Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Liquid"
The meaning of "Liquid" in various phrases and sentences
He squirted washing-up liquid on ropes. (What dors squirted mean?) ne anlama geliyor?
If you take a bottle of washing up liquid and give it a quick squeeze, then the washing up liquid shoots out. This shooting out of a liquid is 'squirting'.
You can squirt someone with a hose if you aim the water coming out at them.
You can squirt someone with a hose if you aim the water coming out at them.
make-up liquid ne anlama geliyor?
I think it is "liquid make-up" instead of make-up liquid. Those are make-ups that are in the form of liquid like liquid foundation, etc.
graceful liquid cooling in living in room ne anlama geliyor?
Do you have any more context? It sounds like some kind of air conditioner/cooling system you can use in your house in the living room. Graceful means beautiful or sleek and stylish.
Synonyms of "Liquid" and their differences
liquid ve fluid arasındaki fark nedir?
Thank you for your help!
the natural, watery liquid in the mouth that keeps it wet and helps prepare food for digestion. why "digestion" not "digesting" , because we have "for" before the word . is digestion the gerund form ? ve why it's not "helps to prepare" , is it the same? , there's no difference if we let it as it is or add "to" and becomes "to prepare" ? arasındaki fark nedir?
thank you , but i mean , why the sentence is (..helps prepare food...) why it's not (...helps to prepare food..)
is it the same ?
is it the same ?
liquid ve fluid arasındaki fark nedir?
liquid - water, blood, juice, etc (it has to be in liquid state)
fluid - it can be gas or liquid
this is what my teachers teach me in college
fluid - it can be gas or liquid
this is what my teachers teach me in college
a liquid ve liquid arasındaki fark nedir?
A liquid is a noun.
Liquid is an adjective.
Water, milk, beer, wine are all liquids. A liquid can flow.
Liquid detergent is poured into the washing machine.
Oxygen tanks contain liquid oxygen.
Liquid is an adjective.
Water, milk, beer, wine are all liquids. A liquid can flow.
Liquid detergent is poured into the washing machine.
Oxygen tanks contain liquid oxygen.
Translations of "Liquid"
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? Pouring hot liquid from one container into the other to cool it off.What single English word describes this?
German is fantastic in that it has such specific words. In English, our words are more general. If you need help with a sentence that explains that, I can help. Otherwise, I can’t think of a single word. Sorry!
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? liquid
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Bunu İngilizce (Birleşik Krallık) da nasıl dersiniz? The Liquid version of EPDM is identical to the sheet version EPDM, but because it's a liquid you will never need to worry about seams. What is mean of seams
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Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? liquid
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Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? liquid
Other questions about "Liquid"
How do you call those liquids like sauce, mayo, ketchup, or vinegar? You call things like salt, pepper, or chili powder "seasoning". Is there such similar word to call sauce or vinegar?
I would say "sauce" or "dressing".
Can I use bleed out to refer to other liquids? For example:
when you drip water on a piece of paper the moisture bleeds out?
when you drip water on a piece of paper the moisture bleeds out?
You can also say something like “I washed this purple shirt, and the color bled.” Meaning that the purple dye got on some other things.
why for liquids it's use some? like: i need some coffee/water
liquid is a general term. it can be used for any kind of liquid and not just coffee/water
We are using a polar liquid such as water. We also need filter paper and a funnel. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
You can't use "such as" when you are currently doing something, as if you were using it now then you'd be specific.
We are using water.
We are going to be using a polar liquid such as water.
We are using water.
We are going to be using a polar liquid such as water.
What do you call the black liquid in English that you drink when you eat breakfast. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
Replace the period with a question mark. Also I have no idea what the black liquid is. Milk is a white liquid, if that's what you mean. Lol :P
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