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@aristotels / aristotels.tumblr.com

26 | dalmatian | artist | she/it/its (i prefer it) | TME | HR - ona| marxist-leninist | no sir im not a pacifist sir im a coward sir | ja sam jugoslovenka | čekam šabat sa šejtanom | dođ' po mene che guevara!| art blog: @artistotel




hey everyone! im hosting a raffle for siraj. please, the situation is very urgent.


you can choose between a miniature painting, a 3d model, or any type of digital commission you would like from me.

the entree ticket is $5 CAD. more than that is two or three or however many tickets. just donate and send me the screenshot of your donation or your email confirmation.

heres a more detailed post:


The worst feeling is when you are insulted, assaulted, beaten and wronged and everyone is looking at you and you do not find anyone to defend you or support you, even though you listen to everyone and they look at you with pity but they cannot do anything for fear of the one who assaulted you. This is our situation today in Palestine and Gaza, where we are being assaulted, wronged, killed, displaced and starved by the cursed Nazi Zionists and the whole world is harming us and does not help us for fear of this occupation, as we have been going through a famine for a very long time and no one has been able to bring in a bottle of drinkable water for us until after taking permission from these Zionists. The whole world is watching our situation and does nothing.

It may be difficult to feel oppressed by everyone, but what is more difficult than that is to be oppressed and everyone looks at you without even extending a helping hand to you. Everyone has conspired against us.

Please donate

We're less than 600 euros away from 10,000. Please donate, guys. We need your support.

seeing straight men be disgusted by booktok smut recommenders has actually radicalized me to the side of booktok smut recommenders. girls your taste may be atrocious but i will never disparage you for exposing mainstream discourse to the concept of soaking through your underwear. spent my whole life listening to men talk about penises it’s about time they get jumpscared by women talking about pussy in crude detail on social media. go forth and goon my warriors

I work at a bookstore and hearing one of my male coworkers call smutty romantasy "the downfall of society" because it's "literally just porn" radicalized me

Men have an entire industry. Entire industries dedicated to their sexualities. Let women have fantasy sex. there's not even a camera crew involved.

Left this in the notes


(cross-posting from bsky!) some concepts i did for a scrapped Alice in Wonderland-inspired project. so excited i got permission to share these because i still think they look sick lol

do y'all remember when they found all that tf art in Osamu Tezuka's drawer post-mortem because I think about it often

anyway keep chasing your bliss and draw weird shit, god knows we need that right now

I love when household beasts are like whoa. You were gonna piss all on your own? No backup or companionship or anything? Babe. I got you. I'm right here. You don't have to be alone during this difficult time (pissing), and you won't be. Ever. This is not a discussion.

Im not gonna stop yelling about it until people remember that fat trans women exist. And I mean actual fat trans women. Not the trans girl you know with a little bit of a tummy who had to start buying medium sized shorts after being on HRT for a year I mean women who've had problems finding clothes that fit since before we started transitioning. Women who's "flat as a board" moments were having C cups before E even kicked in. Women who are often made the face of offensive stereotypes aimed at the entire transfem community. Women who's weight hasn't started with a 1 since they were 13. You have to remember we exist. You have to know that we're here. You have to hype us up just like all the girls with more palatable physiques that you wanna fuck.

Fuck with all of us or fuck off.

imma say something controversial but found footage horror when done by people with a gigantic budget suck. found footage horror has and will always belong to amateur horror directors with their cheap camera, friends as their actors, and some random location

someone just said i’m gatekeeping poverty 💀 from billion dollar studios ? absolutely

> sees complaints that a female character looks "too masculine" or "like an ugly lesbian"

> ask if we got an actual butch character or if shes just a normal looking woman that isnt wearing make up and a dress

> person is visibly confused, i start explaining the difference between actual butch presentation and dress and a woman simply dressing comfortably to avoid indecent exposure

> person laughs and says "she straight up looks like a guy, i can barely tell her apart from the actual men"

> google the character

> shes just a normal looking woman that isnt wearing make up and a dress

> sees complaints that a female character looks "too masculine" or "like an ugly lesbian"

> ask if we got an actual butch character or if shes just a black woman

> person is visibly confused, i start explaining the difference between actual butch presentation and dress and how black women are held to white standards of femininity and are often accused of looking like/being men because of white people applying these standards to them

> person laughs and says "she straight up looks like a guy, i can barely tell her apart from the actual men. why are you bringing race into this?"

> google the character

> shes just a black woman

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