Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Debase"
The meaning of "Debase" in various phrases and sentences
debase ne anlama geliyor?
Reduce something in value/quality
Synonyms of "Debase" and their differences
debase ve demean arasındaki fark nedir?
Demean: to insult someone, to make them feel small and weak.
Debase: to degrade someone, to make it appear as though they lack morals.
They are very similar words & someone can be both demeaned and debased at the same time.
Debase: to degrade someone, to make it appear as though they lack morals.
They are very similar words & someone can be both demeaned and debased at the same time.
debase ve degrade arasındaki fark nedir?
They are synonymous
debase ve demean ve degrade arasındaki fark nedir?
They are all synonyms. “Debase” means to lower in character, quality, or value (to degrade). “Demean” means to debase; to lower; to degrade. “Degrade” means to lower in value or social position or to reduce in quality or purity.
“The cruel prison guard did everything he could to debase inmates and make them feel worthless.”
“Her son would demean himself by a marriage with an artist's daughter.”
“Fred degrades himself by his behavior.”
“The DNA sample has degraded.”
“The cruel prison guard did everything he could to debase inmates and make them feel worthless.”
“Her son would demean himself by a marriage with an artist's daughter.”
“Fred degrades himself by his behavior.”
“The DNA sample has degraded.”
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