
politics for cute girls


I think more girls should be Marxists


"I'm quite sure that people will look upon my attitude and sentiments and look for hypocrisy and hatred in my words
My revolution is born out of love for my people, not hatred for others"

-Immortal technique, poverty of philosophy

"At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality."

-Ernesto Che Guevara

“When you see people call themselves revolutionary always talking about destroying, destroying, destroying but never talking about building or creating, they’re not revolutionary. They do not understand the first thing about revolution. It’s creating.”

-Kwame Ture

Don't ever let my critiques or analysis of oppression be misconstrued as hatred for my fellow proletarians, the default state for proletarians is to be loved by me. You have to actively betray our class for me to find hatred there. I will defend the rights of the marginalized strata of our class to ruthlessly critique those who assist in their marginalization, but never be mistaken- I strive for solidarity with the whole proletariat, to anyone who will stand with us.



one time when we were little we asked our parents how to spell the letter J and everyone laugh at us for it but thinking back I think it is very sensible to ask how to transcribe the phonemes for J say aloud. because (in English at least) J alone is said different to the sound it produces within a word. of course it does not have a typical spelling but a child doesn't know that. might I suggest Jay or perhaps Jae

realistically it would make the most sense to transcribe with the IPA (ʤeɪ perhaps) since it is itself a letter, but still.

Z can be said Zee or Zed, and this "spelling" is even somewhat standardized


one time when we were little we asked our parents how to spell the letter J and everyone laugh at us for it but thinking back I think it is very sensible to ask how to transcribe the phonemes for J say aloud. because (in English at least) J alone is said different to the sound it produces within a word. of course it does not have a typical spelling but a child doesn't know that. might I suggest Jay or perhaps Jae

realistically it would make the most sense to transcribe with the IPA (ʤeɪ perhaps) since it is itself a letter, but still.

one time when we were little we asked our parents how to spell the letter J and everyone laugh at us for it but thinking back I think it is very sensible to ask how to transcribe the phonemes for J said aloud. because (in English at least) J alone is said different to the sound it produces within a word. of course it does not have a typical spelling but a child doesn't know that. might I suggest Jay or perhaps Jae

what color do you think thoughts are?

“So basically my couch has electricity and I use it to charge my battery powered doorbell”

“Okay that makes sense”

Now explain it to a Japanese samurai from the year 1218

"do you know how waterwheels grind up grain in a water mill using the force of running water? We found a way to create a huge source of force that runs all the time and can transfer its force over long distance. I can tell you in more detail, but that's the basics. Now that is a chime that has a mechanism that one can press instead of having to open the door to let you know that you are waiting to be let in. It requires the transferred force to make the mechanism work and that wire is how we transfer the force to the chime."

the skin on my hand just went entirely numb seeming from twisting my a forearm at an angle. I didn't even realize it was happening, I was using it to hold my bowl and suddenly I noticed it felt weird and I investigated and found I had no feeling in most of my hand and some of my harm, and that it worsened when I twisted my elbow. very strange

> sees complaints that a female character looks "too masculine" or "like an ugly lesbian"

> ask if we got an actual butch character or if shes just a normal looking woman that isnt wearing make up and a dress

> person is visibly confused, i start explaining the difference between actual butch presentation and dress and a woman simply dressing comfortably to avoid indecent exposure

> person laughs and says "she straight up looks like a guy, i can barely tell her apart from the actual men"

> google the character

> shes just a normal looking woman that isnt wearing make up and a dress

> sees complaints that a female character looks "too masculine" or "like an ugly lesbian"

> ask if we got an actual butch character or if shes just a black woman

> person is visibly confused, i start explaining the difference between actual butch presentation and dress and how black women are held to white standards of femininity and are often accused of looking like/being men because of white people applying these standards to them

> person laughs and says "she straight up looks like a guy, i can barely tell her apart from the actual men. why are you bringing race into this?"

> google the character

> shes just a black woman

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