Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Inc"
The meaning of "Inc" in various phrases and sentences
Inc ne anlama geliyor?
Inc is an abbreviation for "incorporated".
Inc ne anlama geliyor?
It’s short for incorporated which refers to a type of business called a corporation
Inc. ne anlama geliyor?
Synonyms of "Inc" and their differences
Inc. ve Co.,Ltd arasındaki fark nedir?
There are different kinds of companies. Different countries have different classifications.
"Inc." means "Incorporated". The company is a corporation.
"Ltd." means "Limited". It stands for "Limited Company".
These phrases have different meanings according to the laws in different countries.
"Inc." means "Incorporated". The company is a corporation.
"Ltd." means "Limited". It stands for "Limited Company".
These phrases have different meanings according to the laws in different countries.
Translations of "Inc"
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? Inc.
say "ink" or just say the whole word "incorporated"
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