Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Conversionalist"
The meaning of "Conversionalist" in various phrases and sentences
conversionalist ne anlama geliyor?
Someone who enjoys the art of having a conversation.
Edit: To clarify, there are many nuances that go into a meaningful conversation; the subject or topic being discussed, the manner in how it is discussed, the respect they have for each other's answers or ideas, how open they are to understanding each other, and leaving the conversation a more informed or enlightened person. And if not, let the conversation continue another day!
Edit: To clarify, there are many nuances that go into a meaningful conversation; the subject or topic being discussed, the manner in how it is discussed, the respect they have for each other's answers or ideas, how open they are to understanding each other, and leaving the conversation a more informed or enlightened person. And if not, let the conversation continue another day!
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