

@ritahayworrth / ritahayworrth.tumblr.com

kara | #ritahayworrth | twenty five | she/they | ph | usually old movies | lb

rachel zegler is very talented but why is she is playing evita peron


why does this have 32k notes? itโ€™s just a picture of a knife in a ranch bottle, is there some unspoken joke that 32 thousand people share? what is going on here, i dont get it. itโ€™s just a fucking picture of a knife in a ranch bottle. is there some spiritual connection people have to this picture? is there some ominous and mystical reasoning that this has 32 thousand notes? do people reblog this because it makes them look like some indie blogger? or is there just something funny to this? someone please explain

no one tell him

This is it, lads. The post that started us on this path 9 years ago.

I sure hope no one told him.


I think I have just gotten the worst ever pictures of me taken and it's for official purposes ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

looking at the printout versions at home and confirmed! this is one of the worst pictures of me ever taken!!!

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