Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Swinge"
The meaning of "Swinge" in various phrases and sentences
swinging ne anlama geliyor?
"Swinging out of the blue" means "happening unexpectedly" or "happening without warning."
We would usually say "coming out of the blue," or "happening out of the blue."
Also Alphaville is from Germany, so the singer's native language isn't English. A lot of the lyrics in that song don't sound like what a native speaker would say.
I like the song a lot, though.
We would usually say "coming out of the blue," or "happening out of the blue."
Also Alphaville is from Germany, so the singer's native language isn't English. A lot of the lyrics in that song don't sound like what a native speaker would say.
I like the song a lot, though.
swinging by.
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ne anlama geliyor?
@fabiasouto1 it means visiting but for a short a period of time.
swinging by.
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it means in this case come to this person's house without having planned in advance to have gone to their house. but it could just simply mean going to someone's house but in a nice and non forceful way
example: Feel free to swing by our party if you cancel your plans
bad example: stop by ( a bit forceful depending on relationship to person) if you cancel your plans
example: Feel free to swing by our party if you cancel your plans
bad example: stop by ( a bit forceful depending on relationship to person) if you cancel your plans
swinging open ne anlama geliyor?
Usually "swinging open" refers to a door opening quickly.
"swinging" in 465 ne anlama geliyor?
It could mean two things depending on context, but it looks like in this case it means a man who is attracted to both men and women. For example, he "swings both ways".
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