Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Wordplay"
The meaning of "Wordplay" in various phrases and sentences
A: clever wordplay. I like it you must be related to me
B: only by marriage
A:Give it to me.
Q: what is 'give it to me' mean in this conversation? ne anlama geliyor?
B: only by marriage
A:Give it to me.
Q: what is 'give it to me' mean in this conversation? ne anlama geliyor?
It means either they want, or want you to tell them something. It could also be said as a joke.
Synonyms of "Wordplay" and their differences
wordplay ve pun arasındaki fark nedir?
Wordplay and pun are a lot alike but a pun is more like jokes.
Other questions about "Wordplay"
"What does it mean that wordplay?"
"I don't understand what that joke mean."
Does this English sound natural?
"I don't understand what that joke mean."
Does this English sound natural?
"What does that wordplay mean?"
"I don't understand what that joke means."
"I don't understand what that joke means."
I’m trying to make a wordplay. Is it grammatically fine? If it’s not funny, leave only positive comment.
I had a ball to play soccer.
I enjoyed playing soccer, and literally I pick it up in the game that is not unusual.
I had a ball to play soccer.
I enjoyed playing soccer, and literally I pick it up in the game that is not unusual.
I cannot tell where the wordplay is. the second sentence does not make sense to me. could you explain a little bit what you're trying to say? The only thing I can see is the wordplay with "had a ball" meaning "had fun" or literally "had a soccer ball"
I realized that February was going to be over soon. February is shorter than other months, so it passes in a short. In Japan, we have a wordplay like this “Ichigatsu wa Iku (January just went), Nigatsu wa Nigeru (February runs away), Sangatsu wa Saru (March leaves).” This means that time flies from January to March with rhyming the first word. I had been busy in April every year, so I made the sentence “Shigatu wa shinu (April dies)” as a continuation. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
I realized that February was going to be over soon. February is shorter than other months, so it passes in a short. In Japan, we have a wordplay like this “Ichigatsu wa Iku (January just went), Nigatsu wa Nigeru (February runs away), Sangatsu wa Saru (March leaves).” This means that time flies from January to March with rhyming the first word. I had been busy in April every year, so I made the sentence “Shigatu wa shinu (April dies)” as a continuation. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
Thank you for your help!
Thank you for your help!
Please, could you tell me if in wordplay, the use of the highlighted phrase would be acceptable, or more important, understandable?
No, this would be acceptable:
... but to his disappointment, none was the one.
... but to his disappointment, none was the one.
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