Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Leg"
The meaning of "Leg" in various phrases and sentences
get leg up on somebody ne anlama geliyor?
This means to get an advantage.
"I have been lifting weights for the last three months. This will give me a leg up on everyone else at the competition."
"I have been lifting weights for the last three months. This will give me a leg up on everyone else at the competition."
Pull your leg (Idiom) ne anlama geliyor?
To joke with someone about something
They are getting more than a leg up on us. ne anlama geliyor?
GET A LEG UP: To be ahead of someone or something; to get information that others may not have; to have an advantage.
>> I drove along the marathon route earlier to get a leg up on the other runners.
>> I drove along the marathon route earlier to get a leg up on the other runners.
"get a leg up" in 366 ne anlama geliyor?
An advantage
to have a leg to stand on ne anlama geliyor?
You have a solid argument for your position. More often the phrase is ' He doesn't have a leg to stand on' - so his case will collapse.
Example sentences using "Leg"
"leg room" ile örnek cümleler göster.
The person in the front seat of the car might ask someone in the back seat, “Do you have enough leg room?”
You’ll have more leg room on the plane in First Class.
You’ll have more leg room on the plane in First Class.
leg up ile örnek cümleler göster.
"leg up" meaning an advantage. (I suppose the expression could be from the act of climbing a ladder or mounting a horse)
- If you study hard now, it will give you a leg up in college.
- His sister is the boss, so that will give him a leg up.
- Get plenty of rest tonight and that will give you a leg up tomorrow.
- You will get a leg up on the others if you are early.
- Knowing the area well, gave him a leg up during his escape.
As you see, "leg up" usually follows the verb "give" or "get".
"leg up" meaning an advantage. (I suppose the expression could be from the act of climbing a ladder or mounting a horse)
- If you study hard now, it will give you a leg up in college.
- His sister is the boss, so that will give him a leg up.
- Get plenty of rest tonight and that will give you a leg up tomorrow.
- You will get a leg up on the others if you are early.
- Knowing the area well, gave him a leg up during his escape.
As you see, "leg up" usually follows the verb "give" or "get".
to pulling my leg ile örnek cümleler göster.
"Stop pulling my leg, that is not funny!"
Synonyms of "Leg" and their differences
artificial leg ve prosthetic leg arasındaki fark nedir?
No real difference, they mean the same thing.
leg ve foot arasındaki fark nedir?
Foot is the part of the leg below the ankle.
leg ve feet and foot arasındaki fark nedir?
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leg ve foot arasındaki fark nedir?
leg means including thigh but usually not including hip but foot means the part of lower limb that we can move by will
leg ve lap ve calf arasındaki fark nedir?
leg is your whole leg, calf in the bottom part of your leg
and if you were to sit down and someone sat on top of you they would be sitting in your lap
and if you were to sit down and someone sat on top of you they would be sitting in your lap
Translations of "Leg"
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? 다리가ㅠ없어진거같아
I feel like I lost my leg (bcz of leg day workout)
is it correct?
I feel like I lost my leg (bcz of leg day workout)
is it correct?
i worked out so hard i can’t feel my legs anymore!
Bunu İngilizce (Birleşik Krallık) da nasıl dersiniz? When you‘ve broken your leg, twisted your ankle etc. How do you refer to your legs? I mean, e.g., I can stand on my affected (?) leg and not on the unaffected (?) one. Would that be understandable?
That works, it sounds a bit unnatural though.
“good” and “bad” would be natural options
“good” and “bad” would be natural options
Bunu İngilizce (Birleşik Krallık) da nasıl dersiniz? 彼はサッカー試合の時に、ボールが2人の間になかったのに、わざとディビッドの足を蹴った。 He kicked David’s leg intentionally when there was not a soccer ball between them while the football game. I translated it by myself. Could you tell me how you speak the sentence in English?
もう、ほとんどすごい!!でも、...between them during/in the football game の方が自然だ。
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? is it correct to say “lower your pants’ leg”, referring to when a pants’ leg is a bit up in your leg
That is correct. It may be more common to say "Pull your pants leg down."
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? pulling my leg
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Other questions about "Leg"
To pull someone’s leg is to tell a lie but in a friendly way. You can tell someone to not pull your leg.
In these sentences, is it proper to say "to not pull your leg"? Shouldn't it be ? If both are commonly used, is there a difference of nuance?
In these sentences, is it proper to say "to not pull your leg"? Shouldn't it be ? If both are commonly used, is there a difference of nuance?
Nothing grammatically. Makes perfect sense. Just uncommon to say.
If someone’s leg was fractured and had a surgery. Will you say, I’m sorry for you or I’m sorry to hear about that?
first, here's your question with a couple corrections:
"If someone's leg was fractured and THEY HAD SURGERY, would you say "I'm sorry for you" or "I'm sorry to hear about that".
I would say... #2. I'm sorry to hear about that, is better. Because it was a one-time thing and you are sorry it happened. You might also add... "I wish you a SPEEDY RECOVERY", that's a good everyday phrase.
"If someone's leg was fractured and THEY HAD SURGERY, would you say "I'm sorry for you" or "I'm sorry to hear about that".
I would say... #2. I'm sorry to hear about that, is better. Because it was a one-time thing and you are sorry it happened. You might also add... "I wish you a SPEEDY RECOVERY", that's a good everyday phrase.
After i broke my leg on Feb. 29 till today, i have been many things like did a surgery putting screws into my leg to fasten my ankle, first time stayed in hospital in Thailand.
Since i fell down from skate board, now whenever i saw my skate board which leans on the wall in front of my house, i can’t help to ask myself a question : when i get recovered, will i start to play it again? bu doğru görünüyor mu?
Since i fell down from skate board, now whenever i saw my skate board which leans on the wall in front of my house, i can’t help to ask myself a question : when i get recovered, will i start to play it again? bu doğru görünüyor mu?
× After i broke my leg on Feb. 29 till today, i have been many things like did a surgery putting screws into my leg to fasten my ankle, first time stayed in hospital in Thailand.
✓ From the day I broke my leg, on Feb 29, till today, I have been through a lot, including having a surgery to put screws into my leg to fasten my ankle. It was also the first time I had stayed in a hospital in Thailand.
× Since i fell down from skate board, now whenever i saw my skate board which leans on the wall in front of my house, i can’t help to ask myself a question : when i get recovered, will i start to play it again?
✓ Because I fell off a skateboard, now, whenever I see my skateboard, which leans on the wall in front of my house, I can’t help but ask myself: when I recover, will I continue to skate?
✓ From the day I broke my leg, on Feb 29, till today, I have been through a lot, including having a surgery to put screws into my leg to fasten my ankle. It was also the first time I had stayed in a hospital in Thailand.
× Since i fell down from skate board, now whenever i saw my skate board which leans on the wall in front of my house, i can’t help to ask myself a question : when i get recovered, will i start to play it again?
✓ Because I fell off a skateboard, now, whenever I see my skateboard, which leans on the wall in front of my house, I can’t help but ask myself: when I recover, will I continue to skate?
He broke his leg drunk.
He broke his leg skiing.
He broke his leg skiing drunk.
Are these sentences correct ?
Can I put any adjective in the end of the sentence ?
Thank you.
He broke his leg skiing.
He broke his leg skiing drunk.
Are these sentences correct ?
Can I put any adjective in the end of the sentence ?
Thank you.
Indeed, this is pretty puzzling to me too.
There is something different between these two expressions, but I can't quite put my finger on it. I'll need to think about this.
There is something different between these two expressions, but I can't quite put my finger on it. I'll need to think about this.
He broke his leg drunk.
In this sentence, it seem strange for me to put the adjective word "drunk" in the end of the sentence. Why can I do that, and what does it mean? Thank you.
In this sentence, it seem strange for me to put the adjective word "drunk" in the end of the sentence. Why can I do that, and what does it mean? Thank you.
Yeah "He came home drunk" is perfectly natural.
"He broke his leg drunk" may be natural in British English, or in some other country, but it doesn't sound natural to me in American English.
"He broke his leg drunk" may be natural in British English, or in some other country, but it doesn't sound natural to me in American English.
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