Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Connected"
The meaning of "Connected" in various phrases and sentences
"connected" in 294 ne anlama geliyor?
It means Sean knows people of influence.
Synonyms of "Connected" and their differences
connected ve interconnected arasındaki fark nedir?
I feel connected to piano music ( when you find a connection with music)
The two roads are interconnected ( it means one road leads to another )
hope it helps
The two roads are interconnected ( it means one road leads to another )
hope it helps
connected ve bound ve related ve tied ve associated arasındaki fark nedir?
Bound historically meant fixed together by cords of leather, rope, steel bands, etc.
Tied meant bound with a rope and knot.
Connected means attached in an organized manner.
Related means of the same source or blood, like siblings and their parents.
All are used by allusion in business. In allusory use, their intended meanings may not be very diofrom one another. And definitely not as different as their historical meanings were.
Tied meant bound with a rope and knot.
Connected means attached in an organized manner.
Related means of the same source or blood, like siblings and their parents.
All are used by allusion in business. In allusory use, their intended meanings may not be very diofrom one another. And definitely not as different as their historical meanings were.
‘be connected with’ ve ‘be related to’ arasındaki fark nedir?
To be connected with
= to be in contact with
The leg bones connected to the knee bone
The telephone connection kept cutting out
I feel connected to the earth when I go for a run
After spending the day together and talking about their memories, the husband and wife felt more connected
We need to get the internet/electricity/telephone connected (to the house/apartment)
There is a connection between what you eat and how healthy you are
To be related to
= to have a relationship with
Jane and John are related, they are brother and sister.
Sue has a professional relationship with Sally at work, but they are also good friends on the weekend.
I don’t know why the vegetables grew so big this summer, but I think it is related to all the warm weather we had.
The police think the robberies are related to to a gang working in the area.
To be connected with
= to be in contact with
The leg bones connected to the knee bone
The telephone connection kept cutting out
I feel connected to the earth when I go for a run
After spending the day together and talking about their memories, the husband and wife felt more connected
We need to get the internet/electricity/telephone connected (to the house/apartment)
There is a connection between what you eat and how healthy you are
To be related to
= to have a relationship with
Jane and John are related, they are brother and sister.
Sue has a professional relationship with Sally at work, but they are also good friends on the weekend.
I don’t know why the vegetables grew so big this summer, but I think it is related to all the warm weather we had.
The police think the robberies are related to to a gang working in the area.
connected ve related arasındaki fark nedir?
connected means joined, like latched together. _By extension_ it means related, like two events are often said to be connected.
Related means that two things have a relationship to each other. It doesn't mean the two are necessarily dependent on one another.
Related means that two things have a relationship to each other. It doesn't mean the two are necessarily dependent on one another.
connected to ve connected with arasındaki fark nedir?
When you are connected with someone or something you mean there is a connection between you two. By being connected to something, you mean it literally. and it doesn't mean that thing is connected to you, too. You understand?
Translations of "Connected"
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? connected
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Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? connected
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Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? connected
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