Kemet~Black African History

Kemet Kemetic Egyptian Black African History
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5 Sections
Giclee Painting: Limestone Statue of God Bes from the Yard of a Chapel
Size: 12x9in Limestone Statue of God Bes from the Yard of a Chapel Built by Nectanebo IChoose from our catalog of over 500,000 posters!
detail from a statuette of the God Thoth in His form of sacred ibis wearing the Triple-‘Atef’ Crown with ram’s horns and two uraei. VI century BCE
Silver figure of the God Re-Horakhty. New Kingdom - Late Period. 1550-332 B.C…
12 Animal Hieroglyphs and How the Ancient Egyptians Used Them | Stories
This is the first article in a series of three that will teach you about the translation of some hieroglyphs, their meanings in the Egyptian written language, and some fun and interesting facts about the things they depict. This article will deal with animals, real and fantasy, as well as animal body parts, following articles will discuss people and objects.
Egypt Museum
grandegyptianmuseum: “ Silver pendant in shape of ram’s head wearing uraeus, with incised details. Late Period, 26th Dynasty, ca. 664-525 BC. Now in the British Museum, EA18300. ”