Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Impractical"
The meaning of "Impractical" in various phrases and sentences
uterly impractical ne anlama geliyor?
completamente impracticable
muy poco práctico
muy poco práctico
Example sentences using "Impractical"
impractical ile örnek cümleler göster.
"The tutor's teaching methods were impractical" "Don't use a pen in math class. It's impractical" "It is impractical to mix honey with vinegar" I can't think of many sentences but I hope these help :)
impractical ile örnek cümleler göster.
This is an impractical task.
The teacher uses an impractical method of teaching.
The teacher uses an impractical method of teaching.
Synonyms of "Impractical" and their differences
impractical ve impracticable arasındaki fark nedir?
Impractical: not recommended; unwise to do
Impracticable: impossible to do
(I’ll be honest, I have not heard “impracticable” used that often.)
Impracticable: impossible to do
(I’ll be honest, I have not heard “impracticable” used that often.)
impractical ve unrealistic arasındaki fark nedir?
They usually can be both used for the same thing but there is a slight difference.
impractical is used when things are are not logical. (Things that don't go make sense)
"A very large dog can not live in a small apartment complex, it's impractical"
"it's impractical for me to do the hang clothes out on a rainy day"
unrealistic is used for things that cannot happen in life. (it is an more of an informal word)
"My mom said it's unrealistic for me to become a Doctor because I don't like to study"
"it's unrealistic for me to go to live on the moon"
When in doubt use unrealistic, It is a more common word.
impractical is used when things are are not logical. (Things that don't go make sense)
"A very large dog can not live in a small apartment complex, it's impractical"
"it's impractical for me to do the hang clothes out on a rainy day"
unrealistic is used for things that cannot happen in life. (it is an more of an informal word)
"My mom said it's unrealistic for me to become a Doctor because I don't like to study"
"it's unrealistic for me to go to live on the moon"
When in doubt use unrealistic, It is a more common word.
Other questions about "Impractical"
Lütfen bana nasıl telaffuz edeceğimi öğret impractical .
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