Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Eject"
The meaning of "Eject" in various phrases and sentences
eject ne anlama geliyor?
"eject" means to "push out"
It is often used with electronics (eject button)
For example:
"He ejected the DVD from the computer"
"Can you push the eject button on the remote" (see attached photo)
Another common use is "ejection seat" or "emergency ejection system" on an aircraft
For example:
"The pilot ejected when his plane caught fire."
"There is an emergency ejection system in case of the plane going down."
You can also say someone was "ejected" from a place, and this means "forced out"
For example:
"I heard he was ejected from the game for fighting."
The first use is the most common.
It is often used with electronics (eject button)
For example:
"He ejected the DVD from the computer"
"Can you push the eject button on the remote" (see attached photo)
Another common use is "ejection seat" or "emergency ejection system" on an aircraft
For example:
"The pilot ejected when his plane caught fire."
"There is an emergency ejection system in case of the plane going down."
You can also say someone was "ejected" from a place, and this means "forced out"
For example:
"I heard he was ejected from the game for fighting."
The first use is the most common.
eject salaiva ne anlama geliyor?
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Example sentences using "Eject"
eject ile örnek cümleler göster.
- He ejected the used cartilage
- The pilot had time to eject
- They were forcibly ejected from the court
- He was ejected from the office in July (though it is rarely used like this, this is more of a hyperbole)
- The pilot had time to eject
- They were forcibly ejected from the court
- He was ejected from the office in July (though it is rarely used like this, this is more of a hyperbole)
Synonyms of "Eject" and their differences
eject ve erupt arasındaki fark nedir?
Eject means releasing something.
Erupt means the same but with explosions, literally.
Erupt means the same but with explosions, literally.
to eject ve to bail out arasındaki fark nedir?
To eject means to force out.
To bail out means to leave.
To bail out means to leave.
eject ve ejection arasındaki fark nedir?
Eject is a verb, and ejection a noun. You can use both in similar contexts.
'I was ejected from the building after I got caught trying to steal bananas.'
'the pilot's ejection from the plane was violent and left him dazzled.'
'I was ejected from the building after I got caught trying to steal bananas.'
'the pilot's ejection from the plane was violent and left him dazzled.'
eject ve reject arasındaki fark nedir?
To eject, is usually to get rid of something suddenly or with force.
Reject is to refuse. If you reject a gift, you refuse to take or will not take it
To eject, is usually to get rid of something suddenly or with force.
Reject is to refuse. If you reject a gift, you refuse to take or will not take it
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