Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Output"
The meaning of "Output" in various phrases and sentences
Indeed, output and employment in a few mostly middle-income countries, including South Africa, have yet to return to pre-crisis levels. ne anlama geliyor?
It means job opportunities in a few countries with less income including south Africa will take time to return to their pre-crisis levels.
Pre-crisis(before the crisis).
Pre-crisis(before the crisis).
You are not getting enough output. ne anlama geliyor?
you are not getting enough effort from somebody / something :)
make sure your "output" is high ne anlama geliyor?
Make sure that you produce a lot, maybe. difficult to say without the context.
output ne anlama geliyor?
Output: the amount of something produced by a person, machine, or industry
Example sentences using "Output"
output and input ile örnek cümleler göster.
So, if you just criticise everything..was is your constructive, positive input to this, please?
Synonyms of "Output" and their differences
output ve outcome ve result arasındaki fark nedir?
output = You added input to something and it gave you output back
outcome and result are similar and interchangeable
outcome and result are similar and interchangeable
output ve outcome arasındaki fark nedir?
Outcome is the result of something. For instance an investigation. Output is something that is...let's say..."produced". Output can be the signal from an amplifier for instance but also the document coming out of a printer
"output" ve "outcome" arasındaki fark nedir?
Output is a bit more technical.
It usually is used when referring to machines or systems.
Outcome is more general and used when talking about things that happen.
He sneezed on his girlfriend, and the outcome was obvious. She got sick.
Here you wouldn't say "the output" because people are not machines!
"The computer outputs the information" is an example for that word's usage.
Just depends on what you are talking about.
It usually is used when referring to machines or systems.
Outcome is more general and used when talking about things that happen.
He sneezed on his girlfriend, and the outcome was obvious. She got sick.
Here you wouldn't say "the output" because people are not machines!
"The computer outputs the information" is an example for that word's usage.
Just depends on what you are talking about.
output ve product arasındaki fark nedir?
Output 可以指結果。product 是產品。
Translations of "Output"
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? ビジネスシーンなどで、相手からの連絡やoutputを待つ時に「お待ちしております。」と相手にプレッシャーを与えず、丁寧に言いたい場合
I look forward to hearing from you. とよく付けますが、そう言うと、ちょっと「返事してね」「早く答えてね」と言うニュアンスが含まれると思います。
Thank you in advance for your assistance (or for your help).
Thank you in advance for your assistance (or for your help).
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? to output sound
Well, there are onomatopoeia (sound words) for specific things.
"The cat meows."
"The dog barks."
"The bug buzzes."
"The cow moos."
"The lion roars."
There are many, so here is a list:
If you wanted a single word for 'output sounds', I would say 'vocalize' is the best word for this.
"The cat vocalizes."
"The cat meows."
"The dog barks."
"The bug buzzes."
"The cow moos."
"The lion roars."
There are many, so here is a list:
If you wanted a single word for 'output sounds', I would say 'vocalize' is the best word for this.
"The cat vocalizes."
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? output
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Other questions about "Output"
The output of a system is determined by one constraint (bottleneck). Therefore, to maximize system productivity, you need to maximize the throughput at the bottleneck. Understanding this idea gives you the underlying philosophy of the Theory of Constraints. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
Sounds great!
If I were writing this I might use:
The output of a system is determined by one constraint: bottleneck.
If I were writing this I might use:
The output of a system is determined by one constraint: bottleneck.
What you need to improve your English is to output. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
Hmm, what are you trying to say exactly? I don’t think “output” is the correct word to use in this type of sentence.
I will do that regardless I don't know the output. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
reagardless needs "of". Regardless of the fact that I do not know that output.
I'm wondering that if I could speak English fluently but I noticed I haven't done my best for making it true.
Therefore I decided to output English from my mouth everyday to improve my speaking skills. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
I'm wondering that if I could speak English fluently but I noticed I haven't done my best for making it true.
Therefore I decided to output English from my mouth everyday to improve my speaking skills. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
I'm wondering if I could speak English fluently but noticed I haven't done my best to make it true. Therefore; I've decided to output English from my mouth every day to improve my speaking skills
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