I'm not asking for money... I'm asking for life. I'm asking for a chance to see my child open his eyes again, laugh, call for me... I'm asking for a chance to hold him without feeling his breath disappear in my hands.
My little boy, a piece of my soul, is fighting death right now. His frail body is trembling, his eyes are filled with fear, he's searching for me as if he knows the end is near... and I stand helplessly by his side, my heart crumbling, my soul torn apart a thousand times every second. The doctors said he needs urgent surgery, but death is faster than me... and money stands between me and saving him.
Imagine watching your child dying, and all your screams, tears, and pleas meaningless because you don't have the money... Imagine that life forces you to be rich to keep your children, otherwise death will take them from you mercilessly...
I am writing these words and my heart is burning, collapsing, dying before my child... Please, please, with every tear, every pain, every compassion in your hearts, help me with anything, with any amount, with any share of this appeal... Perhaps your hand will be the one that saves him before it's too late.
I don't want to lose him... I don't want to carry him to his grave knowing that the chance to save him was in your hands...
Please, don't let me enter the darkness of eternal sadness. Don't let me live like a dead person while I bury him with my own hands...
@mahoushojoe @sar-soor @rhubarbspring @schoolhater98 @sawasawako-archived @anneemay-blog @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria @mangocheesecakes @kyra45-helping-others @7bittersweet @tortiefrancis @ot3 @amygdalae @ankle-beez @communistchameleon @dykesbat @komsomolka @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @heritageposts @watermotif @stuckinaprill @mavigator @lacecap @determinate-negation @deepspaceboytoy @paper-mario-wiki @kibumkim @socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sapphic-dino @rooh-afza @shesnake @totallynotsilversora @nabulsi27 @gazavetters @gaza @gazanarchive @palestine @palesttino @palestinianliberator @palestinianrose
#SaveMyChild #EveryMomentMakesAMatter #AMother'sScreamAM #PleaseForGod'sSake
@demilypyro @lesbocrocker @kahin @chososhairbuns @sandersgrey @ofide @rukafais @zamanassad @wayneradiotv @jihaadusposts @evillesbianvillain @timothylawrence @roakkaliha @lostacelonnie @huznilal-blog @laurajameskinney @dinodamage @yurischolar @lune-tic @lipid
@witticismz @dovveri @charlott2n @determinate-negation @parsleyrosemarybotch @tadpoledyke @userpeggycarter @thedigitalbard @laurajameskinney @officialpenisenvy @theonpilled @fleurrice @tetrafelino @think-queer @gamb0fficial @vincentspork @teabisexual @officialscud @evilponds @dinodamage @yurischolar @lune-tic @lipid @timetravellingkitty @sayruq @palestine