Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Negotiations"
The meaning of "Negotiations" in various phrases and sentences
Negotiations seem a long way off ne anlama geliyor?
Negotiations are discussions. "A long way off" means it will be a long time. So the sentence means "It will probably be a long time until the discussions occur."
Translations of "Negotiations"
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? Negotiations
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Other questions about "Negotiations"
Negotiations were tense and had to be called off when they hit the boiling point.
Is there any difference in nuance between the boiling point and boiling point (without the) in this context?
Is there any difference in nuance between the boiling point and boiling point (without the) in this context?
thanks a lot for the useful comment.
Negotiations are only available when there is something to trade with each other especially between countries in politics condition. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
Negotiations only exist when there is something to trade between both sides, specially between countries in politics related situations.
Negotiations between the enemies are of necessity indirect. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
Negotiations between the enemies are an indirect necessity.
"Negotiations aimed at clarifying and improving disciplines and procedures under the existing WTO provisions applying to regional trade agreements" What does the "applying to..." part modify? "Disciplines and procedures" or "WTO provisions"?
I think the WTO provisions. But you are right; it is ambiguous.
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