Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Alphabet"
The meaning of "Alphabet" in various phrases and sentences
What does it mean?
creating an alphabet
how do I interpret?
ne anlama geliyor?
creating an alphabet
how do I interpret?
ne anlama geliyor?
“leaving” in this context means to result in something.
The infection resulted in Braille being completely blind.
“to create an alphabet” in this context is to come up with a new system of letters that form words and sentences.
Braille created an alphabet that could be easily interpreted by the blind.
The infection resulted in Braille being completely blind.
“to create an alphabet” in this context is to come up with a new system of letters that form words and sentences.
Braille created an alphabet that could be easily interpreted by the blind.
An alphabet soup of sth. ne anlama geliyor?
A variety of many different things.
enlist the alphabets from A to Z ne anlama geliyor?
I think you mean: List the alphabet from A to Z.
That just means to write A B C D E - and so on - all the way to Z.
That just means to write A B C D E - and so on - all the way to Z.
What is the alphabet written on this paper?
robbgnine? ne anlama geliyor?
robbgnine? ne anlama geliyor?
It looks like robbguine to me, but that’s not a word I’ve ever heard before, haha. Was it a username or something?
"what are the alphabets?" ne anlama geliyor?
We actually have a song that children sing so they can remember the alphabet.
Abcd, efg, hijk, lmnop, qrs, tuv, wx, y and z, now I know my abc's next time won't you sing with me.
Abcd, efg, hijk, lmnop, qrs, tuv, wx, y and z, now I know my abc's next time won't you sing with me.
Example sentences using "Alphabet"
alphabet soup ile örnek cümleler göster.
To someone who doesn't know the language, Finnish can seem like an alphabet soup.
I tried to understand my friend's calculus notes, but they were a total alphabet soup. It just looked like a page full of random letters and symbols.
Jane wanted to invest her money in the stock market, but she had trouble understanding the alphabet soup of stock names and financial abbreviations, so she hired a financial planner to help her.
I tried to understand my friend's calculus notes, but they were a total alphabet soup. It just looked like a page full of random letters and symbols.
Jane wanted to invest her money in the stock market, but she had trouble understanding the alphabet soup of stock names and financial abbreviations, so she hired a financial planner to help her.
alphabet "T" start fruits name? ile örnek cümleler göster.
do you mean fruit names that start with "T"?
Synonyms of "Alphabet" and their differences
the alphabet ve an alphabet arasındaki fark nedir?
Easy! "the" means something SPECIFIC "the father" -- someones dad/father. "a father" means anyones father Unspecified/not specific -- my dad, your dad, or anyones dad. hope this helps.
alphabet, letter, ve character arasındaki fark nedir?
Alphabet is all of the letters in order (a b c d e f~)
Letter is a single character in the alphabet.
Character is a writing stroke used to indicate a certain sound or word (for any language)
Example: Japanese character➡️あ
English character➡️A
Korean character➡️ㅎ
Letter is a single character in the alphabet.
Character is a writing stroke used to indicate a certain sound or word (for any language)
Example: Japanese character➡️あ
English character➡️A
Korean character➡️ㅎ
alphabet, letter, ve character arasındaki fark nedir?
The alphabet is "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
A letter is one of the letters in the alphabet like "p" or "z"
A character can be a letter or a punctuation mark: "s" or "?"
A letter is one of the letters in the alphabet like "p" or "z"
A character can be a letter or a punctuation mark: "s" or "?"
what sound does A(alphabet)make? ve what's the sound of A arasındaki fark nedir?
What sound does A make when saying the alphabet? = 애이
What's the sound of the letter A? = 애이, 아, or "uh"
What's the sound of the letter A? = 애이, 아, or "uh"
Translations of "Alphabet"
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? びよよよーん!Onomatopoeia
In the alphabet 「biyoyoyoyo~n」
The sound of springs expanding and contracting.
In the alphabet 「biyoyoyoyo~n」
The sound of springs expanding and contracting.
boi-yoi-yoi-yoi-yoing! boing!
Bunu İngilizce (Birleşik Krallık) da nasıl dersiniz?
which are the silent alphabets in English?
which are the silent alphabets in English?
@786_Scarlett I think this website will help you better than I can :
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? $.99(please tell me the alphabet)
Ninety-nine cents.
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? alphabet
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? What do you call the alphabet letters that are placed at the corner of each small panel in a composite figure that are often seen in a scientific paper? Keys? Just letters? Or what?
Keys or legend I think
Other questions about "Alphabet"
Write the alphabet in order in the blank. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
Write the alphabet in order in the blank spaces.
I'm lazy to switch to alphabet keyboard bu doğru görünüyor mu?
Latin characters are not called "alphabet" in English. An alphabet is a system of characters in general.
What you probably want to say is "I'm too lazy to switch to alphanumeric input mode" if you are staying within Japanese language, or if you are changing language to, for example, English, then you specify "I'm too lazy to switch to English input".
What you probably want to say is "I'm too lazy to switch to alphanumeric input mode" if you are staying within Japanese language, or if you are changing language to, for example, English, then you specify "I'm too lazy to switch to English input".
What thought do you get when you see the Korean alphabet at first? bu doğru görünüyor mu?
It might sound a little more natural if you were to rephrase the question, like so "what's your first thought when looking at the Korean alphabet?"
Only alphabets, numbers, "-" , and "_" can be used in an file name bu doğru görünüyor mu?
Yes, it does!
Ok. What I'm going to do now is write alphabets and you say them. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
"Ok. What I'm going to do now is write letters and you read them out loud."
"alphabets" - unless you're talking about more than one alphabet? (e.g. Swedish and Danish - both have slightly different letters in their alphabet, thus, one could refer to those two as different alphabets).
perhaps to specify that it's letters from the (english) alphabet one could say:
"Ok. What I'm going to do now is write down the letters of the alphabet, and I want you to read them out loud."
"alphabets" - unless you're talking about more than one alphabet? (e.g. Swedish and Danish - both have slightly different letters in their alphabet, thus, one could refer to those two as different alphabets).
perhaps to specify that it's letters from the (english) alphabet one could say:
"Ok. What I'm going to do now is write down the letters of the alphabet, and I want you to read them out loud."
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