Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Resolution"
Example sentences using "Resolution"
Resolution ile örnek cümleler göster.
1. We found a resolution to the dispute.
2. The monitor has excellent resolution.
3. At that point, a resolution to the strike will be in reach.
4. There is no court record of the resolution of this case.
5. Grimm says the legal fees' resolution marks the end of the lawsuit.
6. Still, there was no easy resolution to a quandary that looked set to drag on and on.
7. The city council plans to vote on a resolution against the move.
8. The resolution in his voice floored her.
9. Following that resolution, she was up at five the next morning getting ready for work.
10. The Emperor's mild and handsome face was flushed and his eyes gleamed with resolution and anger.
2. The monitor has excellent resolution.
3. At that point, a resolution to the strike will be in reach.
4. There is no court record of the resolution of this case.
5. Grimm says the legal fees' resolution marks the end of the lawsuit.
6. Still, there was no easy resolution to a quandary that looked set to drag on and on.
7. The city council plans to vote on a resolution against the move.
8. The resolution in his voice floored her.
9. Following that resolution, she was up at five the next morning getting ready for work.
10. The Emperor's mild and handsome face was flushed and his eyes gleamed with resolution and anger.
Resolution ile örnek cümleler göster.
Another possible meaning is...
"If you wish to have larger icons on your desktop, please adjust your screen resolution"
"If you wish to have larger icons on your desktop, please adjust your screen resolution"
Synonyms of "Resolution" and their differences
Resolution of the photo is so high. ve The resolution of the photo is so high. ve A resolution of the photo is so high. arasındaki fark nedir?
The photo resolution is very high.
"So high" sounds like something a teenager would say 😁
The photo resolution is very high.
"So high" sounds like something a teenager would say 😁
Resolution ve Resolve arasındaki fark nedir?
You need a resolution to be able to resolve something.
A resolution is also something you’re determined to do.
And resolve can mean determination.
Do you need help resolving the problem?
What was your New Years resolution?
Do you have a resolution the problem.
Do you not have any resolve?
A resolution is also something you’re determined to do.
And resolve can mean determination.
Do you need help resolving the problem?
What was your New Years resolution?
Do you have a resolution the problem.
Do you not have any resolve?
Translations of "Resolution"
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? Resolution
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? Resolution
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Other questions about "Resolution"
Resolution of naked eye is higher than camera’s. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
× Resolution of naked eye is higher than camera’s.
✓ The resolution of the naked eye is greater than a camera’s resolution.
✓ The resolution of the naked eye is greater than a camera’s resolution.
what does resolution mean in 'Attack Resolution'
Ending, how it turned out, how they ended it.
Resolution for 2019: Make my life more adventurous bu doğru görünüyor mu?
Resolution for 2019: Live a more adventurous life.
My resolution for 2019 is to live a more adventurous life.
My resolution for 2019 is to live a more adventurous life.
Resolution is a goal and a decision, that is that you have decided to move into action. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
very good!! :)
Resolution and Solution.
Which word do you use more as an answer for trouble ?
Which word do you use more as an answer for trouble ?
Resolution would not be limited as an answer for trouble, but as an "end" to any kind of situation.
Resolution would not be limited as an answer for trouble, but as an "end" to any kind of situation.
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