Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Facade"
The meaning of "Facade" in various phrases and sentences
"their mental facade standing" in "They keep their mental facade standing at all costs, even if it sometimes requires being physically or emotionally abusive to those around them." ne anlama geliyor?
A "facade" is a word which comes from Latin through French and Italian into English. It means the front of a building. It is what you see when you stand in front of a building and look at it. Looking at the facade only gives you information about the facade it doesn't tell you anything about what is behind the facade. By creating an elaborate facade you can give the impression that you have an elaborate building, but it may be just a facade.
So a mental facade could be what someone has constructed in their mind to present to others an image of themselves which may not be true.
So a mental facade could be what someone has constructed in their mind to present to others an image of themselves which may not be true.
facade ne anlama geliyor?
It can be both
facade ne anlama geliyor?
A false exterior, especially on a building
Living with no facade ne anlama geliyor?
Living with sincerity and not pretending to be something you're not.
facade ne anlama geliyor?
facade is a mask that means you are not who you are, does this make sense
also the mask is not real it's another way of saying that you hide who you actually are
also the mask is not real it's another way of saying that you hide who you actually are
Example sentences using "Facade"
facade ile örnek cümleler göster.
🔴That's all it was - a facade
🔵The facade was never finished
🔴The length of the entire facade is 118 ft
🔵 We are fed up with this facade of democracy
🔴They seem happy together, but it's all a facade🔵
🔴That's all it was - a facade
🔵The facade was never finished
🔴The length of the entire facade is 118 ft
🔵 We are fed up with this facade of democracy
🔴They seem happy together, but it's all a facade🔵
facade ile örnek cümleler göster.
She was putting on a facade
It was a facade the whole time
This was a facade?
It was a facade the whole time
This was a facade?
facade ile örnek cümleler göster.
1. The confidence was a facade; he was terrified.
2. The luxurious possessions were a facade--he is actually very poor.
3. The strict environment is a facade, they're actually quite lenient.
1. The confidence was a facade; he was terrified.
2. The luxurious possessions were a facade--he is actually very poor.
3. The strict environment is a facade, they're actually quite lenient.
facade ile örnek cümleler göster.
This bad attitude she is showing is just a facade of her real personality.
facade ile örnek cümleler göster.
Facade - an act or mask to hide something
Her facade (mask) worked well; no one was able to see her fear.
His act of bravery was nothing but a facade (an act).
Her facade (mask) worked well; no one was able to see her fear.
His act of bravery was nothing but a facade (an act).
Synonyms of "Facade" and their differences
The facade is a private school. ve The facade is of a private school. arasındaki fark nedir?
A facade is the front outward wall of a building.
The facade is a private school = The front wall is a school (this is not possible, it is a wall not a school)
The facade is of a private school. = The front wall is one which looks like the facade of a private school (this is possible)
The facade is a private school = The front wall is a school (this is not possible, it is a wall not a school)
The facade is of a private school. = The front wall is one which looks like the facade of a private school (this is possible)
facade ve con arasındaki fark nedir?
facade ve con arasındaki fark nedir?
A facade is the French word for face, used in English to describe buildings mostly. We can use it about people who are putting on a false personality or mask. For example "she put on an aristocratic facade but actually she was as poor as a church mouse'. A con is a trick intended to deceive someone out of money. A scam. It can be used as a verb. Facade cannot. For example she was conned out of her life savings by an Internet scam.
facade ve front arasındaki fark nedir?
front can be used in any situation, I would describe most objects as having a front.
Facade is used to describe the front of a building (particularly large or beautiful buildings)
Facade can also be used to describe a deceptive appearance.
the door was on the front of the house
the house had a beautiful facade
the shop front was clearly a facade for a criminal organisation
Facade is used to describe the front of a building (particularly large or beautiful buildings)
Facade can also be used to describe a deceptive appearance.
the door was on the front of the house
the house had a beautiful facade
the shop front was clearly a facade for a criminal organisation
Translations of "Facade"
Bunu İngilizce (Birleşik Krallık) da nasıl dersiniz? He appears to all as a friendly facade while in reality he's hidden hostile.
correct my mistakes please...
correct my mistakes please...
‘He appears to be friendly to everyone but in reality it’s a facade. He is very hostile ( or you could say mean/ cruel) on the inside’
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? facade
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? facade
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Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? facade
Bunu İngilizce (Birleşik Krallık) da nasıl dersiniz? facade
In a sentence: "He put on a very good facade."
In a sentence: "He put on a very good facade."
Other questions about "Facade"
what does facade mean?
A false front, either the decorative front of a building or a false persona that a person presents to the world
I tried to maintain a facade of indifference. However, as soon as I saw the gigantic car for my birthday gift, I couldn't help smiling. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
× However, as soon as I saw the gigantic car for my birthday gift, I couldn't help but smiling.
✓ However, as soon as I saw the gigantic car for my birthday gift, I couldn't help smiling.
✓ However, as soon as I saw the gigantic car for my birthday gift, I couldn't help smiling.
Lütfen bana nasıl telaffuz edeceğimi öğret narrow facades and great length.
"narrow facades"
Lütfen bana nasıl telaffuz edeceğimi öğret facade; courtyard;width;tubular.
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Lütfen bana nasıl telaffuz edeceğimi öğret facade.
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