Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Converter"
Synonyms of "Converter" and their differences
32bit-supported converter ve 32bit-supporting converter arasındaki fark nedir?
Both of them are the same thing... Are you tryna troll us :(
32bit-supported converter ve 32bit-supporting converter arasındaki fark nedir?
You would say a 32 bit converter
Translations of "Converter"
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? converter
Other questions about "Converter"
Generally speaking, converter belt sushi restaurants are cheaper than normal sushi restaurants. I’m not sure why normal sushi restaurants are more expensive, but I guess that normal sushi restaurants have some sort of sushi master whose salary would affect the restaurant's prices. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
× Generally speaking, converter belt sushi restaurants are cheaper than normal sushi restaurants.
✓ Generally speaking, conveyor belt sushi restaurants are cheaper than normal sushi restaurants.
× I’m not sure why normal sushi restaurants are more expensive, but I guess that normal sushi restaurants have some sort of sushi master whose salary would affect the restaurant's prices.
✓ I’m not sure why normal sushi restaurants are more expensive, but I guess that they have some sort of sushi master whose salary would affect the restaurant's prices.
Your sentence wasn't wrong, it's just more natural in English to use pronouns than to use the same noun phrase multiple times.
✓ Generally speaking, conveyor belt sushi restaurants are cheaper than normal sushi restaurants.
× I’m not sure why normal sushi restaurants are more expensive, but I guess that normal sushi restaurants have some sort of sushi master whose salary would affect the restaurant's prices.
✓ I’m not sure why normal sushi restaurants are more expensive, but I guess that they have some sort of sushi master whose salary would affect the restaurant's prices.
Your sentence wasn't wrong, it's just more natural in English to use pronouns than to use the same noun phrase multiple times.
A converter cover is available to replace the converter. It is much easier to replace the converters than the previous model. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
× A converter cover is available to replace the converter.
✓ A converter cover is now available to help with replacing the converter.
× It is much easier to replace the converters than the previous model.
✓ It is much easier to replace the converters now compared to the previous model.
✓ A converter cover is now available to help with replacing the converter.
× It is much easier to replace the converters than the previous model.
✓ It is much easier to replace the converters now compared to the previous model.
Floating converter can be easily spotted by tourists from beaches. Can I switch this sentence in this way? "People from beaches can easily see the floating converter."
some possibilities are:
“The floating converter can be easily spotted by tourists from the beach.”
“Tourists can easily spot the floating converter from the beach”
“From the beach the floating converter can be easily spotted by tourists.”
Do you get it?
“The floating converter can be easily spotted by tourists from the beach.”
“Tourists can easily spot the floating converter from the beach”
“From the beach the floating converter can be easily spotted by tourists.”
Do you get it?
Lütfen bana nasıl telaffuz edeceğimi öğret converter.
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Lütfen bana nasıl telaffuz edeceğimi öğret converter.
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