Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Aegis"
Example sentences using "Aegis"
aegis ile örnek cümleler göster.
They operated under the imperial aegis.
(under the) aegis = with the protection, support of something.
The word comes from mythology, where it represents a shield associated with Zeus.
There is also a video game called Aegis Defenders.
(under the) aegis = with the protection, support of something.
The word comes from mythology, where it represents a shield associated with Zeus.
There is also a video game called Aegis Defenders.
Synonyms of "Aegis" and their differences
aegis ve protection arasındaki fark nedir?
"Protection" is a generic term. It means to defend or keep safe.
"Aegis" can mean "protection" but it often refers specifically to a type of shield or breastplate. We don't use the word "aegis" in regular conversation. Most people probably don't know this word at all. So don't worry about it.
"Aegis" can mean "protection" but it often refers specifically to a type of shield or breastplate. We don't use the word "aegis" in regular conversation. Most people probably don't know this word at all. So don't worry about it.
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