Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Stern"
The meaning of "Stern" in various phrases and sentences
stern ne anlama geliyor?
@giovana876 star
stern ne anlama geliyor?
- Serious and unrelenting
- Using extreme measures or terms
- Putting someone under extreme pressure
The teacher was being stern when he scolded his student and sent him for detention.
- Using extreme measures or terms
- Putting someone under extreme pressure
The teacher was being stern when he scolded his student and sent him for detention.
Example sentences using "Stern"
stern ile örnek cümleler göster.
"Your attitude towards your subordinates is my concern, I need you to stop your stern behavior."
"I don't talk to my neighbor, his stern face makes me uncomfortable."
"I don't talk to my neighbor, his stern face makes me uncomfortable."
stern ile örnek cümleler göster.
It means someone is serious, normally authorities.
“She spoke to him with a stern tone”
“He got a stern talking to”
“The boy had a stern expression in his face”
“She spoke to him with a stern tone”
“He got a stern talking to”
“The boy had a stern expression in his face”
stern ile örnek cümleler göster.
He gave me a stern look.
Synonyms of "Stern" and their differences
stern ve solemn arasındaki fark nedir?
両方は真面目な感じだけど、一応stern は厳しくて叱れてる感じで、solemnはちょっと悲しいや寂しい感じかな(厳粛?)
A stern look 真面目で厳しい視線(ふざけてる時に、先生からの視線)
A stern voice 真面目で厳しい声(聞いてない時に、ママの声)
A solemn look 厳粛な視線(例えば、真面目な行事で坊主からの視線)
A solemn event 厳粛な行事(例えば、葬式)
A stern look 真面目で厳しい視線(ふざけてる時に、先生からの視線)
A stern voice 真面目で厳しい声(聞いてない時に、ママの声)
A solemn look 厳粛な視線(例えば、真面目な行事で坊主からの視線)
A solemn event 厳粛な行事(例えば、葬式)
stern ve strict arasındaki fark nedir?
They have a very similar meaning. Strict is much more commonly used.
stern ve strict ve rigid arasındaki fark nedir?
stern - very serious looking
strict - demanding that rules concerning behavior are obeyed and observed
rigid - not able to be changed or adapted
strict - demanding that rules concerning behavior are obeyed and observed
rigid - not able to be changed or adapted
stern ve strict ve firm arasındaki fark nedir?
@xexox1200 thank youuu 🙏🏻💕💕
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