unhealthy behaviours. A scoping review was conducted and exclusion criteria were set. The included papers were assessed on methodological quality using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool and the results were qualitatively analysed. The included papers consisted of studies regarding alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs. The results showed that care professionals are involved in facilitating and regulating alcohol and tobacco. The focus of the included papers is on alcohol and tobacco. Five of the 16 papers assessed the reside...
Autonomy is important in every stage of life. However, little is known about how autonomy is enha... more Autonomy is important in every stage of life. However, little is known about how autonomy is enhanced for older adults living in residential care facilities (RCFs). This leads to the research question: which facilitators and barriers to autonomy of older adults with physical impairments due to ageing and chronic health conditions living in RCFs are known? The results will be organised according to the framework of person-centred practice, because this is related to autonomy enhancement. To answer the research question, a systematic literature search and review was performed in the electronic databases CINAHL, PsycINFO, PubMed, Social Services Abstracts and Sociological Abstracts. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were derived from the research question. Selected articles were analysed and assessed on quality using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool. Facilitators and barriers for autonomy were found and arranged in four themes: characteristics of residents, prerequisites of professional...
Older adults prefer to live independently and to stay in their own home if possible, also called ... more Older adults prefer to live independently and to stay in their own home if possible, also called 'ageing in place' (Wiles, Leibing, Guberman, Reeve, & Allen, 2012). Social networks contribute to ageing in place directly, as providers of social support (Burt, 1997; Kahn & Antonucci, 1981) and indirectly, functioning as a buffer for effects of stressful events (Krause, 1986) and more generally as enablers of health
Background: Geriatric rehabilitation care (GRC) is short-term and multidisciplinary rehabilitatio... more Background: Geriatric rehabilitation care (GRC) is short-term and multidisciplinary rehabilitation care for older vulnerable clients. Studies were conducted about its effects. However, elements that influence the quality of GRC have not been studied previously. Methods: In this study realist evaluation is used to find out which are the mechanisms and outcomes and which (groups of) persons are the context for GRC, according to GRC professionals. The mechanisms, outcomes and context of GRC were explored in three consecutive phases of qualitative data gathering, i.e. individual interviews, expert meeting, and focus groups. Results: Eight mechanismsclient centeredness, client satisfaction during rehabilitation, therapeutic climate, information provision to client and informal care givers, consultation about the rehabilitation (process), cooperation within the MultiDisciplinary Team (MDT), professionalism of GRC professionals, and organizational aspectswere found. Four context groups-the client, his family and/or informal care giver(s), the individual GRC professional, and the MDT-were mentioned by the respondents. Last, two outcome factors were determined, i.e. client satisfaction at discharge and rehabilitation goals accomplished. Conclusions: In order to translate these insights into a practical tool that can be used by MDTs in the practice of GRC, identified mechanisms, contexts, and outcomes were visualized in a GRC evaluation tool. A graphic designer developed an interactive PDF which is the GRC evaluation tool. This tool may enable MDTs to discuss, prioritize, evaluate, and improve the quality of their GRC practice.
person-years per 3-month period. The decreases in the minimum prices of distilled spirits and int... more person-years per 3-month period. The decreases in the minimum prices of distilled spirits and intermediate products were also associated with increases in alcohol-related deaths in these same subpopulations whereas the decreases of the minimum prices of wine were not related to increases in any subpopulations. Conclusions These data suggest that higher minimum prices of distilled spirits and intermediate alcoholic products are associated with lower rates of alcohol-related mortality among men and women with a low level of education. Key messages Higher minimum prices of certain alcoholic beverages are related to lower rates of alcohol-related mortality among those with a low level of education. This association was not found among those with a higher education and not for wine.
So far, audience segmentation with respect to alcohol use by young adults has been carried out ma... more So far, audience segmentation with respect to alcohol use by young adults has been carried out mainly on the basis of behaviour. In this study we examined the possibility of segmenting young adults (18–24 years) according to their values and attitudes towards alcohol. A random sample of young adults was drawn from the Basic Registration of Persons (BRP) of 21 local authorities in the province of North-Brabant in the Netherlands. By means of an online questionnaire, data were gathered on socio-demographic characteristics, alcohol consumption, and values and attitudes towards alcohol. Factor analysis using principal components with oblimin rotation was conducted to identify alcohol-related values and attitudes. A latent class analysis, using factors found in the factor analysis, was used to identify different segments. We were able to distinguish a total of five segments on the basis of four attitude factors. Moreover, we found that the five segments differed in drinking behaviour independently of socio-demographic variables. Our investigation was a first step in the search for means to segment young adults with respect to alcohol. Further research is required to better understand these results for alcohol policy and practice in more concrete terms.
ABSTRACT Aanleiding Allochtone diabetespatiënten hebben een hoger risico op diabetescomplicaties ... more ABSTRACT Aanleiding Allochtone diabetespatiënten hebben een hoger risico op diabetescomplicaties dan autochtone patiënten omdat hun diabetes vaak slecht is ingesteld. Een van de mogelijke oorzaken is dat allochtone patiënten onvoldoende profiteren van de reguliere diabeteszelfmanagementeducatie (DZME) in de Nederlandse diabeteszorg. Doel In deze pilot evalueren we de uitvoering van een nieuwe, op de doelgroep afgestemde, zelfmanagementcursus voor Turkse mannen met diabetes type 2. Doel is het in kaart brengen van mogelijk werkzame elementen en verbeterpunten van de interventie. Methoden Voor deze pilot werd een op de doelgroep afgestemde DZME-cursus ontwikkeld. De cursus duurde 5 maanden en bestond uit een intake, groepsbijeenkomsten en huisbezoeken. Een Voorlichtster Eigen Taal en Cultuur (VETC) voerde de cursus uit, samen met enkele gastdocenten. Deelnemers waren 9 Turkse, mannelijke diabetespatiënten en hun partners. Informatie over het zelfmanagement van de deelnemers en hun oordeel over verschillende aspecten van de interventie werd verkregen uit vragenlijsten en gesprekken tussen de echtparen en de VETC. Meetwaardes voor HbA1c en gewicht werden verzameld bij de start, na 3-6 maanden en 12 maanden na de start van de interventie. Resultaten De eerste ervaringen met de uitvoering van de nieuwe cursus waren positief: deelnemers waren alle bijeenkomsten aanwezig en waren zich na afloop meer bewust van het belang van een gezonde leefstijl en structureel medicijngebruik. De minst actieve deelnemers waren meer gaan bewegen en de glycaemische instelling van de 2 deelnemers met de slechtst ingestelde diabetes verbeterde (afname HbA1c > 0,5%). Conclusie Vooral de inzet van een enthousiaste VETC en de deelname van de partner leken succesvolle onderdelen van de interventie. De cursus kan worden verbeterd door deze uit te breiden met een georganiseerd beweegaanbod voor de allochtone doelgroep. Het inbedden van cultuurspecifieke DZME in de reguliere diabeteszorg kan bijdragen aan een betere gezondheid van allochtone patiënten.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
The individual experiences of older adults in long-term care are broadly recognized as an importa... more The individual experiences of older adults in long-term care are broadly recognized as an important source of information for measuring wellbeing and quality of care. Narrative research is a special type of qualitative research to elicit people’s individual, diverse experiences in the context of their lifeworld. Narratives are potentially useful for long-term care improvement as they can provide a rich description of an older adult’s life from their own point of view, including the provided care. Little is known about how narratives can best be collected and used to stimulate learning and quality improvement in long-term care for older adults. The current study takes a theoretical approach to developing a narrative quality instrument for care practice in order to discover the experiences of older adults receiving long-term care. The new narrative quality instrument is based on the available literature describing narrative research methodology. The instrument is deemed promising for ...
Background: So far, audience segmentation of adolescents with respect to alcohol has been carried... more Background: So far, audience segmentation of adolescents with respect to alcohol has been carried out mainly on the basis of socio-demographic characteristics. In this study we examined whether it is possible to segment adolescents according to their values and attitudes towards alcohol to use as guidance for prevention programmes.
There is much evidence that parents have an influence on the alcohol use of their children. Howev... more There is much evidence that parents have an influence on the alcohol use of their children. However, in general the relationship is rather weak. A reason for this small association may be due to the fact that adolescents are a heterogeneous group and that, consequently, the association between the quality of the parent-child relationship and alcohol use varies for diverse subgroups, resulting in an overall small effect. In an earlier study we found five different segments for adolescents regarding their attitude towards alcohol. This article reports on a study into the differences between these segments with respect to the quality of the parent-child relationship and parental attitudes to alcohol. Moreover, we examined segment-specific associations of the quality of the parent-child relationship and alcohol use. This study used data from a survey held among adolescents aged 12 to 18. A random sample of 59,073 adolescents was drawn from 67 municipalities in the south of the Netherlan...
Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 2013
Background: Alcohol education aims to increase knowledge on the harm related to alcohol, and to c... more Background: Alcohol education aims to increase knowledge on the harm related to alcohol, and to change attitudes and drinking behaviour. However, little (lasting) evidence has been found for alcohol education, in changing alcohol-related attitudes and behaviour. Social marketing uses marketing techniques to achieve a social or healthy goal, and can be used in alcohol education. Social marketing consists of eight principles: customer orientation, insight, segmentation, behavioural goals, exchange, competition, methods mix, and is theory based. This review investigates the application of social marketing in alcohol prevention interventions, and whether application of social marketing influences alcohol-related attitudes or behaviour.
Nursing homes aim to provide person-centered care and recognize residents as unique individuals w... more Nursing homes aim to provide person-centered care and recognize residents as unique individuals with their own histories, life goals, and preferences. The life expectancy of nursing home residents is rather limited. Nursing homes have been hit hard by COVID-19 because of an increased risk of death and a total nursing home lockdown from March 19 until the end of May 2020. Although social relationships are a basic human need and the fulfillment of social needs is essential for both physical and mental health, nursing home residents were no longer allowed to meet their loved ones. This decision was taken without involving residents and their loved ones and without considering the psychosocial impact of such measures for residents and their loved ones. When visitors were again allowed in the nursing homes, this was valued highly. To enable decent decision-making, we call both the government and nursing homes to involve residents and their families in decision-making. It is essential to ...
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2019
Insight in older adults’ own ideals, ideas and experiences is crucial to enable meaningful applie... more Insight in older adults’ own ideals, ideas and experiences is crucial to enable meaningful applied research activities. To increase and enable older adults’ perspectives to be heard in academic research, innovative methods are needed. This research presents an analysis of a newly developed research game called ‘Build your story’. The aim of designing this game was to develop an innovative, participatory methodology that enables the collection of stories that older adults share about their daily life experiences, ideas and ideals. These are considered important input in setting and renewing a research agenda that attunes to older adults’ perspectives on what is important in their life. The game was tested in individual and group sessions with older adults with and without dementia. Despite critique on the design and use, observations and experiences also demonstrate a different method allows different stories to be told. Positive questions and associations offer opportunities for dia...
Nursing homes aim to provide person-centered care and recognize residents as unique individuals w... more Nursing homes aim to provide person-centered care and recognize residents as unique individuals with their own histories, life goals, and preferences. The life expectancy of nursing home residents is rather limited. Nursing homes have been hit hard by COVID-19 because of an increased risk of death and a total nursing home lockdown from March 19 until the end of May 2020. Although social relationships are a basic human need and the fulfillment of social needs is essential for both physical and mental health, nursing home residents were no longer allowed to meet their loved ones. This decision was taken without involving residents and their loved ones and without considering the psychosocial impact of such measures for residents and their loved ones. When visitors were again allowed in the nursing homes, this was valued highly. To enable decent decision-making, we call both the government and nursing homes to involve residents and their families in decision-making. It is essential to ...
De AW Ouderen opereert binnen Tranzo, een departement binnen Tilburg University (TiU). De AW Oude... more De AW Ouderen opereert binnen Tranzo, een departement binnen Tilburg University (TiU). De AW Ouderen is een langdurige samenwerking tussen Tranzo en 11 organisaties in de ouderenzorg. Dit zijn (anno 2018) Azora, Brabantzorg, CZ Zorgkantoor, Groenhuysen, De Riethorst Stromenland, Schakelring, Surplus, Thebe (zorggroep West- en Midden-Brabant), Volckaert, De Wever en Zuidzorg. Deze organisaties maken de bijzondere leerstoel ‘Ouderenzorg’ van Katrien Luijkx mogelijk. De missie van de AW Ouderen is het realiseren van mensgerichte ouderenzorg waarbij de leefwereld van ouderen centraal staat.1,2 Mensen willen graag gezien en gehoord worden en hun leven zoveel mogelijk voortzetten zoals zij dat gewend waren, ook als zij ouder worden, wat gaan mankeren en meer dan voorheen aangewezen zijn op ondersteuning van anderen, thuis of in het verpleeghuis.3-12 Mensgerichte ouderenzorg is daarom essentieel. Onderzoekers binnen de AW Ouderen ontwikkelen in nauwe samenwerking tussen ouderen, zorgprofes...
Objectives: On May 11, the Dutch Government allowed 26 nursing homes to welcome 1 visitor per res... more Objectives: On May 11, the Dutch Government allowed 26 nursing homes to welcome 1 visitor per resident, after 2 months of lockdown. The study aimed to monitor in-depth the feasibility of the regulations and their impact on the well-being of residents, their visitors, and healthcare staff. Design: Mixed-methods study in 5 of the 26 facilities; the facilities were affiliated to an academic network of nursing homes. Participants: Visitors and healthcare professionals. Intervention: Allowing visitors using local regulations based on national guidelines. Measurements: Digital questionnaire, analyzing documentation such as infection prevention control protocols, attending meetings of COVID-19 crisis teams, in-depth telephone or in-person interviews with visitors and healthcare professionals, and on-site observations. Results: National guidelines were translated with great variety into local care practice. Healthcare professionals agreed that reopening would increase the well-being of the ...
Background Older adults prefer to age in place. Social network change and health decline challeng... more Background Older adults prefer to age in place. Social network change and health decline challenge ageing in place, as stressors that make age-related advantages disappear. The aim of this study was to explore social network change and health decline and its impact on older adults who are ageing in place. Method In-depth interviews (n = 16) were conducted with older adults who were ageing in place and who were experiencing health decline and social network change. Procedures for grounded theory building were followed to analyse the interviews with respondents who were discharged from the hospital less than 4 months ago (n = 7). Narrative analysis was conducted to reach a deeper understanding of the expected complexity of experiences of this targeted sample. Results Results encompass a typology with four types of impact: A. Sneak preview of old age, B. Disruptive transition into old age, C. Drastically ageing, and D. Steadily ageing. Additionally, indications were found that older ad...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Long-term care for older adults is in transition. Organizations offering long-term care for older... more Long-term care for older adults is in transition. Organizations offering long-term care for older adults are expected to provide person-centered care (PCC) in a complex context, with older adults aging in place and participating in society for as long as possible, staff shortages and the slow adoption of technological solutions. To address these challenges, these organizations increasingly use scientific knowledge to evaluate and innovate long-term care. This paper describes how co-creation, in the sense of close, intensive, and equivalent collaboration between science, care practice, and education, is a key factor in the success of improving long-term care for older adults. Such co-creation is central in the Academic Collaborative Center (ACC) Older Adults of Tilburg University. In this ACC, Tilburg University has joined forces with ten organizations that provide care for older adults and CZ zorgkantoor to create both scientific knowledge and societal impact in order to improve the...
Person-centred care (PCC) in residential care facilities (RCFs) is valuable but creates challenge... more Person-centred care (PCC) in residential care facilities (RCFs) is valuable but creates challenges for care professionals balancing involvement and a partnership approach for residents while considering the health and safety outcomes of all residents. This review evaluates what is known about the substance use and misuse of residents living in RCFs and what is important to study in future research to enhance PCC, especially in cases in which residents wish to choose unhealthy behaviours. A scoping review was conducted and exclusion criteria were set. The included papers were assessed on methodological quality using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool and the results were qualitatively analysed. The included papers consisted of studies regarding alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs. The results showed that care professionals are involved in facilitating and regulating alcohol and tobacco. The focus of the included papers is on alcohol and tobacco. Five of the 16 papers assessed the reside...
Autonomy is important in every stage of life. However, little is known about how autonomy is enha... more Autonomy is important in every stage of life. However, little is known about how autonomy is enhanced for older adults living in residential care facilities (RCFs). This leads to the research question: which facilitators and barriers to autonomy of older adults with physical impairments due to ageing and chronic health conditions living in RCFs are known? The results will be organised according to the framework of person-centred practice, because this is related to autonomy enhancement. To answer the research question, a systematic literature search and review was performed in the electronic databases CINAHL, PsycINFO, PubMed, Social Services Abstracts and Sociological Abstracts. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were derived from the research question. Selected articles were analysed and assessed on quality using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool. Facilitators and barriers for autonomy were found and arranged in four themes: characteristics of residents, prerequisites of professional...
Older adults prefer to live independently and to stay in their own home if possible, also called ... more Older adults prefer to live independently and to stay in their own home if possible, also called 'ageing in place' (Wiles, Leibing, Guberman, Reeve, & Allen, 2012). Social networks contribute to ageing in place directly, as providers of social support (Burt, 1997; Kahn & Antonucci, 1981) and indirectly, functioning as a buffer for effects of stressful events (Krause, 1986) and more generally as enablers of health
Background: Geriatric rehabilitation care (GRC) is short-term and multidisciplinary rehabilitatio... more Background: Geriatric rehabilitation care (GRC) is short-term and multidisciplinary rehabilitation care for older vulnerable clients. Studies were conducted about its effects. However, elements that influence the quality of GRC have not been studied previously. Methods: In this study realist evaluation is used to find out which are the mechanisms and outcomes and which (groups of) persons are the context for GRC, according to GRC professionals. The mechanisms, outcomes and context of GRC were explored in three consecutive phases of qualitative data gathering, i.e. individual interviews, expert meeting, and focus groups. Results: Eight mechanismsclient centeredness, client satisfaction during rehabilitation, therapeutic climate, information provision to client and informal care givers, consultation about the rehabilitation (process), cooperation within the MultiDisciplinary Team (MDT), professionalism of GRC professionals, and organizational aspectswere found. Four context groups-the client, his family and/or informal care giver(s), the individual GRC professional, and the MDT-were mentioned by the respondents. Last, two outcome factors were determined, i.e. client satisfaction at discharge and rehabilitation goals accomplished. Conclusions: In order to translate these insights into a practical tool that can be used by MDTs in the practice of GRC, identified mechanisms, contexts, and outcomes were visualized in a GRC evaluation tool. A graphic designer developed an interactive PDF which is the GRC evaluation tool. This tool may enable MDTs to discuss, prioritize, evaluate, and improve the quality of their GRC practice.
person-years per 3-month period. The decreases in the minimum prices of distilled spirits and int... more person-years per 3-month period. The decreases in the minimum prices of distilled spirits and intermediate products were also associated with increases in alcohol-related deaths in these same subpopulations whereas the decreases of the minimum prices of wine were not related to increases in any subpopulations. Conclusions These data suggest that higher minimum prices of distilled spirits and intermediate alcoholic products are associated with lower rates of alcohol-related mortality among men and women with a low level of education. Key messages Higher minimum prices of certain alcoholic beverages are related to lower rates of alcohol-related mortality among those with a low level of education. This association was not found among those with a higher education and not for wine.
So far, audience segmentation with respect to alcohol use by young adults has been carried out ma... more So far, audience segmentation with respect to alcohol use by young adults has been carried out mainly on the basis of behaviour. In this study we examined the possibility of segmenting young adults (18–24 years) according to their values and attitudes towards alcohol. A random sample of young adults was drawn from the Basic Registration of Persons (BRP) of 21 local authorities in the province of North-Brabant in the Netherlands. By means of an online questionnaire, data were gathered on socio-demographic characteristics, alcohol consumption, and values and attitudes towards alcohol. Factor analysis using principal components with oblimin rotation was conducted to identify alcohol-related values and attitudes. A latent class analysis, using factors found in the factor analysis, was used to identify different segments. We were able to distinguish a total of five segments on the basis of four attitude factors. Moreover, we found that the five segments differed in drinking behaviour independently of socio-demographic variables. Our investigation was a first step in the search for means to segment young adults with respect to alcohol. Further research is required to better understand these results for alcohol policy and practice in more concrete terms.
ABSTRACT Aanleiding Allochtone diabetespatiënten hebben een hoger risico op diabetescomplicaties ... more ABSTRACT Aanleiding Allochtone diabetespatiënten hebben een hoger risico op diabetescomplicaties dan autochtone patiënten omdat hun diabetes vaak slecht is ingesteld. Een van de mogelijke oorzaken is dat allochtone patiënten onvoldoende profiteren van de reguliere diabeteszelfmanagementeducatie (DZME) in de Nederlandse diabeteszorg. Doel In deze pilot evalueren we de uitvoering van een nieuwe, op de doelgroep afgestemde, zelfmanagementcursus voor Turkse mannen met diabetes type 2. Doel is het in kaart brengen van mogelijk werkzame elementen en verbeterpunten van de interventie. Methoden Voor deze pilot werd een op de doelgroep afgestemde DZME-cursus ontwikkeld. De cursus duurde 5 maanden en bestond uit een intake, groepsbijeenkomsten en huisbezoeken. Een Voorlichtster Eigen Taal en Cultuur (VETC) voerde de cursus uit, samen met enkele gastdocenten. Deelnemers waren 9 Turkse, mannelijke diabetespatiënten en hun partners. Informatie over het zelfmanagement van de deelnemers en hun oordeel over verschillende aspecten van de interventie werd verkregen uit vragenlijsten en gesprekken tussen de echtparen en de VETC. Meetwaardes voor HbA1c en gewicht werden verzameld bij de start, na 3-6 maanden en 12 maanden na de start van de interventie. Resultaten De eerste ervaringen met de uitvoering van de nieuwe cursus waren positief: deelnemers waren alle bijeenkomsten aanwezig en waren zich na afloop meer bewust van het belang van een gezonde leefstijl en structureel medicijngebruik. De minst actieve deelnemers waren meer gaan bewegen en de glycaemische instelling van de 2 deelnemers met de slechtst ingestelde diabetes verbeterde (afname HbA1c > 0,5%). Conclusie Vooral de inzet van een enthousiaste VETC en de deelname van de partner leken succesvolle onderdelen van de interventie. De cursus kan worden verbeterd door deze uit te breiden met een georganiseerd beweegaanbod voor de allochtone doelgroep. Het inbedden van cultuurspecifieke DZME in de reguliere diabeteszorg kan bijdragen aan een betere gezondheid van allochtone patiënten.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
The individual experiences of older adults in long-term care are broadly recognized as an importa... more The individual experiences of older adults in long-term care are broadly recognized as an important source of information for measuring wellbeing and quality of care. Narrative research is a special type of qualitative research to elicit people’s individual, diverse experiences in the context of their lifeworld. Narratives are potentially useful for long-term care improvement as they can provide a rich description of an older adult’s life from their own point of view, including the provided care. Little is known about how narratives can best be collected and used to stimulate learning and quality improvement in long-term care for older adults. The current study takes a theoretical approach to developing a narrative quality instrument for care practice in order to discover the experiences of older adults receiving long-term care. The new narrative quality instrument is based on the available literature describing narrative research methodology. The instrument is deemed promising for ...
Background: So far, audience segmentation of adolescents with respect to alcohol has been carried... more Background: So far, audience segmentation of adolescents with respect to alcohol has been carried out mainly on the basis of socio-demographic characteristics. In this study we examined whether it is possible to segment adolescents according to their values and attitudes towards alcohol to use as guidance for prevention programmes.
There is much evidence that parents have an influence on the alcohol use of their children. Howev... more There is much evidence that parents have an influence on the alcohol use of their children. However, in general the relationship is rather weak. A reason for this small association may be due to the fact that adolescents are a heterogeneous group and that, consequently, the association between the quality of the parent-child relationship and alcohol use varies for diverse subgroups, resulting in an overall small effect. In an earlier study we found five different segments for adolescents regarding their attitude towards alcohol. This article reports on a study into the differences between these segments with respect to the quality of the parent-child relationship and parental attitudes to alcohol. Moreover, we examined segment-specific associations of the quality of the parent-child relationship and alcohol use. This study used data from a survey held among adolescents aged 12 to 18. A random sample of 59,073 adolescents was drawn from 67 municipalities in the south of the Netherlan...
Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 2013
Background: Alcohol education aims to increase knowledge on the harm related to alcohol, and to c... more Background: Alcohol education aims to increase knowledge on the harm related to alcohol, and to change attitudes and drinking behaviour. However, little (lasting) evidence has been found for alcohol education, in changing alcohol-related attitudes and behaviour. Social marketing uses marketing techniques to achieve a social or healthy goal, and can be used in alcohol education. Social marketing consists of eight principles: customer orientation, insight, segmentation, behavioural goals, exchange, competition, methods mix, and is theory based. This review investigates the application of social marketing in alcohol prevention interventions, and whether application of social marketing influences alcohol-related attitudes or behaviour.
Papers by Meriam Janssen