Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Cannot"

Example sentences using "Cannot"

Q: I cannot live my life knowing~ ile örnek cümleler göster.
A: Examples:

1. I can not live (my life) knowing, that I can never have children.

2. I can not live (my life) knowing, that I could have tried.

3. I can not live (my life) knowing, that I will never see you again.

4. I can not live (my life) knowing, that everything is pointless.

5. I can not live (my life) knowing, that the murderer of my mother is still free.

I hope you can see a pattern with these sentences. They all express that you can't just go on like you are, that you can't just continue your life as it is.
For example, the first sentence might be said by a woman whose dream has always been having lots of children, then she goes to a doctor and the doctor tells her: "You are infertile, you can never have children."

The woman would despair over this, since her life lost the meaning she had until this point. She would say something like: "I can not live (my life) knowing, that I can never have children." and get really depressed about it.

The second sentence would be said by someone who is faced with a tough situation, or a descision to do something difficult or dangerous.
For exmaple, a house is burning, and a man is standing in front of it knowing that his children are inside. He wants to run inside to safe them, but his friend holds him back telling him it's too dangerous.
He would then reply: "I can not live (my life) knowing, that I could have saved them."
He expresses, that if he just stood around doing nothing while his children burn inside his house, he would never forgive himself.

The third sentence might be said by someone who is heartbroken, for example his girlfriend left him and he loved her very much.
He would say: "I can not live (my life) knowing, that I will never see you again."
He expresses his strong feelings for her by basically exaggerating, that knowing he would never see her again would make his life lose any meaning.

The fourth sentence might be said by someone who is religious. When being asked why he believes in a higher power, or the afterlive he would respond: "I can not live (my life) knowing, that everything is pointless."
He expresses, that he simply has to believe that there is a meaning to life, and that if there was none, if everything was pointless, then his life would be meaningless and he can't accept that.

The fifth sentence may be said by someone whose mother was murdered. The murderer is still out there, the police is looking for him but after months they still didn't catch him.
The son of the murdered mother is still grieving, he just can't let go and maybe dedicates himself to trying to catch this murderer instead of getting his life back together.
When a friend tells him: "You should get back to your normal life, back to your job, back to your friends" He would respond: "I can not live (my life) knowing, that the murderer of my mother is still free."
He expresses, that as long as this murderer is still out there, he simply can not go back into his normal life. The thought of the murderer being free would linger in his head, nag at him and drive him crazy. He can't go on knowing that.

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