Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Drunker"
Other questions about "Drunker"
I don’t like drunker.
I feel annoying my friend who is drunk…
cus so loudly.
When drunk, someone became loudly.
I don’t want attend durunker.
Tired of drunk people. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
I feel annoying my friend who is drunk…
cus so loudly.
When drunk, someone became loudly.
I don’t want attend durunker.
Tired of drunk people. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
× I don’t like drunker.
✓ I don’t like drunks. (person who is drunk = a drunk)
× I feel annoying my friend who is drunk…
✓ I feel annoyed at my friend who is drunk…
× cus so loudly.
✓ Since they are very loud.
× When drunk, someone became loudly.
✓ When drunk, everyone becomes loud. (皆?)
× I don’t want attend durunker.
✓ I don’t want to keep drunks company. I don't want to hang out with drunks.
× Tired of drunk people.
✓ I'm fed up with drunk people.
cus is very casual, only use in spoken with friends.
since, because, as - better options
✓ I don’t like drunks. (person who is drunk = a drunk)
× I feel annoying my friend who is drunk…
✓ I feel annoyed at my friend who is drunk…
× cus so loudly.
✓ Since they are very loud.
× When drunk, someone became loudly.
✓ When drunk, everyone becomes loud. (皆?)
× I don’t want attend durunker.
✓ I don’t want to keep drunks company. I don't want to hang out with drunks.
× Tired of drunk people.
✓ I'm fed up with drunk people.
cus is very casual, only use in spoken with friends.
since, because, as - better options
If you weren't such a heavy drunker, you coud be more healty. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
If you weren't such a heavy drunker, you could be more healty.
A drunker was sitting, leaning against the wall on the platform.
"A drunkard" or "A drunk person" makes more sense. "Drunker" is not a noun.
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