
little lord fuckleroy has joined the call

@dirchristophernolan / dirchristophernolan.tumblr.com

yvonne | films, tv, people & more

I’m sorry her dad left her a man as a little treat? and you expect me to believe this isn’t the best drama that’s gonna come out of 2024? like this is too funny omg 😭

her dad said here is $10 oh and a tall, rich, fine, intelligent, kind, humble, funny, twinkle in his eye when he smiles, cute face, did I mention like 6’5? man for you to just have. Does he serve a purpose? no just a little treat for when you’re done with the revenge


Moreover, the US can't just point blank kill asylum since it's a global program, but it can force applicants to remain in a third country while their claims are adjudicated, and that makes nobody happy because the right wants no asylum seekers and the left wants to let everybody in.

Most asylum applicants at the moment are poor economic migrants and wouldn't be allowed into the United States if their claims were adjudicated, and the real debate is whether it's the responsibility of rich countries to take in the poor.

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