Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Pcs"
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PCs were expensive and people who can buy them were limited 30 years ago.
However, they are necessities and one of necessary sources of information now. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
However, they are necessities and one of necessary sources of information now. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
PCs were expensive and people could only afford them about 30 years ago.
However, they are now necessities and one of the main sources of information.
However, they are now necessities and one of the main sources of information.
I have two PCs that have the same applications installed, but the version of some of the applications is different between the two PCs. So, I need to identify an application whose version is different between the two PCs by comparing the version of each of the applications in one PC with the version of a corresponding application in the other PC. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
Actually, it is grammatically correct. Great job for that. But don't repeat the words often once it is already understood from the context.
PCs are useful convenient gadgets. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
I would add a comma after "useful", so the sentence would be:
"PCs are useful, convenient gadgets."
"PCs are useful, convenient gadgets."
The PCs from ~~ can be purchased at the cheapest price if you buy them at bu doğru görünüyor mu?
What does the first 「~~」 correspond to? The manufacturer??
"The PCs from can be purchased at the cheapest price if you buy them at" .... >_<
If you are referring to the manufacturer, perhaps:
"You can get the best price on X社's PCs if you buy them at"
"You can get the best price on Dell PCs if you buy them at"
"Dell PCs can be purchased most inexpensively if you buy them from"
"The PCs from can be purchased at the cheapest price if you buy them at" .... >_<
If you are referring to the manufacturer, perhaps:
"You can get the best price on X社's PCs if you buy them at"
"You can get the best price on Dell PCs if you buy them at"
"Dell PCs can be purchased most inexpensively if you buy them from"
I wonder if they sell PCs that are cheaper than 300 dollars with 500 gb hard drive and 4 gb memory. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
"with a 500 gb hard drive and 4 gb memory"
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