Dear all the attendees
Tonight, please come to Mori tower on LL floor.
Reception desk is open during 18:30 - 19:30
Please show your ticket at the desk. Thank you.
本日参加の皆様 受付時間・場所は森タワーLL階 18:30-19:30です。 デスクでチケットを提示してくださいね!
Hello everyone,
We are very excited to announce our 2016’s second TMLS meetup, coming up on March 25th! We will learn more about deep learning and some of the coolest projects in the industry.
大変お待たせしました、今年2回目となるTMLS meetupのご案内です。今回もdeep learningについて知識を深め、業界の最新動向をぜひ学んでいってください。
Thanks to Google Japan’s cooperation, we will be holding the event at their office in Roppongi Hills. This time we changed the sign-up system. WE NEED YOUR REAL FULL NAME as it appears on your ID to get you into the Mori Tower building (we had some security issues last time). Please go to http://connpass.com, create your account and become a member of TMLS. When you sign-up the event, we ask your name. Everyone of you must input your actual name as an answer to the question. Please bring the ticket issued and show it at the reception desk on the event day. Don't forget your ID too!
*Make sure the name you sign up with matches the name on your ID!
*You cannot sign-up on behalf of your friends
*You cannot enter the building after 7:30pm
We will open the sign-ups at connpass's TMLS#2 page (here) tomorrow, March 17th at 12:00pm.
Google Japanのご協力により、前回同様六本木ヒルズに会場をお借りしています。セキュリティーのため参加者のみなさんには本名(フルネーム)で登録していただきたく、今回はサインアップ方法を変えています。http://connpass.comでアカウントをつくってTMLSのメンバー登録をし、イベントに申し込み、その際発行されたチケットをIDと一緒に当日受付で提示してください。申し込みの際、アンケートでお名前を聞くので必ず本名を入れてくださいね!参加申し込みはFCFSで、明日(3/17)の正午からこのイベントページにて受け付けます。
We have three speakers to introduce us to cutting edge algorithms and technologies:
Speaker 1 : Data Robot,Inc.’s, Akira Shibata-san, Data Scientist
Topic: Where does Deep Learning stand in solving business problems? What can we do better?
最初のスピーカーはData Robot,Inc.より、データサイエンティストのシバタアキラさんです。ビジネスの諸問題の解決に、Deep Learningはどこで貢献できるか?私達はどうすればよりよい結果を得られるのか?誰もが持つこれらの疑問に対して、テクノロジーの最前線で活躍されているアキラさんの見解は..!?
Speaker 2 : Alpaca’s Yuki Hayashi-san, Co-founder and Chief Engineering Officer
Topic : Introducing Capitalico and how it learns charts
Abstract from Yuki-san : Capitalico is the mobile app which allows you to build your own financial trading algorithms just by tapping several times on the technical chart. In the talk, we would like to share with you the overview of the service as well as the details of its machine learning stack such as the LSTM based sequence scoring, the distributed deep learning execution architecture and more.
二人目のスピーカーは、神戸とシリコンバレーに拠点を置くAlpacaより、Co-founderでChief Engineering Officerの林さんです!大変興味深いプロダクトCapitalicoと、そこで使用されているtech stackについて紹介していただきます。
And finally Reactive Inc.'s, Keisuke + Ray.
Keisuke will talk about hyper parameters tuning issues in machine learning, mainly focusing on Bayesian Optimization techniques.
Ray will talk about our most-recent-super-exciting project with google! Keywords are: Vision API, TensorFlow, Stochastic Neighbour Embedding.
Rayはチームを代表してスーパーエキサイティングな最近のプロジェクトをご紹介します。キーワードは Vision API, TensorFlow, Stochastic Neighbour Embedding
Change on speaker: Ray --> Nick スピーカー変更: Ray --> Nick
< Time Table >
18:30 〜 19:00 : Reception
19:00 〜 19:20 : Keynote from TMLS organizer, Fred Almeida
19:20 〜 19:50 : DataRobot Presentation
19:50 〜 20:00 : Break
20:00 〜 20:30 : Alpaca Presentation
20:30 〜 20:50 : Reactive Presentation 1
20:50 〜 21:10 : Reactive Presentation 2
21:10 〜 : After party
Some drinks and pizza will be served after the talk. Yay!
資料 資料をもっと見る/編集する
2016/03/25 15:01
@nethsix It means for example First name_Lat name. What you wrote didn't meet with the criteria. I'm sorry.
2016/03/24 15:15
What does it mean that "WE NEED YOUR REAL FULL NAME as it appears on your ID" I signed up using exactly my ID, and it got cancelled?
2016/03/23 17:03
@Gilles Daquin I'm sorry you had to give up your seat. We really hope you can make it next time!
2016/03/23 17:01
@Baigalaa Thank you very much for signing up. Considering the fact that there are 50ppl in front of you, It might be difficult to attend this event (we are very sorry..). Please try to join TMLS #3 in May!
2016/03/22 22:54
I have released my reservation. I really wanted to join but will have a business meeting at the same time. Grrr...
2016/03/21 15:05
Hello, it says that I'm on the waitlist. There're 52 people in front me, means that impossible for me to join? :(
2016/03/19 23:16
I hope it's ok that I share this here: SciRuby is looking for students to work on Ruby TensorFlow API through Google Summer of Code program. Please apply! SciRuby GSoC 2016 Projects: https://github.com/SciRuby/sciruby/wiki/Google-Summer-of-Code-2016-Ideas GSoC 2016: https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/timeline
2016/03/16 18:07
The registration will open tomorrow at noon! You will be receiving the notification then. Thanks