Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Kiddie"
The meaning of "Kiddie" in various phrases and sentences
What do kiddie mean?
Like kids? ne anlama geliyor?
Like kids? ne anlama geliyor?
It's usually an adjective to describe something for small children. A kiddie pool is a small, shallow pool for children.
kiddie esque ne anlama geliyor?
Meant for children, Like you can say "Pokemon is kiddie-esque"
you're a kiddie pool ne anlama geliyor?
It's an insult.
Meaning "you are shallow". (肤浅)
Meaning "you are shallow". (肤浅)
Other questions about "Kiddie"
You want to ride this kiddie car? bu doğru görünüyor mu?
× You want to ride this kiddie car?
✓ Do you want to ride this kiddie car?
Questions like these usually need a helping verb to sound correct
✓ Do you want to ride this kiddie car?
Questions like these usually need a helping verb to sound correct
Thank you for the kiddie pool! My kids are playing inside the pool without the water in the living room all day. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
Thank you for the kiddie pool! My kids have been playing inside the pool without the water in the living room all day.
She gave me this kiddie pool too. You can fill the pool with water and play in summer! bu doğru görünüyor mu?
Also, she gave me this kiddie pool. You could probably fill it up and play in it during the summer!
(Yours was grammatically correct but sounded off)
(Yours was grammatically correct but sounded off)
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