Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Manage"
The meaning of "Manage" in various phrases and sentences
managed ne anlama geliyor?
Depends on the context…
“I managed the situation.” Would mean you were in charge of or dealt with the situation.
“I managed just fine.” Would mean you did just fine.
Hope these help 🙂
“I managed the situation.” Would mean you were in charge of or dealt with the situation.
“I managed just fine.” Would mean you did just fine.
Hope these help 🙂
How he managed to find us is beyond me. ne anlama geliyor?
It means "I have no idea how he found us".
When something is "beyond me", it means I cannot understand it or I dont know anything about it.
When something is "beyond me", it means I cannot understand it or I dont know anything about it.
still managed ne anlama geliyor?
manage to ne anlama geliyor?
Is able to. E.g. "He managed to translate the book." = "He was able to translate the book." "Will you manage to complete your homework on time?" = "Will you be able to complete your homework on time?"
manage to ne anlama geliyor?
It means something was tough to do, or you struggled to do it.
"I managed to finish my homework."
"I managed to catch the bus."
"I managed to finish my homework."
"I managed to catch the bus."
Example sentences using "Manage"
"manage to" ile örnek cümleler göster.
I can't manage to get a job out of the country.
manage ile örnek cümleler göster.
Life is harder to manage when you have children.
If I manage to have time, I will visit my parents.
I never have any money because I find it hard to manage.
Life is harder to manage when you have children.
If I manage to have time, I will visit my parents.
I never have any money because I find it hard to manage.
manage to ile örnek cümleler göster.
Did you manage to get a hold of your mother?
Did you manage to finish your assignment in time?
I managed to finish my assignment in time.
Did you manage to finish your assignment in time?
I managed to finish my assignment in time.
manage ile örnek cümleler göster.
“Manage to” means you were able to do it. It means you got something done. Usually say it when the task you completed was hard. Example:
Walking to school is hard, but I “manage to” do it everyday.
Walking to school is hard, but I “manage to” do it everyday.
managed to ile örnek cümleler göster.
'He managed to get his bills paid on time.' 'I managed to finish my homework.' 'How did they manage that?'
Synonyms of "Manage" and their differences
manage ve deal with ve cope with arasındaki fark nedir?
All of these answers depends on the context. I will give the best examples I can:
I am managing a big project for work this year. (Formal)
Every time my roommate brings home friends I have to deal with the loud noise they make. (Annoying)
It is hard to cope with the death of my mother. (Very serious)
I am managing a big project for work this year. (Formal)
Every time my roommate brings home friends I have to deal with the loud noise they make. (Annoying)
It is hard to cope with the death of my mother. (Very serious)
can ve manage arasındaki fark nedir?
Can - physical ability to do something, sometimes a skill.
Example: I can swim.
He can go to the supermarket later.
Manage - to cope with some tasks.
Example: Jane managed to cook an apple pie and it was superb.
I managed to write a letter in English.
Example: I can swim.
He can go to the supermarket later.
Manage - to cope with some tasks.
Example: Jane managed to cook an apple pie and it was superb.
I managed to write a letter in English.
manage ve operate arasındaki fark nedir?
Manage means to be in charge of, run, and be IN control of something.
Operate means TO control, handle, to use, preform a task.
"I like managing my money"
"I work as a heavy equipment operator"
Operate means TO control, handle, to use, preform a task.
"I like managing my money"
"I work as a heavy equipment operator"
manage to ve sucess to arasındaki fark nedir?
You wouldn't really use either one. If you passed an exam you might say "I was successful on my exam." I supposed you could also say
"I managed to pass my exam." This implies that the exam was hard and you might have had trouble passing it.
"I managed to pass my exam." This implies that the exam was hard and you might have had trouble passing it.
he can manage to convince her. ve he can convince her arasındaki fark nedir?
"He manages to convince her" -> she might have not agreed at first but he was able to convince her. The word "manage" shows that convincing her was a bit hard.
"He can convince her" -> He is able to convince her.
"He can convince her" -> He is able to convince her.
Translations of "Manage"
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? manage to catch a cold
''Hold your phone as far from you as you can and squint your eyes''
is this correct and natural? if it is, give more some example please
''Hold your phone as far from you as you can and squint your eyes''
is this correct and natural? if it is, give more some example please
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? manage
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? i will manage
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? managed
Bunu İngilizce (Birleşik Krallık) da nasıl dersiniz? manage
KK [ˋmænɪdʒ] DJ [ˋmænidʒ]
Other questions about "Manage"
Lütfen bana nasıl telaffuz edeceğimi öğret But all he managed to do was.
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Lütfen bana nasıl telaffuz edeceğimi öğret manage.
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Lütfen bana nasıl telaffuz edeceğimi öğret managed .
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I've barely managed to live since I broke. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
It should say "I've barely managed to live since I'm broke." Don't forget to add the verb 'am'. Other than that, it's excellent! :)
I finally managed to be able to speak a little English recently. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
Recently, I have been able to speak a little English
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