Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Hazel"
The meaning of "Hazel" in various phrases and sentences
Hazel ne anlama geliyor?
-If you capitalize it, it is a girl’s name.
-as a color, it is a greenish brown, usually used to describe an eye color
-as a color, it is a greenish brown, usually used to describe an eye color
Other questions about "Hazel"
Hazel 这个名字怎么样?用的人多吗?听到这个名字的第一印象是什么?
"Hazel" 这个名字在英语系国家是比较常见的名字之一,但并不是非常普遍。它有一种古老而又时尚的感觉,常被认为是一种柔和而温暖的名字。听到这个名字的第一印象可能会是柔和、自然、温暖或者是与大自然相关的感觉。
Dear Hazel. First, I want to tell you that I received your letter two weeks ago and I'm sorry for not being able to write you back in time. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
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Hazel, amazing, zoom, zentangle bu doğru görünüyor mu?
Everything sounded correct. Although I am not sure what a zentangle is, it is being pronounced correctly according to its spelling. Good job!
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