


Rose, she/they, 32, Filipino. one day i'll have time to make art again 😞

Hey guys. Today (10/29/2024) is my 32nd birthday. Please consider donating to the following fundraisers for me since I'm unable to donate as our finances are going to be strained again in the next couple of months because of the typhoon.

Yousef's gfm

(£8,881 / 50,000) only 1 donation in the last 11 hours:

Ismail's gfm

($790 USD / 50,000) only 1 donation in the last 6 hours and before that was 10 days ago. URGENT. Ismail is in the north, he's all alone, his friends have been martyred, and he has NO FOOD. He's been separated from the rest of the family for a year.

Karam's gfm

(£1,765 / 25,000) No new donations for 17 days! Karam and his wife are taking care of their newborn baby, Anas.

Mohamed and Rewaa's gfm:

(£21,752 / 50,000) Mohamed and Rewaa's son Siraj has been sick for a few days now. Just a few hours ago, Mohamed reported that Rewaa's uncle have been martyred 💔. This is Rewaa's mother's brother. Rewaa's mother herself was martyred 15 years ago when she was very young, shot by an IOF soldier.

You can also send even just a couple dollars to the family's paypal account, a more direct way they can access money for emergency expenses and to buy everyday essentials. They desperately need to buy winter clothes.

Please send it as friends and family:


“Rayban charity glasses event” is a scam don’t click any link in a post that says that.

Old tumblr users remember this scam back when it first went out.

Also no, this isn’t a joke. This phishing scam is 100% running its course again so watch out for your mutuals long abandoned accounts suddenly posting it. Please make everyone aware of it since most users here are newbies who have not seen it before!

This is absolutely NOT TRUE, 'rayban charity event' is a codeword like 'cute winter boots' to avoid censorship, all accounts posting it are simply trying to boost legitimate P*lestinian relief funds!! OP is either unaware or just an outright lying Zionist. Tumblr newbies PLEASE interact with every rayban post you see to support the cause 🇵🇸

Anyway block this person.

The Israeli occupation killed my close friend three days ago. The Israeli occupation killed him, his twin children, and his wife. It killed his entire family. I cannot believe that I buried him and his children with my own hands. I never imagined that I would live through this day. They were erased from the civil registry in seconds. Please, I don’t want this to happen to me and my family. We want to get out of here as soon as possible. Please donate and help us get out of Gaza.

Eid Donation Match for Yaser Hamad Campaign!

I'm holding a donation match for Yaser Hamad's campaign that @mariampoetry is running! Since it is Eid Al-Fitr, please consider participating. Even donating a couple dollars will go a long way to helping him out in the midst of a brutal genocide.


Cute photo of a calf and a kitty nuzzling nose-to-nose in a grassy meadow. The calf is laying on the grass with its limbs tucked beneath its body and its nose near the ground. The kitty has its eyes closed and nuzzles its nose right up against the calf's.

A speech bubble overlaid above the calf has it saying "Eid Moobarak", while a speech bubble overlaid above the kitty has it saying "Eid Mewbarak", turning the photo into a cute greeting card for Eid.

End ID.]

Nader told me that usually he would go visit his family for Eid, but this year is different.

Nader @abdalsalam2000 is only seventeen years old, and has been working hard every day to fundraise for his family which includes his father Ahmed who has cancer and urgently needs treatment, and his one year old niece Iman. After being displaced more than nine times, they were finally able to return to their home in Northern Gaza after the ceasefire came into effect in january, only to find their childhood home and everything they had destroyed.

I’ve been helping Nader with his campaign for several months, and I want to tell you that he is a very kind, hard working young man with many dreams and things he wants to do, that the occupation has taken from him. He’s only seventeen and should be in school, but he has to spend his time trying to ask for help online instead just for the survival of his family. This is difficult work, but of course he does it because he loves his family. Him and his family deserve food, safety, and happiness. Please show him that we care about them and that we are listening and see what is happening to them

Their previous campaign was very close to reaching their goal thanks to all of Nader’s hard work reaching out to people for help and advocating for his family and spreading information about the events in Gaza as it was happening, but gofundme stopped transfers from that campaign and they had to start over.

If you have anything to give today, your donation would mean the world to them. You have a chance to help support this family through this. Losing the first gofundme was a devastating blow to their campaign, but you can help them by supporting this one to make up for the lost funds.

€11,430 raised out of 50,000! they are at 23% of their goal, let’s help Nader and his family get to 25% soon!


a young kashmiri girl on why the people of indian occupied kashmir march for palestine on al-quds day, 2025. shortly after, pro-palestine protestors were booked under the unlawful activities prevention act for 'disrupting law and order.' from kashmir to palestine, occupation is a crime

translation under the cut:

Dear everyone!

Recently a woman by the name of Amal @amalashuor has reached out to me to make a post for her. It is a matter of urgency and hope for a better future for her family. The IOF's ruthless slaughter and bombing has ruined the lives of Amal, her husband and her little daughter. They have been displaced many times, not being able to live normal lives or pursue their dreams. For nine months they have been witnessing the sheer carnage and relentless violence committed by the occupation. This family needs our help.

Please reblog, share this post, and donate what you can. Help Amal's family to safety:

€12,054 raised of €30,000 goal! They are almost there 🌹

This fundraiser is vetted and verified by @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi (you may check it out here along with other vetted Gaza fundraisers, Amal is #175).

Thank you so much for your support and donations! Amal has reached $30,000 however she had to up her final goal to $50,000.

The tyrannical occupation forces made her family to be displaced once again, and Amal had no choice but to use the money from her campaign so they could buy mattresses, tents, and food. Amal and her family were not able to escape to safety - they are forced by the Zionist entity to live in a constant state of fear and distress.

That is completely understandable. The situation is Gaza is still very dangerous, and Amal needs us now more than ever!

Please share and donate to her 🌹

€30,236 raised of €50,000!

This campaign is moving way too slow. Please don't give up on Amal and her family - share and donate what you can!

€30,550 raised of €50,000 goal.

Let's keep it going for the sake of Amal and her family. Share and donate to ensure that she will be safe, have shelter, enough food, medicine, basic essentials not only for herself but also for her child. The genocide in Gaza is still ongoing. Reblog and donate what you can!

€48,732 raised of €75,000 goal.

Today, the ceasefire will go into effect. I ask you all to keep your focus to help Palestinians, especially the Gazans living in terrible conditions due to the zionist onslaught.

Please keep sharing and donating! Amal and her family still need funds for essentials!

€59,553 raised of €75,000 goal.

€59,628 raised of €75,000 goal.

€65,373 raised of €75,000 goal.

It is October 7th.

@olagaza is a graduate student from Palestine and since the genocide started her life has turned upside down. She has been trying on social media as the sole breadwinner of her family begging people for so long to raise the ammount she needs to support her family and she still hasn't reached her goal.

She needs to raise enough to be able to consistently support 7 people including herself. Her entire family faces loss of shelter and with the prices of food and supplies skyrocketing in Gaza, they're struggling to buy adequate food and clean water is scarce.

I know a lot of people have become desensitised to the sheer scale of violence in Gaza but I want you to imagine. Imagine how you would feel if your entire neighborhood was flattened by bombs. Your house, your friends, your neighbors all gone. Just step into Ola's shoes for a minute. Imagine having to endure this for a full year.

Only $5 has been raised in the past 3 hours. Donate. Please.

$54,561 / $85,000 USD

$54,908 / $85,000

$67,518 / $85,000

$75,735 / $85,000

$79,070 / $85,000

$79,265 / $85,000

$79,365 / $85,000

$79,490 / $85,000

Have you ever wondered what it was like having a close friend, someone closer to you than your own brothers are, living in Ghazzah? Suffering daily in ways that make your stomach churn? My friend Mohammed Ayesh is currently in Ghazzah, and @three-croissants is an artist who's also friends with him and has managed to capture what it's like.

Please support my friend Mohammed Ayesh as he deals with the daily hardships of life under this horrific genocide.

I don't know how to make you understand the urgency. Please don't just let this be a campaign on tumblr. SPREAD THIS FUNDRAISER TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW

Our current goal is 32,5k we now have only 40k.

Fundraiser Host Needed!

Even though @suad-khaled all the proper documentation to GoFundMe to prove her legitimacy, that still did not stop them from terminating her campaign and refunding all the untransferred money. This is not new, and has unfortunately happened to many Palestinian families after their campaigns have been mass reported by zionists.

Suad and her 8 month old son, Khaled, are now without any support. Without a way to collect and transfer funds, Suad will not be able to afford food, supplies, or medicine for Kahled's respiratory infections. Suad urgently needs to find someone who can host a new fundraiser and transfer the funds to her.

If you are able to help manage a campaign for her, please reach out to Suad so you can help her create a new fundraiser on a crowdfunding site. When you message her, please keep in mind that internet is limited in Gaza and her responses may be delayed as a result.


No decorations, NO SAFETY, no children’s laughter…

Because EID UNDER BOMBING is NOT a celebration.



You can help turn someone’s WAR DAY into a RAY OF HOPE.

BE THE MERCY in a time of pain.


My child is dying in my arms.. and I'm powerless to save him 🍉🍉💔

How does a father write an obituary for his son while he's still in his arms? How can I describe the feeling of helplessness as I watch my child suffocate, tremble, and groan in pain, and I can do nothing but cry?

Mohammed, my soul, my heartbeat, faces death right in front of me. He looks at me with eyes filled with pain, as if asking, "Dad, why don't you save me?" And I have no answer. I have nothing but my tears falling down his little face, as if they're an apology for not being a father capable of protecting him.

My son is dying, and his days are slipping away from me like water through my fingers. He suffers from severe lung infections, and his small body can't take any more. The doctors told me in cold voices, "The only solution is urgent surgery, or else...!" They didn't finish their sentence, but I heard it all in their deadly silence.

But how can I save him when I can't afford a life? How can I accept that money be the barrier between me and seeing my child grow up? The amount demanded is huge, and I stand before it, penniless except for my hope in God and my supplications to you.

I am not asking for help, I am asking for life... a life for my child before he departs... before I bury him, knowing I did not do enough to save him.

Please... do not let him die... do not leave me to carry his shroud and carry him to his grave, knowing I could have saved him had a merciful hand reached out to me.

Any support, any assistance, even if it is simply sharing this appeal, could be the difference between life and death... it could be the miracle by which I save my child from the death that creeps closer to him every minute.

💔 Please.. save Muhammad before his name is written among the departed.. before this plea turns into an elegy. 💔





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