
How Do You Solve A Problem Like Dhaaruni?

@dhaaruni / dhaaruni.tumblr.com


The sucky thing is that Republicans and the media have done such a good job at labeling Democrats as the party of the “elites” that when a working class Democrat comes up against even a wealthy businessman Republican, the Democrat is the one treated as the outsider, the rich one, etc.

It reminds me of that scene in the Crown, where the liberal Prime Minister tells the Queen that in public, he has to drink beer and smoke pipes, even though he prefers expensive whiskey and cigars, because his voters drink beer and smoke pipes. He has an upper class education and comes from an upper class family, but no one wants to vote for a liberal who hails from The Elites.

Which is why I personally celebrated when newspapers reported that Dana Nessel got so drunk at the Michigan/Michigan State tailgate that they had to cart her away, lmao.

This is all to say, Democrats need to get way more vocal about their March Madness and fantasy draft teams then they have been*

*even though I despise legalized sports betting

will never understand how Democrats get coded as 'elites' when they have like, a Billionaire Worshipping Death Cult going on

I fully blame a media environment that painted George Bush as a country boy even though he was from Connecticut and attended fancy colleges, because they were too upset they got showed up by a dirt-poor nobody from Arkansas and his ball-busting college educated wife for 2 straight elections.

There's nothing this country hated more than Hillary Clinton making four times as much money as Bill when he became president (unless of course, it was him being unphased by it and telling voters they came as a package deal)

Anonymous asked:

seeing the replies/responses to that post about goldberg's whistle blowing really shows that if the current leftist pro-palestinian movement is the only real voice for palestinians, then they are completely fucked. i get people don't take it seriously when antizionism is equated with antisemitism but when that's the behavior of your "advocates" i think it's time we just call it what it is.

I just don't understand the desire to bring Israel into things it's not related to when Israel does enough terrible things without lying about it.

Like of course Jeffrey Goldberg can't just hang out in that Signal group chat he was accidentally added into, he'd get in serious trouble with the law, which is obvious to anybody with an iota of common sense.

My only takeaway from all the college admissions brouhaha every year is that my children are playing the bassoon, elite college admissions love applicants that play weird instruments

because that would be considered a federal crime, one which he could in fact still be prosecuted for, i don’t know what the fuck you guys think israel has to do with that, other than the fact that you just aren’t very bright

“I know all women are supposed to be strong enough now to strangle presidents and patriarchies between their powerful thighs, but it doesn’t work that way. Many of us were actually affected, by male systems and male anger, in ways we cannot always articulate or overcome. Sometimes, when the ceiling seems especially low and the past especially close, I think to myself, I did not make it out. I am still there in that place of diminishment, where that voice an octave deeper than mine is telling me what I am.”

— Patricia Lockwood, Priestdaddy: A Memoir

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